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Last active April 1, 2019 03:29
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reading json at runtime in Elm
module Central exposing (central_idea)
central_idea =
"map": {
"@version": "freeplane 1.7.0",
"node": {
"@TEXT": "Central Idea",
"node": [
"@TEXT": "IDEA 1",
"@POSITION": "right",
"@ID": "ID_273436263",
"@CREATED": "1554050528404",
"@MODIFIED": "1554050528404",
"@HGAP_QUANTITY": "91.26829627750192 pt",
"@VSHIFT_QUANTITY": "-30.731708746733723 pt",
"edge": {
"@COLOR": "#007c7c"
"@TEXT": "IDEA 2",
"@POSITION": "right",
"@ID": "ID_495676614",
"@CREATED": "1554050528404",
"@MODIFIED": "1554050528404",
"@HGAP_QUANTITY": "101.80488213352491 pt",
"@VSHIFT_QUANTITY": "-42.14634342409195 pt",
"edge": {
"@COLOR": "#009900"
"node": [
"@TEXT": "IDEA 2.1",
"@ID": "ID_744391648",
"@CREATED": "1554050528404",
"@MODIFIED": "1554050528404",
"@HGAP_QUANTITY": "15.756097642670499 pt",
"@VSHIFT_QUANTITY": "-14.926829962699236 pt"
"@TEXT": "IDEA 2.2",
"@ID": "ID_903669612",
"@CREATED": "1554050528404",
"@MODIFIED": "1554050528404"
"@TEXT": "IDEA 5",
"@POSITION": "left",
"@ID": "ID_1822402846",
"@CREATED": "1554050528405",
"@MODIFIED": "1554050528405",
"@HGAP_QUANTITY": "84.24390570681993 pt",
"@VSHIFT_QUANTITY": "-36.00000167474521 pt",
"edge": {
"@COLOR": "#ff9900"
"node": [
"@TEXT": "IDEA 5.1",
"@ID": "ID_1274507163",
"@CREATED": "1554050528405",
"@MODIFIED": "1554050528405",
"@HGAP_QUANTITY": "14.0 pt",
"@VSHIFT_QUANTITY": "-21.07317171204598 pt"
"@TEXT": "IDEA 5.2",
"@ID": "ID_1203076641",
"@CREATED": "1554050528405",
"@MODIFIED": "1554050528405"
module MMjsonDecoder exposing (MNode(..), Model, NodeAttributes, boolFromString, decodeNode, main, timestamp)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (..)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (custom, hardcoded, optional, required)
import Lazy.Tree as Tree exposing (Tree(..))
import Lazy.Tree.Zipper as Zipper exposing (Zipper)
import Time
import Central exposing (central_idea)
type alias Model =
Zipper ( Bool, MNode )
type MNode
= MNode String NodeAttributes (List MNode)
type alias NodeAttributes =
{ style : Maybe String
, folded : Maybe Bool
-- toInt = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt(String.dropLeft 3 d)) : converts `id` to int.
, id : Maybe String
, created : Maybe Time.Posix
, modified : Maybe Time.Posix
-- , position : Maybe Position
-- map : (a -> b) -> MNode a -> MNode b
-- map f (MNode a NodeAttributes (List MNode)) = MNode (f a) <| childrenMap f forest
getChildren (MNode _ _ children) =
-- Defaults
rootNode =
MNode "ROOT NODE" defaultNodeAttributes []
defaultNodeAttributes =
NodeAttributes Nothing (Just False) (Just "0") Nothing Nothing
main : Html msg
main =
-- viewPrettyJson
viewLevel zipper_tree
zipper_tree =
|> getChildren
|> Zipper.fromTree
input_node =
Decode.decodeString ( [ "map", "node" ] decodeNode) input_string
|> Result.withDefault rootNode
viewSimpleJson =
div []
[ text <| Debug.toString input_node
viewZipperTree =
div []
[ text <| Debug.toString zipper_tree
viewLevel : Zipper MNode -> Html msg
viewLevel zipper = []
[ viewMNode <| Zipper.current zipper
, Html.ul [] <| viewLevel <| Zipper.openAll zipper
viewMNode : MNode -> Html msg
viewMNode mnode =
div []
[ text <| getString mnode
getString (MNode str _ _) =
-- Decoding .mm -> .json to Node type
decodeNode : Decoder MNode
decodeNode =
Decode.succeed MNode
|> required "@TEXT" string
|> custom decodeNodeAttributes
|> custom decodeNodeChildren
decodeNodeChildren : Decoder (List MNode)
decodeNodeChildren =
[ Debug.log "node []" (field "node" (list (lazy (\_ -> decodeNode))))
, Debug.log "node {}" (field "node" (map List.singleton (lazy (\_ -> decodeNode))))
, Debug.log "else" succeed []
decodeNodeAttributes : Decoder NodeAttributes
decodeNodeAttributes =
Decode.succeed NodeAttributes
|> optional "@LOCALIZED_STYLE_REF" (map Just string) Nothing
|> optional "@FOLDED" (map Just boolFromString) Nothing
|> optional "@ID" (map Just string) Nothing
|> optional "@CREATED" (map Just timestamp) Nothing
|> optional "@MODIFIED" (map Just timestamp) Nothing
boolFromString : Decoder Bool
boolFromString =
(\s ->
if s == "true" then
succeed True
else if s == "false" then
succeed False
fail "invalid bool"
-- convert string to Maybe Timestamp
timestamp : Decoder Time.Posix
timestamp =
(\s ->
String.toInt s
|> (Time.millisToPosix >> Decode.succeed)
|> Maybe.withDefault ( "not a valid timestamp")
-- Converting to UTF-8 using `zwilias/elm-utf-tools 2.0.1`
-- input_string = large_input
input_string =
-- input_string = small_input
--input_string = input
-- this is the kind of input I am trying to read from json file in ReadingJson.elm
input =
"map": {
"node": {
"@TEXT": "alpha",
"edge": {
"@COLOR": "#ffffff"
"richcontent": {
"html": {
"head": null,
"body": {
"p": [
"1. Write the central idea",
"2. Save the map",
"3. Select central node,",
"click on icon to add picture",
"4. Delete menu links Add image..",
"with CTRL+K and delete field with link",
"5. Delete node details with right click on mouse",
"on central node - Remove node details"
"node": [
"@TEXT": "asldfjasfdl1",
"node": [
"@TEXT": "1.1"
"@TEXT": "1.2"
"@TEXT": "2",
"node": {
"@TEXT": "2.1"
module Main exposing (Model, Msg(..), filesDecoder, init, main, subscriptions, update, view)
import Browser
import File exposing (File)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
import MMjsonDecoder exposing (..)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model =
List File
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( [], Cmd.none )
type Msg
= GotFiles (List File)
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotFiles files ->
( files, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ input
[ type_ "file", multiple True, on "change" ( GotFiles filesDecoder) ]
, div [] [ text (Debug.toString model) ]
-- , text <| Debug.toString (Decode.decodeString ( [ "map", "node" ] decodeNode) inputData)
file_received : Decode.Decoder (List File)
file_received =
Decode.field "dataTransfer" (Decode.field "files" (Decode.list File.decoder))
-- TODO : NEED TO stringify json file I select from 'ChooseFile' button on Runtime to create inputData
inputData = ????
inputDataText =
Decode.decodeString ( [ "map", "node" ] decodeNode) inputData
filesDecoder : Decode.Decoder (List File)
filesDecoder = [ "target", "files" ] (Decode.list File.decoder)
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