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Created August 28, 2010 01:46
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Save Ttech/554543 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// List of 216 Colors (Ideally I'd like to eventually make a random color generator
$colors_list = array(
function get_random_color_old(){
global $colors_list;
$numeral = intval(count($colors_list));
} else {
print "failure";
$randpick = mt_rand(0,$numeral);
$picked_color = $colors_list[$randpick];
return $picked_color;
function get_random_color(){
$color = "rgb(";
for($colors = 1; $colors <= 3; $colors++){
$color .= mt_rand(0,255).",";
$color .= ")";
return str_replace(",)",")",$color);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- HTML IRC Log Generator Version 1 (20101140) -->
<!-- Developed by Ttech < -->
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>IRC Logs <?php get_channel_name(); ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<div id="header">
<h3>Logs for channel: <em><?php get_channel_name(); ?></em></h3>
<div class="date_selector"><?php //make_date_list($channel); ?></div>
<div id="wrapper">
$path = "/home/ttech/logs/ChannelLogger";
$excludes = array(
"alright sparky",
$actual_lines = 1;
$line_change = array(
$users = array();
$channel = "#transcendence";
function get_channel_name(){
global $channel;
echo $channel;
function make_date_list(){
$channel = stripslashes(htmlentities($_GET['channel']));
//$line = "\t\t<div class=\"dates\"><p>";
$line = "";
$dates = array("January","Febuary","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
foreach($dates as $date){
echo " / <a href=\"?month=$date\">$date</a> /";
//$line .= "</p></div>";
function get_last_updated(){
// Why the heck is filemtime not workign here?!
print date("F d H:i:s.");
function is_even($number){
return(!($number & 1));
function make_users_list($users){
echo "\t\t<ul>\n";
foreach($users as $user => $color){
echo "\t\t\t<li style=\"color: $color\">$user</li>\n";
echo "\t\t</ul>";
function process_line($line_num,$line,$null){
global $excludes,$actual_lines,$colors_list,$users;
$date = "";
$line_type = "line_even";
} else {
$line_type = "line_odd";
$line = htmlentities($line);
// We need to create the line correctly, purge anything possibly not usefull to us.
// We need a better line thing here but I can't remember what I was saying.
$message_parts = explode(" ",$line);
if(preg_match("/(.*T.*) (\*\*\* (.*?) .*(has (joined|quit)|sets|was kicked) (.*))/",htmlspecialchars_decode($line),$matches_result)){
$date = $matches_result[1];
$user = $matches_result[3];
/*if(!$user == $message_parts[3]){
$user = $message_parts[3];
echo "True $user\n";
$user = str_replace(array("<",">","&gt;","&lt;"),"",$message_parts[3]);
$line = str_replace("*** $user","*** <span class=\"nick\">$user</span>",$line);
$line = "<span class=\"action\">".$matches_result[2]."</span>\n";
} elseif(stristr($line,"***") OR stristr($line,"* ")){
$date = $message_parts[0];
$user = $message_parts[3];
$user = str_replace(array("<",">","&gt;","&lt;"),"",$message_parts[3]);
$line = "<span class=\"action\">".$line."</span>\n";
} else {
foreach($excludes as $exclude){
//if(!stristr($line,$exclude) OR !stristr($line,"***")){
if(preg_match("/([0-9+\$\/_.-]*?T[0-9+\$\:\/_.-]*) .*(\<(.*?)\> .*)/",htmlspecialchars_decode($line),$matches_result)){
$date = $matches_result[1];
$nick = $matches_result[3];
$user = $matches_result[3];
$user = str_replace(array("<",">","&gt;","&lt;"),"",$message_parts[2]);
//echo "A: ".$message_parts[2]."\tB: $user\n";
if(!fnmatch("*\*\*\* $nick &lt;*!~*\@*\&gt; ", $line) OR !fnmatch("*\*\*\* $nick <*!~*\@*> ", $line)){
$user = explode("!",$user);
$user = $user[0];
$line = str_replace(array("&lt;$user&gt;","<$user>"),"<span class=\"nick\"><span style=\"color: ".$users[$user]."\">$user</span></span>",$line);
} else {
$users[$user] = get_random_color();
$actual_lines++; // Increment all lines that are real...
} // end regex line match
} // End Foreach
} // End IF / Else
// Make a nice date format whoa hworth hw ot wrthp st
$line = str_replace($date,"",$line);
// Massive hack goes here... Fix later
//$date = str_replace(array(" ","T"),array("","\t"),$date);
$date_parts = explode("T", $date);
$date = "<span class=\"prefix\"><span class=\"date\">".$date_parts[0];
@$date .= "<span class=\"time\">".str_replace(" ","",$date_parts[1])."</span>";
$date .= "</span></span>";
// End hack
$proc_line = str_replace(array("\n","\t","\r"," "," "),"",$line);
echo "\t\t\t<div class=\"$line_type\"><span class=\"linenumbers\">$line_num</span>$date<span class=\"content\">".$proc_line."</span></div>\n";
if(@isset($_GET['channel']) OR @stristr($_GET['channel'],"##")){
$channel = str_replace(array("#","##"),"",stripslashes(strval(urldecode($_GET['channel']))));
case "transcendence":
$channel = "#transcendence";
$channel = $channel;
$month = stripslashes(strval(urldecode($_GET['month'])));
} else {
$month = date("F");
$channel = stripslashes(strval(urldecode($_GET['channel'])));
} else {
$network = "freenode";
include "header.php";
$filename = "$path/$network/#$channel/$month/#$channel.log";
echo "\t\t<div id=\"messages\">\n";
$lines = file($filename, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
echo "\t\t</div>\n\t </div>\n\t<div id=\"userbar\">\n";
echo "\t</div>";
} else {
echo "\t\t<div id=\"messages\"><p>Sorry no channel exists by that name perhaps you should remove the forward # from the name and try again?</p></div>";
include "footer.php";
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#messages .line_odd {
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