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Created March 1, 2019 10:31
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ZIO approach with TF
import cats.~>
object playground {
// typeclasses
trait MIO[F[_], R, +E, +A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): MIO[F, R, E, B]
def flatMap[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B](k: A => MIO[F, R1, E1, B]): MIO[F, R1, E1, B]
def transform[G[_]](nt: F ~> G): MIO[G, R, E, A]
trait EnvAccess[F[_]] {
def accessM[R, E, A](f: R => MIO[F, Any, E, A]): MIO[F, R, E, A]
object EnvAccess {
def apply[F[_]](implicit F: EnvAccess[F]): EnvAccess[F] = F
def accessM[F[_]: EnvAccess, R, E, A](f: R => MIO[F, Any, E, A]): MIO[F, R, E, A] =
// db
trait EvalDB[F[_], DB[_]] {
def evalDb: DB ~> F
// model
trait Currency
// repository
trait CurrencyRepository[F[_]] {
def currencyRepository: CurrencyRepository.Api[F]
object CurrencyRepository {
trait Api[F[_]] {
def findAllCurrencies: MIO[F, Any, Nothing, Seq[Currency]]
// service
trait CurrencyService[F[_], DB[_]] {
def currencyService: CurrencyService.Api[F, DB]
object CurrencyService {
trait Api[F[_], DB[_]] {
def findAllCurrencies: MIO[F, CurrencyRepository[DB] with EvalDB[F, DB], Nothing, Seq[Currency]]
class Impl[F[_]: EnvAccess, DB[_]] extends Api[F, DB] {
override def findAllCurrencies: MIO[F, CurrencyRepository[DB] with EvalDB[F, DB], Nothing, Seq[Currency]] =
EnvAccess.accessM { env =>
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