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Created March 7, 2021 00:25
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<title>Frontend Mentor | Fylo landing page with dark theme and features grid</title>
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<img src="images/illustration-intro.png" class="img-fluid intro-img" alt="illustration-intro">
<h2>All your files in one secure location, accessible anywhere.</h2>
<p>Fylo stores all your most important files in one secure location. Access them wherever
you need, share and collaborate with friends family, and co-workers.</p>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg first-btn">Get Started</button>
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<img src="images/icon-access-anywhere.svg" alt="icon-access-anywhere">
<p>Access your files, anywhere</p>
<p>The ability to use a smartphone, tablet, or computer to access your account means your
files follow you everywhere.</p>
<div class="offset-1 col-10 offset-sm-0 col-sm-6 text-center">
<figure class="security">
<img src="images/icon-security.svg" alt="icon-security">
<p>Security you can trust</p>
<p>2-factor authentication and user-controlled encryption are just a couple of the security features we allow to help secure your files.</p>
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<figure class="collaboration">
<img src="images/icon-collaboration.svg" alt="icon-collaboration">
<p>Real-time collaboration</p>
<p>Securely share files and folders with friends, family and colleagues for live collaboration.
No email attachments required.</p>
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<figure class="any-file">
<img src="images/icon-any-file.svg" alt="icon-any-file">
<p>Store any type of file</p>
<p>Whether you're sharing holidays photos or work documents, Fylo has you covered allowing for all
file types to be securely stored and shared.</p>
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<img src="images/illustration-stay-productive.png" class="img-fluid" alt="illustration-stay-productive">
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<h2>Stay productive, wherever you are</h2>
<p>Never let location be an issue when accessing your files. Fylo has you covered for all of your file
storage needs.</p>
<p>Securely share files and folders with friends, family and colleagues for livecollaboration. No email attachments required.</p>
<a href="/">See how Fylo works <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i></a>
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<div class="testimonials mb-5 py-4 px-4">
<p class="profile-1">Fylo has improved our team productivity by an order of magnitude. Since making the switch our team has become a well-oiled collaboration machine.</p>
<img src="images/profile-1.jpg" alt="profile-1">
<p>Satish Patel</p>
<p>Founder & CEO, Huddle</p>
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<div class="testimonials mb-5 py-4 px-4">
<p class="profile-1">Fylo has improved our team productivity by an order of magnitude. Since making the switch our team has become a well-oiled collaboration machine.</p>
<img src="images/profile-2.jpg" alt="profile-2">
<p>Bruce McKenzie</p>
<p>Founder & CEO, Huddle</p>
<div class="offset-1 col-10 offset-sm-0 col-sm-4 mt-3">
<div class="testimonials mb-5 py-4 px-4">
<p class="profile-1">Fylo has improved our team productivity by an order of magnitude. Since making the switch our team has become a well-oiled collaboration machine.</p>
<img src="images/profile-3.jpg" alt="profile-3">
<p>Iva Boyd</p>
<p>Founder & CEO, Huddle</p>
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<h2>Get early access today</h2>
<p>It only takes a minute to sign up and our free starter tier is extremely generous. If you have any questions, our support team would be happy to help you.</p>
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Challenge by <a href="" target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>.
Coded by <a href="">Olatunji Omisakin</a>.
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