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Last active March 19, 2019 17:04
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Decoders in Elm
[deprecated]. See :
-- using Json.Decoder.Pipeline -- elm install noredink/elm-decode-pipeline
Please take note that in
type Map = Map {version: String, node : Node}
is not `List` of `Node` type. It is RootNode. Does the following make more sense?
type Map = Map {version: String, root_node : Node}
instead of line 6 ?
module Main exposing (Map(..))
-- import Json.Encode
import Element exposing (Color)
import Html
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, decodeString, float, int, lazy, list, nullable, string)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (hardcoded, optional, required)
import Time
type Map
= Map
{ version : String
-- root node
, node : Node
type Node
= Node String NodeAttributes (List Node)
type alias NodeAttributes =
{ style : Maybe String
, folded : Bool
, id : Maybe String
, created : Maybe Time.Posix
, modified : Maybe Time.Posix
-- , position : Maybe Position
-- Decoders
timestamp : Decoder Time.Posix
timestamp = Time.millisToPosix
decodeMindMap : Decoder Map
decodeMindMap =
Decode.succeed Map
|> required "@version" string
-- should there be a separate `decodeRootNode`
|> required "node" decodeNode
decodeNode : Decoder Node
decodeNode =
decodeNodeAttributes =
Decode.succeed NodeAttributes
|> required "@LOCALIZEDSTYLEREF" (nullable string)
|> required "@FOLDED" bool
|> required "@ID" (nullable string)
|> required "@CREATED" (nullable timestamp)
|> required "@MODIFIED" (nullable timestamp)
Decode.succeed Node
|> required "@TEXT" string
|> ???? decodeNodeAttributes
|> required "node" (list (lazy (\_ -> decodeNode)))
main =
Html.text (Debug.toString Node)
"map": {
"@version": "freeplane 1.7.0",
"@TEXT": "UPSC",
"@LOCALIZED_STYLE_REF": "default",
"@FOLDED": "false",
"@ID": "ID_523629448",
"@CREATED": "1487759666321",
"@MODIFIED": "1489498611522",
"node": [
"@TEXT": "TIME",
"@ID": "ID_414266408",
"@CREATED": "1490340755453",
"@MODIFIED": "1490340755929"
"@ID": "ID_1943867701",
"@CREATED": "1490340779136",
"@MODIFIED": "1490340918221"
"@TEXT": "Magnify",
"@ID": "ID_1818534457",
"@CREATED": "1490340772926",
"@MODIFIED": "1490341014628"
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