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Created March 26, 2019 13:14
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module TestDecoder exposing (Node(..), input, main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (..)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (custom, hardcoded, optional, required)
type Node
= Node String (List Node)
main : Html msg
main =
text <| Debug.toString (Decode.decodeString (field "node" (list decodeNode)) input)
-- text <| Debug.toString (Decode.decodeString ( [ "map", "node" ] (list decodeNode)) input)
decodeNode : Decoder Node
decodeNode =
Decode.map2 Node
(field "@TEXT" string)
nodeChildren : Decoder (List Node)
nodeChildren =
[ field "node" (list (lazy (\_ -> decodeNode)))
, field "node" (map List.singleton (lazy (\_ -> decodeNode)))
, succeed []
input =
"node": [
"@TEXT": "1",
"node": [
"@TEXT": "1.1"
"@TEXT": "1.2"
"@TEXT": "2",
"node": {
"@TEXT": "2.1"
-- this was created here :
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