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Last active May 22, 2017 22:00
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* Adapted from
* with added tagging operators, function-first-style tagging, and explicit container-types tagging.
object tag {
type Tag[+U] = { type Tag <: U }
type Tagged[+T, +U] = T with Tag[U]
type @@[+T, +U] = Tagged[T, U]
/** Function-first-style tagging API.
* @tparam U type to tag with
* @return `Tagger` instance that can be used for tagging */
def apply[T, U](t: T): T @@ U = t.asInstanceOf[T @@ U]
implicit class TaggingExtensions[T](val t: T) extends AnyVal {
/** Tag with type `U`.
* @tparam U type to tag with
* @return value tagged with `U` */
def taggedWith[U]: T @@ U = t.asInstanceOf[T @@ U]
/** Synonym operator for `taggedWith`. */
def @@[U]: T @@ U = taggedWith[U]
implicit class AndTaggingExtensions[T, U](val t: T @@ U) extends AnyVal {
/** Tag tagged value with type `V`.
* @tparam V type to tag with
* @return value tagged with both `U` and `V` */
def andTaggedWith[V]: T @@ (U with V) = t.asInstanceOf[T @@ (U with V)]
/** Synonym operator for `andTaggedWith`. */
def +@[V]: T @@ (U with V) = andTaggedWith[V]
implicit class TaggingExtensionsF[F[_], T](val ft: F[T]) extends AnyVal {
/** Tag intra-container values with type `U`.
* @tparam U type to tag with
* @return container with nested values tagged with `U` */
def taggedWithF[U]: F[T @@ U] = ft.asInstanceOf[F[T @@ U]]
/** Synonym operator for `taggedWithF`. */
def @@@[U]: F[T @@ U] = taggedWithF[U]
implicit class AndTaggingExtensionsF[F[_], T, U](val ft: F[T @@ U]) extends AnyVal {
/** Tag tagged intra-container values with type `U`.
* @tparam V type to tag with
* @return container with nested values tagged with both `U` and `V` */
def andTaggedWithF[V]: F[T @@ (U with V)] = ft.asInstanceOf[F[T @@ (U with V)]]
/** Synonym operator for `andTaggedWithF`. */
def +@@[V]: F[T @@ (U with V)] = andTaggedWithF[V]
/** Base tagged type trait.
* @tparam R raw value type */
trait TaggedType[R] {
/** Tagged value tag. */
sealed trait Tag
/** Raw value type. */
type Raw = R
/** Tagged value type. */
type Type = Raw @@ Tag
/** Create tagged value from raw value. */
def apply(raw: Raw): Type = raw.@@[Tag]
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