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Last active April 10, 2020 15:31
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lc0 q to cp eval fitting
from os import path
import urllib.request
base_url = '{}.pgjson'
games = list(range(1, 17+1))
for game in games:
url = base_url.format(game)
basename = url.split('/')[-1]
if path.exists(basename):
print('Already have game {}'.format(game))
print('Downloading {}'.format(url))
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
with open(basename, 'wb') as f:
import numpy as np
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
from scipy.optimize import root, curve_fit, minimize
from scipy import stats'ggplot')
def move_to_float(m):
if '-M' in m or '-#' in m:
return -128
if 'M' in m or '#' in m:
return 128
m = float(m)
if m > 128:
return 128
if m < -128:
return -128
return m
def get_evals(game):
with open(game, 'r') as f:
game = json.loads(
lc0_black = 'LCZero' in game['Headers']['Black']
black_eval = []
white_eval = []
for e, move in enumerate(game['Moves']):
if move['book']:
if e % 2 == 0:
# Returns [lc0_eval, sf_eval]
if lc0_black:
lc0_eval, sf_eval = black_eval, white_eval
lc0_eval, sf_eval = white_eval, black_eval
if len(lc0_eval) > len(sf_eval):
lc0_eval = lc0_eval[:-1]
if len(sf_eval) > len(lc0_eval):
sf_eval = sf_eval[:-1]
assert len(lc0_eval) == len(sf_eval)
return lc0_eval, sf_eval
games = glob.glob('*.pgjson')
lc0_eval, sf_eval = [], []
for game in games:
lc0, sf = get_evals(game)
def q_to_cp(q):
return 295 * q / (1 - 0.976953126 * q**14)
def q_to_cp_2018(q):
return 290.680623072 * np.tan(1.548090806 * q)
def q_to_cp_new(q):
return 111.7 * np.tan(1.5620688421 * q)
def cp_to_q(cp):
f = lambda q: 295 * q / (1 - 0.976953126 * q**14) - cp
return root(f, x0=0).x[0]
def abs_loss(f_cp, qs, evals):
l = 0
for e in range(len(evals)):
if qs[e] < 0:
if np.isnan(evals[e]):
l += np.abs(0.01 * f_cp(qs[e]) - evals[e])
return l / len(evals)
sf_eval10 = [min(10, max(-10, e)) for e in sf_eval]
q = [cp_to_q(100 * cp) for cp in lc0_eval]
q10 = [cp_to_q(100 * min(10, max(-10, cp))) for cp in lc0_eval]
sf_eval10_bins = stats.binned_statistic(q, sf_eval, 'median', bins=40, range=(-1,1))
bin_centers = 0.5 * (sf_eval10_bins.bin_edges[1:] + sf_eval10_bins.bin_edges[:-1])
plt.scatter(q, sf_eval10, label='SF eval')
qs = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
cps = [0.01 * cp for cp in q_to_cp(qs)]
cps_2018 = [0.01 * cp for cp in q_to_cp_2018(qs)]
cps_new = [0.01 * cp for cp in q_to_cp_new(qs)]
print('centipawn', abs_loss(q_to_cp, bin_centers, sf_eval10_bins.statistic))
print('centipawn_2018', abs_loss(q_to_cp_2018, bin_centers, sf_eval10_bins.statistic))
print('centipawn_pr841', abs_loss(q_to_cp_new, bin_centers, sf_eval10_bins.statistic))
plt.plot(bin_centers, sf_eval10_bins.statistic, label='Median SF eval', color='y')
plt.plot(qs, cps, color='b', linestyle='--', label='centipawn')
plt.plot(qs, cps_2018, color='g', linestyle='--', label='centipawn_2018')
plt.plot(qs, cps_new, color='g', linestyle='--', label='centipawn_pr841')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Lc0 Q')
plt.ylabel('SF eval')
plt.xlim([-1, 1])
plt.ylim([-10, 10])
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