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Last active September 5, 2019 18:27
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Code Wars Best Travel Problem with CLI testing
function getAllCombinations($in, $minLength = 1, $max = 2000) {
$count = count($in);
$members = pow(2, $count);
$ret = array();
for($i=0; $i<$members; $i++){
$b = sprintf("%0".$count."b", $i); //Build out binary representation
$out = [];
for($j=0; $j<$count; $j++){
if($b{$j} === '1'){
array_push($out, $in[$j]);
//$out[] = $in[$j];
}//end j-for
if(count($out) >= $minLength && count($out) <= $max){
array_push($ret, $out);
//$ret[] = $out;
}//end i-for
return $ret;
}//end getAllCombinations()
function chooseBestSum($t, $k, $ls) {
$t is johns mile limit
$k is johns town limit
$ls is arr of just distances
return larget int of miles obtainable
If no distance match, return null
$lsum = null;
$ns = getAllCombinations($ls, $k, $k);
for ($i=0; $i<count($ns); $i++){
$combination = $ns[$i];
$sum = array_sum($combination);
if($sum > $lsum && $sum <= $t){
$lsum = $sum;
if($lsum === $t)
return $lsum;
}//end i-for
return $lsum;
}//end chooseBestSum()
Notice below and in the tests that we are able to use
the $max and $minLength in getAllCombinations() to
distinguish between the tests' accepting larger or
smaller sets of destinations;
$passes = 0;
$total = 3;
$dist1 = array(74, 40, 20, 30, 22, 44, 50);
$out1 = chooseBestSum(75, 2, $dist1);
$out2 = chooseBestSum(73, 3, $dist1);
$out3 = chooseBestSum(51, 1, $dist1);
if (74 === $out1)
if (72 === $out2)
if (50 === $out3)
echo $passes . " OUT OF " . $total . " CASES PASSED\n";
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