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Created September 14, 2016 19:34
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title: "loop over widgets"
author: "Tutuchan"
date: "14 septembre 2016"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
plot_list <- lapply(1:2, function(i) {
chartjs(height = "200px") %>%
cjsBar(labels = LETTERS[1:10]) %>%
cjsSeries(data = c(abs(c(rnorm(8))), NA, 0.5), label = "Series 1") %>%
cjsSeries(data = abs(c(rnorm(10))), label = "Series 2") %>%
cjsSeries(data = abs(c(rnorm(10))), label = "Series 3") %>%
cjsTitle(title = paste("Chart", i)) %>%
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