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Created April 10, 2010 17:40
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2010-04-10T09:34:13 *** [J] is now known as juju2143
2010-04-10T10:06:47 <danopia> duckinator, hi
2010-04-10T10:10:29 *** Amrykid2 <Amrykid2!> has joined #botters
2010-04-10T10:12:19 *** Amrykid <Amrykid!Alex@botters/amrykid> has quit IRC
2010-04-10T10:19:11 *** Amrykid2 is now known as Amrykid
2010-04-10T10:19:22 *** Amrykid <Amrykid!Alex@botters/amrykid> has joined #botters
2010-04-10T10:25:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ttech
2010-04-10T10:25:53 *** Ttech was kicked by Ttech (Ttech)
2010-04-10T10:26:00 *** Ttech <Ttech!~ttech@botters/staff/ttech> has joined #botters
2010-04-10T10:26:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Ttech
2010-04-10T10:26:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ttech
2010-04-10T10:26:10 *** Ttech <Ttech!~ttech@botters/staff/ttech> has left #botters
2010-04-10T10:26:13 *** Ttech <Ttech!~ttech@botters/staff/ttech> has joined #botters
2010-04-10T10:26:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Ttech
2010-04-10T10:26:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ttech
2010-04-10T10:26:22 *** Ttech sets mode: +b Ttech!*@*
2010-04-10T10:26:29 *** Ttech sets mode: -b tech!*@*
2010-04-10T10:26:32 <CarbonDioxide> what
2010-04-10T10:26:32 *** Ttech sets mode: -b Ttech!*@*
2010-04-10T10:26:35 <Ttech> CarbonDioxide, I'm testing somethi
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