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Created June 8, 2011 16:42
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%% name = Lupin::Parser
%% {
require 'rubinius/debugger'
require 'ast'
attr_accessor :ast
def process_string_escapes (text)
text = text.to_s
text.gsub! /\\(\d{1,3}|\D)/m do
seq = $1
case seq
when 'a' then "\a"
when 'b' then "\b"
when 'f' then "\f"
when 'n' then "\n"
when 'r' then "\r"
when 't' then "\t"
when 'v' then "\v"
when "\\" then "\\"
when "\r" then "\n"
when /\d{1,3}/ then seq.to_i.chr
else seq
# Top-level
root = - chunk:e - eof {@ast = e}
eof = !.
# A chunk is a block with no parent scope.
chunk = block
# TODO: add laststat (return/break)
block = (stat ";"?)*
# TODO: add actual statements
stat = expression
identifier = </[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/> { text }
# Expressions
# The higher in the list, the later they're evaluated. (lower precedence)
expression = prec1
prec1 = prec2:value
(- (B_ "or" B_ {:or}
- prec2:rhs
{ value = [op, value, rhs] }
)* {value}
prec2 = prec3:value
(- (B_ "and" B_ {:and}
- prec3:rhs
{ value = [op, value, rhs] }
)* {value}
prec3 = prec4:value
(- ( "<" {:lt}
| ">" {:gt}
| "<=" {:lte}
| ">=" {:gte}
| "~=" {:neq}
| "==" {:eql}
- prec4:rhs
{ value = [op, value, rhs] }
)* {value}
prec4 = prec5:value
(- ( ".." {:concat}
- prec5:rhs
{ value = [op, value, rhs] }
)* {value}
prec5 = prec6:value
(- ( "+" {:add}
| "-" {:sub}
- prec6:rhs
{ value = [op, value, rhs] }
)* {value}
prec6 = prec7:value
(- ( "*" {:mul}
| "/" {:div}
| "%" {:mod}
- prec7:rhs
{ value = [op, value, rhs] }
)* {value}
prec7 = (B_ "not" B_ {:not}
| "#" {:len}
| "-" {:unm}
- prec7:value
{ value = [op, value] }
| prec8:value
prec8 = prec9:lhs -
("^" {:pow}
):op -
{value = [op, lhs, rhs]}
| prec9:value
{ value }
prec9 = "(" - expression:value - ")" { value }
| prec10
prec10 = primitive
# Primitives
primitive = B_ "nil" B_ {[:nil]}
| B_ "false" B_ {[:false]}
| B_ "true" B_ {[:true]}
| "..." {[:varargs]}
| number
| string
# Numbers
number = (hex-literal | dec-literal):lit {[:number, lit]}
hex-literal = "0x" </[A-Fa-f0-9]+/> { text.to_i(16) }
dec-literal = dec-literal-base:b dec-literal-exponent:x { b * (10 ** x) }
| dec-literal-base
dec-literal-base = </\d*\.\d+/ | /\d+\.?/> { text.to_f }
dec-literal-exponent = /[Ee]/ </[+-]?\d+/> { text.to_i }
# Strings
string = (sgl-string | dbl-string | long-string):string {[:string, string]}
sgl-string = "'" </(\\.|[^\'\n])*/m> "'" {process_string_escapes(text)}
dbl-string = "\"" </(\\.|[^\"\n])*/m> "\"" {process_string_escapes(text)}
long-string = long-string-start:e
<(!long-string-end(e) .)*>
long-string-equals = <"="*> {text}
long-string-start = "[" <long-string-equals> "[" {text}
long-string-end(eqs) = "]" long-string-equals:e &{e.length == eqs.length} "]"
# Whitespace/comments
- = (whitespace | comment)*
whitespace = /\s+/
comment = "--" (line-comment | block-comment):comment {[:comment, comment]}
line-comment = !long-string-start </[^\n]*/> ("\n" | eof) {text}
block-comment = long-string
B_ = /\b|^|$/
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