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Last active April 13, 2017 12:06
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Topic [more concise] : "Poetry, Collaboration and People - Sublimation of knowledge by doing and seeing." Brief Intro : "Five years of literature, learning from people, then, learning from history." OneLine Intro : member at TLS

						Love and effort are infinite.
						Learn from juniors.
						Set things in perspective.

Talk is about RIP. What you think of it. and What I do.


More like a physics prof. "Physics is Everywhere!" :p

  1. Recursion - Example - Mess food. Thinking about thinking.
  2. "Where to fit what?" while reading History. and Living life (in kgp!). Watch vocabulary. (explicit representations of implicit ideas.) What implicit ideas you are dealing with? and what are you missing?
  3. Knowing what you don't!

Thinking about thinking


	Issues with mess food!?

MODES of thinking : MU Problem!
	M MODE = MIU problem!
	I MODE = MIU problem  
	U MODE = Koans!
		-> If you see Buddha on the road, kill him.

			Because it is so very clear,
			It takes longer to come to the realization.
			If you know at once candlelight is fire,
			The meal has long been cooked.

		Why is Zen more open than anything else? 
			Because it deals with Godelan paradoxes. (hofstader!)
			[todo] Draw  isomorphism b/w koan and MIU prboblem.

Paradoxes = Getting out of cycle. See your cycle.

	Verisidical = Seemingly true.
	Falsidical = Seemingly false. 
	Antinmony = True.
		This statement is false.
		All kgpians are liars.
		Don't follow this command.

			go on and talk? 
		The only way to get around isgit through. 
			So when it comes, take it all in, once and be done!
Where to use it?
Watch yourself! + use it via playfulness and understanding.
What's next?
	In search of meaning

		1. Not inherent in symbols but what they refer to. _Mother_ phonetically is meaningless, unless it refers to sth.

			Explicit = Sounds + arrangements + consonants/vowels
			Implicit = meaning not readily familiar to someone who's not familiar with English language.

			Hence, Implicit EXISTS. language is one of the constructs to find those. What are other such constructs?
				Culture + religion?
		2. self-referential systems and formal rules.
		Viktor Frankl

GO BACK AND EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DID. - Recursion and Isomorphism. Ready to do it again? Let's begin the talk. :p

Meaning of words

History = That which is absolute and exists already. (past, in temporal sense, but also the ideas which are existent in other parts of the world.) SO essentially, "learning from history " = drawing isomorphisms to already existing knowledge.

Collaboration = doing something together. {to produce something?? always?}

What brings people together? - 
	Common goal?  
	Common procedures?

"Know about what you don't know"

Approach : Mine = RUN as fast as possible. Work all the time and know it! Done!  Python + GA + TLS + Poetry + KNOW_NOTHING
	This aproach works, until it doesn't. [paradox]

[next things to try] 'I MODE' Use Recursion.

	seeming unconnected things -> Build the landscape, hence develop an intuition of the holes. (I din't know how does it work. This is my current understanding subject to improve.)
	Feynman - I do not have a concurrent understanding. But my hypothesis seems to be worth testing since it works! Feynman says if it works, it must be wrong!! :p 

Poetry! - freedom to define!

	I know the open questions! - By the way I define poetry.
	(personal open questions to me!)





* List of prequisites to know. - BUilding vocabulary, examples.
* How to Know what I don't in Finance?
	Don't know anything in finance?
		What are open questions? -> How to seek or find them?
			Is it personal to everyone what they know and what they don't? Or To what extent it is universal (i.e. the open questions are not known by ANYONE.) Personal = helps you navigate.
			General excitement and curiosity is maintained. If nothing, solve those secrets.
			Your friends are only as smart as you, because their "HISTORY of consumption of stuff" is more or less the same. If I and you read a book, it is going to be different given what I've done differently.
		What do you don't know?

Leigometery Compound assumption of 'knowing things'. Abundance does not mean sufficiency! Know enough to a certian degree what you don't know.

You'll face [hit by] philosophical questions {e.g. ashris and me! we both! } Why dangerous? doing maths and science on paper most of the time. How to resolve? read? Watch? HOw to decide what to, what not to? WATCH YOURSELF. basic neural nets! you are your best trained network! And you can filter noise !

	The idea of Einstein and Religion!! The discipline and elevation of self. [# todo gandhi says the same]
	Mystery and purpose of life. [# todo Man's Search for meaning.]

Doing = Define Why to? Difficulty

	Group/[among societies = TLS + Awaaz] Collaboration : KavyaSandhya, 

	Individual Collaboration : On what projects? - reading books + Writing poetry +	

General Difficulties faced?

Seeing = Harsh Gupta ; Deepak ; Mishra ; Me! ; TLS - team ;

Sublimation = Me emulating Harsh - ONLINE. Moral foundation of Politics. More Collaboration. Taking 'headon' it will never be as difficult.

Learning to learn - Frameworks: Art of learning, Brain, UPSC, and Academics {you find the structure and learn to draw it, yourselves - more examples - thinking with people, live. }!

Ice was meant to melt. You did feel cool surround. I guess the sun is around. But I suspect my warmth, more.

I can’t tell. Only heat. I hope I am not the source! I wish.

In your shine, gravitated I gather heat, why don’t you freeze again?! My palms squeeze at your fall.

As you harness shapes away, free from forms of perception, I yield to contain you.

Maybe I shall prick my finger!, to carry my forms in you.

Shan’t have you something of me? Oh! My warmth. Already.

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