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Last active February 24, 2017 18:12
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Natty Reporter
// @namespace
// @version 0.13
// @description Adds a Natty link below answers that sends a report for the bot in SOBotics. Intended to be used to give feedback on reports (true positive / false positive / needs edit) or report NAA/VLQ-flaggable answers.
// @author Tunaki
// @include /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?stackoverflow\.com\/.*/
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
var room = 111347;
var isMod = $('.js-mod-inbox-button').length > 0;
function sendChatMessage(msg, answerId) {
method: 'GET',
url: '' + room,
onload: function (response) {
var fkey = response.responseText.match(/hidden" value="([\dabcdef]{32})/)[1];
method: 'POST',
url: '' + room + '/messages/new',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
data: 'text=' + encodeURIComponent(msg) + '&fkey=' + fkey,
onload: function (r) {
$('[data-answerid="' + answerId + '"]').addClass('natty-reported').html('Reported to Natty!');
function sendSentinelAndChat(answerId, feedback) {
var link = '' + answerId;
var match = /(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(.*)\.com\/(.*)(?:\/([0-9]+))?/g.exec(link);
var sentinelUrl = 'http://www.' + match[1] + '.com/' + match[2];
method: 'GET',
url: '' + encodeURIComponent(sentinelUrl),
onload: function (sentinelResponse) {
if (sentinelResponse.status !== 200) {
alert('Error while reporting: status ' + sentinelResponse.status);
var sentinelJson = JSON.parse(sentinelResponse.responseText);
if (sentinelJson.items.length > 0) {
sendChatMessage('@Natty feedback ' + link + ' ' + feedback, answerId);
} else if (feedback === 'tp' && !isMod) {
sendChatMessage('@Natty report ' + link, answerId);
onerror: function (sentinelResponse) {
alert('Error while reporting: ' + sentinelResponse.responseText);
function sendRequest(event) {
var messageJSON;
try {
messageJSON = JSON.parse(;
} catch (zError) { }
if (!messageJSON) return;
if (messageJSON[0] == 'postHrefReportNatty') {
$.get('//'+messageJSON[1]+'?site=stackoverflow&key=qhq7Mdy8)4lSXLCjrzQFaQ((&filter=!3tz1WbZYQxC_IUm7Z', function(aRes) {
// post is deleted, just report it (it can only be an answer since VLQ-flaggable question are only from review, thus not deleted), otherwise, check that it is really an answer and then its date
if (aRes.items.length === 0) {
sendSentinelAndChat(messageJSON[1], messageJSON[2]);
} else if (aRes.items[0]['post_type'] === 'answer') {
var answerDate = aRes.items[0]['creation_date'];
var currentDate = / 1000;
// only do something when answer was less than 2 days ago
if (Math.round((currentDate - answerDate) / (24 * 60 * 60)) <= 2) {
$.get('//'+messageJSON[1]+'/questions?site=stackoverflow&key=qhq7Mdy8)4lSXLCjrzQFaQ((&filter=!)8aBxR_Gih*BsCr', function(qRes) {
var questionDate = qRes.items[0]['creation_date'];
// only do something when answer was posted at least 30 days after the question
if (Math.round((answerDate - questionDate) / (24 * 60 * 60)) >= 30) {
sendSentinelAndChat(messageJSON[1], messageJSON[2]);
window.addEventListener('message', sendRequest, false);
const ScriptToInject = function() {
function addXHRListener(callback) {
let open =; = function() {
this.addEventListener('load', callback.bind(null, this), false);
open.apply(this, arguments);
function reportToNatty(e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.closest('a.natty-reported').length > 0) return false;
var postId = $this.closest('').find('a.short-link').attr('id').split('-')[2];
var feedback = $this.text();
if (!confirm('Do you really want to report this post with feedback \'' + feedback + '\'?')) return false;
window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(['postHrefReportNatty', postId, feedback]), "*");
function handleAnswers(postId) {
var $posts;
if(!postId) {
$posts = $('.answer .post-menu');
} else {
$posts = $('[data-answerid="' + postId + '"] .post-menu');
$posts.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.append($('<span>').attr('class', 'lsep').html('|'));
var $dropdown = $('<dl>').css({ 'margin': '0', 'z-index': '1', 'position': 'absolute', 'white-space': 'nowrap', 'background': '#FFF' }).hide();
$.each(['tp', 'fp', 'ne'], function(i, val) { $dropdown.append($('<dd>').append($('<a>').css({ 'display': 'block', 'width': '35px' }).click(reportToNatty).text(val))); });
$this.append($('<a>').attr('class', 'report-natty-link').html('Natty').hover(function() { $dropdown.toggle(); }).append($dropdown));
addXHRListener(function(xhr) {
if (/ajax-load-realtime/.test(xhr.responseURL)) {
let matches = /answer" data-answerid="(\d+)/.exec(xhr.responseText);
if (matches !== null) {
addXHRListener(function(xhr) {
var matches = /flags\/posts\/(\d+)\/add\/(AnswerNotAnAnswer|PostLowQuality)/.exec(xhr.responseURL);
var matched = matches !== null && xhr.status === 200;
if (!matched) {
matches = /posts\/(\d+)\/vote\/10/.exec(xhr.responseURL);
matched = matches !== null && JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)['Success'] && $('.js-mod-inbox-button').length > 0;
if (matched) {
window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(['postHrefReportNatty', matches[1], 'tp']), "*");
$(document).ready(function() {
const ScriptToInjectNode = document.createElement('script');
const ScriptToInjectContent = document.createTextNode('(' + ScriptToInject.toString() + ')()');
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