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Last active January 6, 2017 19:31
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This is a fun little project you can probably complete in a single weekend (after all the parts arrive)!
All parts were purchased from either Adafruit, AliExpress, or Amazon, and I went with the cheapest parts available.
Your milage may vary, but if you want very reliable - just stick with all Adafruit parts!
Adafruit has some neat chips under the "Feather" label.
All of these parts should work with any Feather for the most part, with the exception of the SD Card Reader.
For my "mobile" station design I used an Adafruit Feather Huzzah!
For the "base" stations, I used the LoRA Feathers
For the sensors:
My goal was to use as few pins as possible, to that end, I primarily used I2C and Dallas 1-Wire Sensors
This should make all these parts compatilble with Arduinos, ESP8266 modules, Particles, etc as long as its 3.3v logic.
VEML6070 - It says it can calculate UV Index, but I haven't figured out how, or how to calculate it manually (what unit does it use???)
SI1145 - Has two sensors, "visible" and "uv", but its apparently relatively unreliable and documentation very sparse
The soil moisture sensor specs I'll be uploading.
As for the rest, I'll upload more as I find all the links for the parts...
Total is ~$200, which is ~$100 cheaper than the cheapest Davis weather station and has more sensors.
Problem Notes:
* Pullup Resistors: i2c is a bit problematic, all the breakout boards have pullup resistors on them when you should only have one for all of them. Good option is to simply remove the pullups on all but the first i2c chip but this makes things a bit weird since its all sufrace mount. (Going to look into getting PCBs of these chips)
* LED Indicators: Breakouts have all separate power indicator LEDs which just wastes power, removing these appears to have had no ill effects but increased power efficency a bit!
* i2c Addresses & Calibration: If you're ordering outside of Adafruit or Sparkfun some chips have preset i2c addresses which don't match to the libraries used - I used a Raspberry Pi to identify i2c addresses and made things a lot easier. Also some of these chips require some calibration if you're ordering from bulk - luckly they're pretty reliable once calibrated.
* Power: In an effort to make things more efficient, the external ADS1115 has a nifty feature called "single read" which allows us to power up and read data from analog, and then drop down again (thus using less power), however, direct power to the analog components is still there! I used a pin to control power via a transistor to the analog 3v power (people also recommend handling ground as well). Looking for some input on this to make more power efficent solutions, but removing power to unused components did help. i2c chips selected most have automatic "idle" where they use tiny amount of power, so not too worried abou these.
* WiFi / ESP8266 / LoRA - If you are using LoRA radios, the radio can remain off until transmit using approxmately 80mah until power up and transmit at around 200mah for a short duration. If you're on ESP8266 - see this Leaving the radio off will use around 80mah as well, but turning it on will peak the power for short periods, we can select different packet sizes and speeds (sorta)!
Part Price Reason/Description
Adafruit Feather $10-20 The main chip!
BME280 $8 Relatively high accuracy sensor for temperature (+/- 1 C) humidity and pressure
GUVA-S12SD $6 UV Index Calculation (Analog)
ADS1115 $8 16-bit 4 channel ADC. this is very low power using it to read the UV data - the soil moisture data - leaf moisture - anemometer . (i don't collect rain so you may want to use one of the i2c uv sensors instead)
Anycubic DS3231 AT24C32 $10 I specifically picked this module because it contains the DS3231 for accurate time keeping but also contains the AT24C32 for storage of settings (once I get that implemented)
DC Power Converter 2.5-6V to 5V $6 Many of these to chose from but we just want to make sure we don't go above 5v output and accidentally fry our Feather!
GPS Module $14 For the mobile station I use this for time position elevation orietnation
Wildgame Solar Panel $20 Power the Solar Charging Unit!
DS18B20 $2 Dallas 1-Wire Temperature Sensors (Accurate around +/- .5C) use one for soil temperature and external accurate ambient temperature.
TCS34725 $8 RGB Color / LUX sensor
Rain Sensor Rainwater $1-4 Used to determine leaf moisture
USB DC & Solar Lipoly Charger $20 This is from Adafruit its very well made and I would highly recmomend and I want to make sure there's reliable power to the device and no magic smoke.
10K Precision Epoxy Thermistor $2-4 Used for the thermal regulation on the charger
4x Breadboards $5-30 Got a few spares pick the size you want
Case $20 Housing!
AS3935 $30 Used to detect lightning around 1-40km away doesn't really detect direction
SPI SD Card $6 For data logging on the base station logs for 30 minutes and then clears or just for full storage
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