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Last active August 31, 2018 09:01
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import cats.implicits._
import cats.{Applicative, Functor}
trait ContextRead[F[_], Ctx] {
def read: F[Ctx]
object ContextRead {
def apply[F[_], Ctx](implicit context: ContextRead[F, Ctx]): ContextRead[F, Ctx] = implicitly
def reader[F[_]: Applicative, Ctx]: ContextRead[ReaderT[F, Ctx, ?], Ctx] = new ReaderContextRead
private class ReaderContextRead[F[_]: Applicative, Ctx] extends ContextRead[ReaderT[F, Ctx, ?], Ctx] {
override def read: ReaderT[F, Ctx, Ctx] =
ReaderT.ask[F, Ctx]
implicit def functorInstance[F[_]: Functor, Ctx]: Functor[ContextRead[F, ?]] = new ContextReadFunctor
private class ContextReadFunctor[F[_]: Functor, Ctx] extends Functor[ContextRead[F, ?]] {
override def map[A, B](fa: ContextRead[F, A])(f: A => B): ContextRead[F, B] =
new ContextRead[F, B] {
override def read: F[B] =
trait ContextScope[F[_], Ctx] {
def scope[T](f: Ctx => Ctx)(ft: F[T]): F[T]
object ContextScope {
def apply[F[_], Ctx](implicit context: ContextScope[F, Ctx]): ContextScope[F, Ctx] = implicitly
def reader[F[_]: Applicative, Ctx]: ContextScope[ReaderT[F, Ctx, ?], Ctx] = new ReaderContextScope
private class ReaderContextScope[F[_]: Applicative, Ctx] extends ContextScope[ReaderT[F, Ctx, ?], Ctx] {
override def scope[T](f: Ctx => Ctx)(ft: ReaderT[F, Ctx, T]): ReaderT[F, Ctx, T] =
trait Context[F[_], Ctx] extends ContextRead[F, Ctx] with ContextScope[F, Ctx]
object Context {
def apply[F[_], Ctx](implicit context: Context[F, Ctx]): Context[F, Ctx] = implicitly
def reader[F[_]: Applicative, Ctx]: Context[ReaderT[F, Ctx, ?], Ctx] = new ReaderContext
private class ReaderContext[F[_]: Applicative, Ctx] extends Context[ReaderT[F, Ctx, ?], Ctx] {
override def read: ReaderT[F, Ctx, Ctx] =
override def scope[T](f: Ctx => Ctx)(ft: ReaderT[F, Ctx, T]): ReaderT[F, Ctx, T] =
private val contextRead = ContextRead.reader[F, Ctx]
private val contextScope = ContextScope.reader[F, Ctx]
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