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Forked from diosmosis/
Created April 10, 2018 01:07
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Asynchronous function calling with python and GTK.
import threading
from gi.repository import GObject
# calls f on another thread
def async_call(f, on_done):
Starts a new thread that calls f and schedules on_done to be run (on the main
thread) when GTK is not busy.
f (function): the function to call asynchronously. No arguments are passed
to it. f should not use any resources used by the main thread,
at least not without locking.
on_done (function): the function that is called when f completes. It is
passed f's result as the first argument and whatever
was thrown (if anything) as the second. on_done is
called on the main thread, so it can access resources
on the main thread.
if not on_done:
on_done = lambda r, e: None
def do_call():
result = None
error = None
result = f()
except Exception, err:
error = err
GObject.idle_add(lambda: on_done(result, error))
thread = threading.Thread(target = do_call)
# free function decorator
def async_function(on_done = None):
A decorator that can be used on free functions so they will always be called
asynchronously. The decorated function should not use any resources shared
by the main thread.
@async_function(on_done = do_whatever_done)
def do_whatever(look, at, all, the, pretty, args):
# ...
on_done (function): the function that is called when the decorated function
completes. If omitted or set to None this will default
to a no-op. This function will be called on the main
on_done is called with the decorated function's result
and any raised exception.
A wrapper function that calls the decorated function on a new thread.
def wrapper(f):
def run(*args, **kwargs):
async_call(lambda: f(*args, **kwargs), on_done)
return run
return wrapper
# method decorator
def async_method(on_done = None):
A decorator that can be used on class methods so they will always be called
asynchronously. The decorated function should not use any resources shared
by the main thread.
@async_method(on_done = lambda self, result, error: self.on_whatever_done(result, error))
def do_whatever(self, look, at, all, the, pretty, args):
# ...
on_done (function): the function that is called when the decorated function
completes. If omitted or set to None this will default
to a no-op. This function will be called on the main
on_done is called with the class instance used, the
decorated function's result and any raised exception.
A wrapper function that calls the decorated function on a new thread.
if not on_done:
on_done = lambda s, r, e: None
def wrapper(f):
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
async_call(lambda: f(self, *args, **kwargs), lambda r, e: on_done(self, r, e))
return run
return wrapper
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