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Last active April 3, 2024 18:42
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  • Save Turupawn/a95b3cb20382fd740a500d87be7a42bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Scroll gas fees are a combination of "L2 execution fees" (on Scroll) and "L1 security fees" (on Ethereum):
totalFee = (l2GasPrice * l2GasUsed) + l1Fee
- `l2_gas_price` corresponds to the cost of execution on L2
- `l2_gas_used` corresponds to the amount of gas used on L2
- `l1Fee` corresponds to the data availibity and validity proof costs on L1
Visit our documentation for more information
export const name = 'Scroll Transaction Fees';
export const version = '0.0.1';
export const license = 'MIT';
export function setup(sdk: Context) {
const SCROLL_GAS_PREDEPLOY = '0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000002';
const SCROLL_GAS_ABI = [
inputs: [
internalType: 'bytes',
name: '_data',
type: 'bytes',
name: 'getL1Fee',
outputs: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: '',
type: 'uint256',
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',
sdk.ethers.addProvider("scroll", "");
const provider = sdk.ethers.getProvider("scroll");
const gasPredeployContract = sdk.ethers.getContract(SCROLL_GAS_PREDEPLOY, SCROLL_GAS_ABI, "scroll");
const getTransferEthCost = async () => {
const l2GasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
const l2GasEstimate = await provider.estimateGas({
from: '0xb6F5414bAb8d5ad8F33E37591C02f7284E974FcB', // Address has enough ETH that this won't fail
to: '0xcafebeefcafebeefcafebeefcafebeefcafebeef',
value: '0x38d7ea4c68000', // 0.001 ETH
const l1GasCost = await gasPredeployContract.getL1Fee(
nonce: 1234,
value: '0x38d7ea4c68000', // 0.001 ETH
gasPrice: l2GasPrice,
gasLimit: l2GasEstimate,
to: '0xcafebeefcafebeefcafebeefcafebeefcafebeef',
data: '0x',
const totalGasCostWei = l2GasPrice.mul(l2GasEstimate).add(l1GasCost).toNumber();
const ethPrice = await sdk.defiLlama.getCurrentPrice('coingecko', 'ethereum');
return (totalGasCostWei * ethPrice) / 1e18;
const getTransferTokenCost = async () => {
const l2GasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
const l2GasEstimate = await provider.estimateGas({
from: '0xb6F5414bAb8d5ad8F33E37591C02f7284E974FcB', // Random account with USDT
to: '0x06eFdBFf2a14a7c8E15944D1F4A48F9F95F663A4', // USDT Contract
const l1GasCost = await gasPredeployContract.getL1Fee(
nonce: 1234,
value: '0x',
gasPrice: l2GasPrice,
gasLimit: l2GasEstimate,
to: '0x06eFdBFf2a14a7c8E15944D1F4A48F9F95F663A4',
const totalGasCostWei = l2GasPrice.mul(l2GasEstimate).add(l1GasCost).toNumber();
const ethPrice = await sdk.defiLlama.getCurrentPrice('coingecko', 'ethereum');
return (totalGasCostWei * ethPrice) / 1e18;
const getSwapCost = async () => {
const l2GasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
const l2GasEstimate = await provider.estimateGas({
from: '0xb6F5414bAb8d5ad8F33E37591C02f7284E974FcB', // Random account with USDT
to: '0xfc30937f5cDe93Df8d48aCAF7e6f5D8D8A31F636', // Uniswap Router
const l1GasCost = await gasPredeployContract.getL1Fee(
nonce: 1234,
value: '0x',
gasPrice: l2GasPrice,
gasLimit: l2GasEstimate,
to: '0xfc30937f5cDe93Df8d48aCAF7e6f5D8D8A31F636',
const totalGasCostWei = l2GasPrice.mul(l2GasEstimate).add(l1GasCost).toNumber();
const ethPrice = await sdk.defiLlama.getCurrentPrice('coingecko', 'ethereum');
return (totalGasCostWei * ethPrice) / 1e18;
id: 'scroll',
queries: {
feeTransferEth: getTransferEthCost,
feeTransferERC20: getTransferTokenCost,
feeSwap: getSwapCost,
metadata: {
icon: sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader(
category: 'l2',
name: 'Scroll',
'Scroll is scaling Ethereum through zero knowledge tech and EVM compatibility.',
l2BeatSlug: 'scroll',
website: '',
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