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Created August 7, 2022 13:51
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Sun Sip Interpreter
# SLWNSNBP, or "Sun Sip"
# Simple Language Whose Name Should Not Be Pronounced
import random
import math
import sys
import os
import re
def before_run():
if '--help' in sys.argv: print('''
Syntax: python3 program.slwnsnbp [options]
--help : Print this help message and exit.
-d : Debug mode.
-v : Verbose mode.
-w : Disable warnings.
'''); sys.exit()
file_containing_program = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
print('\nNo program specified.\n'
'Use the --help option for '
'usage help.\n'); sys.exit()
debug_mode = '-d' in sys.argv
disable_warnings = '-w' in sys.argv
verbose_mode = '-v' in sys.argv
with open(file_containing_program, 'r') as f:
program = f.readlines()
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f'Sorry, I can not find the file: '
f'Check the path, name, and file extension.'
f'\nFor usage help, use the --help option.')
return program, debug_mode, disable_warnings, verbose_mode
program, debug_mode, disable_warnings, verbose_mode = before_run()
def parse_program(program):
program = [i.strip() for i in program]
program = [[i.split(' ')[0], ' '.join(i.split(' ')[1:])] for i in program]
program = [[j.strip() for j in i] for i in program]
return program
program = parse_program(program)
if debug_mode or verbose_mode: print(f'\nProgram:\n{program}\n')
current_line = 0; variables = {}; instructions = parameters = None
def parse_value(value):
# integer:
# with one or no '- character and one or more characters from "0123456789"
# Use re.match to check if the string matches the pattern.
integer_pattern = r'^-?[0-9]+$'
if re.match(integer_pattern, value):
return int(value)
# float:
# with one or no '- character, some or no characters from "0123456789",
# the '. character, and some or no characters from "0123456789"
# Use re.match to check if the string matches the pattern.
float_pattern = r'^-?[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$'
if re.match(float_pattern, value):
if value == '.': value = '0.'
if value == '-.': value = '-0.'
return float(value)
# Scientific Notation of integers:
# with one or no '- character,
# one or more characters from "0123456789", the letter "e",
# and one or more characters from "0123456789"
# Use re.match to check if the string matches the pattern.
scino_int_pattern = r'^-?[0-9]+e[0-9]+$'
if re.match(scino_int_pattern, value):
first, second = value.split('e')
return int(first) * 10 ** int(second)
# Scientific Notation of floats:
# with one or no '- character,
# some or no characters from "0123456789", one or no '. character,
# and some or no characters from "0123456789", the letter "E",
# some or no characters from "0123456789", one or no '. character,
# and some or no characters from "0123456789"
# Use re.match to check if the string matches the pattern.
scino_float_pattern = r'^-?[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*E[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*$'
if re.match(scino_float_pattern, value):
first, second = value.split('E')
if first == '': first = '0'
if first == '-': first = '0'
if first == '.': first = '0'
if first == '-.': first = '0'
if second == '': second = '0'
if second == '.': second = '0'
return float(first) * 10 ** float(second)
# string:
# with one '" character, some or no more characters,
# and an optional '" character
# To indicate a '" character at the end of string,
# end with two double quotes.
# Use re.match to check if the string matches the pattern.
string_pattern = r'^".*"?$'
if re.match(string_pattern, value):
value = value[1:]
if value.endswith('"'):
value = value[:-1]
return value
# character:
# with one '' character, some character, and an optional '' character.
# "''" will denote the '' character inside of "".
# Use re.match to check if the string matches the pattern.
character_pattern = r'^\'.$'
if re.match(character_pattern, value):
return value[1:]
if value == '[]': return list()
if value == '{}': return set()
if value == '<>': return list()
if value == 'y': return True
if value == 'n': return False
warn(f'VALUE {value} NOT RECOG AT LINE {current_line+1}')
return 0
def type_(value, careful=0):
if careful: return 'int' if value not in variables else type_(variables[value])
if isinstance(value, int): return 'int'
if isinstance(value, float): return 'float'
if isinstance(value, str): return 'string'
if isinstance(value, list): return 'array'
if isinstance(value, set): return 'set'
if isinstance(value, bool): return 'bool'
warn(f'{value} TYPE NOT RECOG'); return 'int'
def string(value):
value_type = type_(value)
if value_type == 'int': return str(value)
if value_type == 'float': return str(value)
if value_type == 'string': return "'"+value if len(value)==1 else '"'+value+'"'
if value_type == 'bool':
if value: return 'y'
return 'n'
if value_type == 'list': return '['+','.join(string(i) for i in value)+']'
if value_type == 'set': return '{'+','.join(string(i) for i in value)+'}'
warn(f'{value} STR NOT RECOG AT LINE {current_line+1}'); return '0'
def implied_type_conversion(value, to_type, implied=True):
from_type = type_(value)
if type(to_type) == dict: to_type = to_type[from_type]
if from_type == to_type: return value
if implied: warn(f'IMPL TYPE CONV AT LINE {current_line+1}')
if from_type == 'int' and to_type == 'float': return float(value)
if from_type == 'float' and to_type == 'int': return int(value//1)
if from_type == 'string' and to_type == 'character': return value[0]
if from_type == 'array' and to_type == 'set': return set(value)
if from_type == 'set' and to_type == 'array': return sorted(list(value))
if from_type == 'set' and to_type == 'stack':
stack = list(value)
return stack
if from_type == 'int' and to_type == 'bool': return value!=0
if from_type == 'float' and to_type == 'bool': return value>0
if from_type == 'bool' and to_type == 'int': return int(value)
if from_type == 'bool' and to_type == 'float': return float(int(value))
if from_type == 'string' and to_type == 'array': return list(value)
if from_type == 'string' and to_type == 'set': return set(value)
if from_type == 'string' and to_type == 'stack': return list(value)
if to_type == 'string': return string(value)
if from_type == 'array' and to_type == 'character': return '['
if from_type == 'set' and to_type == 'character': return '{'
if from_type == 'float' and to_type == 'character':
if value > 0: return '+'
if value < 0: return '-'
return '0'
if from_type == 'int' and to_type == 'character':
if value > 0: return '+'
if value < 0: return '-'
return '0'
if from_type == 'bool' and to_type == 'character':
if value: return 'y'
return 'n'
if from_type == 'array' and to_type == 'bool': return value==[]
if from_type == 'set' and to_type == 'bool': return value==set()
if from_type == 'stack' and to_type == 'bool': return value==[]
if from_type == 'bool' and to_type == 'array': return []
if from_type == 'bool' and to_type == 'set': return set()
if from_type == 'bool' and to_type == 'stack': return []
if from_type == 'string' and to_type == 'bool': return value==''
if from_type == 'string' and to_type == 'int': return len(value)
if from_type == 'string' and to_type == 'float': return float(len(value))
if from_type == 'int' and to_type == 'array': return [*range(1,value+1)]
if from_type == 'int' and to_type == 'set': return set(range(1,value+1))
if from_type == 'int' and to_type == 'stack': return [*range(1,value+1)]
if from_type == 'float' and to_type == 'array': return [*range(1,(value//1)+1)]
if from_type == 'float' and to_type == 'set': return set(range(1,(value//1)+1))
if from_type == 'float' and to_type == 'stack': return [*range(1,(value//1)+1)]
if from_type == 'array' and to_type == 'int': return len(value)
if from_type == 'set' and to_type == 'int': return len(value)
if from_type == 'array' and to_type == 'float': return float(len(value))
if from_type == 'set' and to_type == 'float': return float(len(value))
warn(f'UNEXP ERR AT LINE {current_line+1}')
def less(a, b):
if type_(a) == 'int': return a < implied_type_conversion(b, 'int')
if type_(a) == 'float': return a < implied_type_conversion(b, 'float')
if type_(a) == 'string': return a < implied_type_conversion(b, 'string')
if type_(a) == 'bool': return a < implied_type_conversion(b, 'bool')
if type_(a) == 'array':
b = implied_type_conversion(b, 'array')
for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))):
if less(a[i], b[i]): return True
if less(b[i], a[i]): return False
return len(a) < len(b)
if type_(a) == 'set':
b = implied_type_conversion(b, 'set')
if len(a) >= len(b): return False
for i in a:
if i not in b: return False
return True
def greater(a, b): return less(b, a)
def equal(a, b):
if type_(a) == 'int': return a == implied_type_conversion(b, 'int')
if type_(a) == 'float': return a == implied_type_conversion(b, 'float')
if type_(a) == 'string': return a == implied_type_conversion(b, 'string')
if type_(a) == 'bool': return a == implied_type_conversion(b, 'bool')
if type_(a) == 'array':
b = implied_type_conversion(b, 'array')
return a==b
if type_(a) == 'set':
b = implied_type_conversion(b, 'set')
return implied_type_conversion(a, 'array', implied=False) == \
implied_type_conversion(b, 'array', implied=False)
def report():
if debug_mode or verbose_mode:
print(f'\nCurrent Line: {current_line}')
print(f'\nInstruction: {instruction}')
print(f'\nParameters: {parameters}')
print(f'\nVariables: {variables}')
def warn(message):
if not disable_warnings:
# use red color for warnings
print(f'\n\033[91mWARNING: {message}\033[0m\n')
while current_line < len(program):
instruction = program[current_line][0]
parameters = program[current_line][1]
if False: pass
elif instruction == 'comment': pass
elif instruction == 'in':
if parameters == '':
if 'last' in variables:
variables['last'] = input(implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'string'))
warn(f'UNDEF VAR last IN LINE {current_line}')
variables['last'] = 0
variables['last'] = input(implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'string'))
var_name = parameters.strip()
if var_name in variables:
variables['last'] = input(implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'string'))
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {var_name} IN LINE {current_line}')
variables[var_name] = 0
variables['last'] = input(implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'string'))
elif instruction == 'out':
if parameters == '':
if 'last' in variables:
print(implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'string'))
warn(f'UNDEF VAR last IN LINE {current_line}')
variables['last'] = 0
print(implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'string'))
var_name = parameters.strip()
if var_name in variables:
print(implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'string'))
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {var_name} IN LINE {current_line}')
variables[var_name] = 0
print(implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'string'))
elif instruction == 'set':
if ' to ' in parameters:
var_name, var_value = parameters.split(' to ')
var_name, var_value = var_name.strip(), var_value.strip()
if var_name == '': var_name = 'last'
if var_value == '':
if 'last' in variables:
var_value = variables['last']
warn(f'UNDEF VAR last IN LINE {current_line}')
variables['last'] = 0
var_value = variables['last']
if var_value == 'last': var_value = variables['last']
else: var_value = parse_value(var_value)
variables[var_name] = var_value
variables['last'] = var_value
warn(f'UNEXP LINE {current_line+1}')
elif instruction == 'skip':
if parameters == '':
if 'last' in variables:
current_line += implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'int')
warn(f'UNDEF VAR last IN LINE {current_line}')
variables['last'] = 0
current_line += implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'int')
var_name = parameters.strip()
if var_name in variables:
current_line += implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'int')
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {var_name} IN LINE {current_line}')
variables[var_name] = 0
current_line += implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'int')
elif instruction == 'back':
if parameters == '':
if 'last' in variables:
current_line -= implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'int')+1
warn(f'UNDEF VAR last IN LINE {current_line}')
variables['last'] = 0
current_line -= implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'int')+1
var_name = parameters.strip()
if var_name in variables:
current_line -= implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'int')+1
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {var_name} IN LINE {current_line}')
variables[var_name] = 0
current_line -= implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'int')+1
elif instruction == 'goto':
if parameters == '':
if 'last' in variables:
current_line = implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'int')-1
warn(f'UNDEF VAR last IN LINE {current_line}')
variables['last'] = 0
current_line = implied_type_conversion(variables['last'], 'int')-1
var_name = parameters.strip()
if var_name in variables:
current_line = implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'int')-1
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {var_name} IN LINE {current_line}')
variables[var_name] = 0
current_line = implied_type_conversion(variables[var_name], 'int')-1
elif instruction == 'exit': break
elif instruction == 'calc':
function, *arguments = parameters.split(' ')
arguments = [*arguments]
if False: pass
elif function == 'addition':
if all([type_(argument,1)=='int' for argument in arguments]):
sum = 0
for argument in arguments:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum += implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'int')
variables['last'] = sum
sum = 0.0
for argument in arguments:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum += implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'float')
variables['last'] = sum
elif function == 'subtraction':
if all([type_(argument,1)=='int' for argument in arguments]):
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]], 'int')
for argument in arguments[1:]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum -= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'int')
variables['last'] = sum
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]], 'float')
for argument in arguments[1:]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum -= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'float')
variables['last'] = sum
elif function == 'multiplication':
if all([type_(argument,1)=='int' for argument in arguments]):
sum = 1
for argument in arguments:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum *= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'int')
variables['last'] = sum
sum = 1.0
for argument in arguments:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum *= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'float')
variables['last'] = sum
elif function == 'division':
if any([argument not in variables or
variables[argument]==0 for argument in arguments[1:]]):
warn(f'DIV BY ZERO IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables['last'] = 0
elif all([type_(argument,1)=='int' for argument in arguments]):
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]], 'int')
for argument in arguments[1:]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum /= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'int')
variables['last'] = sum
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]], 'float')
for argument in arguments[1:]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum /= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'float')
variables['last'] = sum
elif function == 'modulo':
if any([argument in variables or
variables[argument]==0 for argument in arguments]):
warn(f'DIV BY ZERO IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables['last'] = 0
elif all([type_(argument,1)=='int' for argument in arguments]):
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]], 'int')
for argument in arguments[1:]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum %= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'int')
variables['last'] = sum
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]], 'float')
for argument in arguments[1:]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
sum %= implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'float')
variables['last'] = sum
elif function == 'power':
if all([type_(argument,1)=='int' for argument in arguments]):
if arguments[-1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[-1]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[-1]], 'int')
for argument in arguments[-1:0:-1]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
if sum==implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'int')==0:
warn(f'ZERO POW ZERO IN LINE {current_line+1}')
try: sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'int') ** sum
except ZeroDivisionError:
warn(f'DIV BY ZERO IN LINE {current_line+1}')
sum = 0
variables['last'] = sum
if arguments[-1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[-1]] = 0
sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[-1]], 'float')
for argument in arguments[:-1]:
if argument not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {argument} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[argument] = 0
if sum==implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'float')==0:
warn(f'ZERO POW ZERO IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables['last'] = 1
try: sum = implied_type_conversion(variables[argument], 'float') ** sum
except ZeroDivisionError:
warn(f'DIV BY ZERO IN LINE {current_line+1}')
sum = 0
variables['last'] = sum
elif function == 'less':
true = True
for i in range(len(arguments)-1):
if arguments[i] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[i]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[i]] = 0
if arguments[i+1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[i+1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[i+1]] = 0
true = true and less(variables[arguments[i]], variables[arguments[i+1]])
variables['last'] = true
elif function == 'greater':
true = True
for i in range(len(arguments)-1):
if arguments[i] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[i]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[i]] = 0
if arguments[i+1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[i+1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[i+1]] = 0
true = true and greater(variables[arguments[i]], variables[arguments[i+1]])
variables['last'] = true
elif function == 'equal':
true = True
for i in range(len(arguments)-1):
if arguments[i] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[i]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[i]] = 0
if arguments[i+1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[i+1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[i+1]] = 0
true = true and equal(variables[arguments[i]], variables[arguments[i+1]])
variables['last'] = true
elif function == 'pop':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
try: variables['last'] = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]],
except IndexError:
warn(f'POP FROM EMPT ARR IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables['last'] = 0
elif function == 'reverse':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]],
elif function == 'index':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
try: variables['last'] = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]],
except IndexError:
warn(f'INDEX OUT OF RANGE IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables['last'] = 0
elif function == 'push':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]],
'array') + [arguments[1]]
elif function == 'join':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = \
'string') for i in implied_type_conversion(
variables[arguments[0]], 'array')])
elif function == 'split':
arguments += ['last']*5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]],
elif function == 'range':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
if arguments[2] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[2]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[2]] = 0
range_ = []
_1, _2, _3 = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[0]],
'float'), \
'float'), \
while True:
if _1 > _3:
_1 += _2
variables['last'] = range_
elif function == 'type':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[1]],
type_(variables[arguments[0]]), implied=False)
elif function == 'int':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = int(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'float':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = float(implied_type_conversion(
# math functions
elif function == 'sine':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.sin(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'cosine':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.cos(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'tangent':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.tan(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'arcsine':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.asin(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'arccosine':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.acos(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'arctangent':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.atan(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'phi': variables['last'] = (5**0.5+1)/2
elif function == 'pi': variables['last'] = math.pi
elif function == 'e': variables['last'] = math.e
elif function == 'factorial':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.factorial(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'log':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = math.log(implied_type_conversion(
'float'), implied_type_conversion(variables[arguments[1]],
# set functions
elif function == 'union':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = set(implied_type_conversion(
'list')) | set(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'intersection':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = set(implied_type_conversion(
'list')) & set(implied_type_conversion(
elif function == 'difference':
arguments += ['last'] * 5
if arguments[0] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[0]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[0]] = 0
if arguments[1] not in variables:
warn(f'UNDEF VAR {arguments[1]} IN LINE {current_line+1}')
variables[arguments[1]] = 0
variables['last'] = set(implied_type_conversion(
'list')) - set(implied_type_conversion(
else: warn(f'UNEXP LINE {current_line+1}')
current_line += 1
except Exception as e:
warn(f'UNEXP ERR IN LINE {current_line+1}')
if debug_mode: warn(f'The exception raised was:\n\n\n{e}'); raise
if debug_mode or verbose_mode: print('\n')
# By the way, nobody is looking at the source code, right?
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