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Created October 25, 2012 23:19
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import random, math, sys
from room_gen import *
running = True
winTarget = 4 # how many wins until victory
def rollDice(sides, times=1):
Simulates the rolling of die.
## Input: 1 or 2 ints; times defaults to 1
## Returns: rand num between (1*times) and (sides*times)
## Variables:
## roll: cummulative value of dice rolls
roll = 0
for i in range(times):
roll += random.randint(1, sides)
return roll
class Fighter:
def __init__(self, name='Unnamed Gladiator'):
self.stats = self.rollStats()
self.wins = 0 = name
## self.xpos, self.ypos = self.spawn()
def rollStats(self):
Fully rolls the stats and returns them as a dict.
## Returns: dict of stats and their values
stats = { "Strength":0,
"Speed":0 }
sum = 0
for stat in stats: # Roll stats...
stats[stat] = rollDice(6, 3)
sum += stats[stat]
if (sum < len(stats)*6): # Sum of stats must be greater than
stats = rollStats() # 6 * (num of stats) to pass
stats['HP'] = stats['Vitality'] * 2 # More HP makes for better play
return stats
def printStats(self, name=False):
Prints out a table of entity's stats.
## Input: TRUE: print name on top
## (default)FALSE: omit name
## Output: Prints table of entity's stats.
if name == True:
for stat in self.stats:
if stat != 'HP':
print("{:10} {}".format(str(stat)+':', \
def attack(self, opponent):
Calculates damage of an attack to one opponent.
## Input: opponent: the entity to attack
## Output: Prints informative text describing the attack.
## Notes: The calculations are probably placeholders
## and are not thought through.
## Variables:
## power: how much damage the attacker can hit for
## block: how much damage the opponent can block
## damage: total damage received by the opponent
power = math.floor((self.stats['Strength']+\
block = math.floor(((opponent.stats['Strength']+\
# block can't be less than 0;
# negative block equals unaccounted damage
if block < 0:
block = 0
# complex calculations for damage
damage = power - block
# display attack message if damage is done
if damage > 0:
print("\n{} attacks {} for {} damage!".format(, \, \
# make note of any blocked damage
if block > 0:
print("{} blocks {} of it.".format(, block))
# otherwise, we say the attacker missed
damage = 0
print("\n{} missed!".format(
# we don't need negative HP, but it could be used to calculate
# "overkill" if we want; just use the 'else' in that case
if opponent.stats['HP'] < damage:
opponent.stats['HP'] = 0
else: opponent.stats['HP'] -= damage # actually deals damage
class Player(Fighter):
def __init__(self, name='Unnamed Gladiator'):
self.stats = self.rollStats()
self.wins = 0 = input("What's your name?\n> ").capitalize()
## self.xpos, self.ypos = self.spawn()
chances = 3 # Player has this many chances to reroll
for x in range(chances): # reroll until player is happy or
# player runs out of chances
reroll = input("\nRe-roll stats? (You have {} chances left.) (y/n)\n> "\
if reroll.lower() == 'y':
self.stats = self.rollStats()
elif reroll.lower() != 'n':
print("Please enter 'y' or 'n'.")
# Informative text...
print("You can press 'q' to quit any time after the game begins.")
player = Player()
while player.wins < winTarget: # keep fighting until win limit reached
opponent = Fighter()
round = 1
while True: # Each iteration is one opponent
if input("\nRound {}: ".format(round)) == 'q':
print('Bandit HP: {}/{}'.format(opponent.stats['HP'], \
# check if opponent is dead
if opponent.stats['HP'] == 0:
print("\nBandit has been slain!\n")
player.wins += 1
print("Kills:", player.wins)
print('Player HP: {}/{}'.format(player.stats['HP'], \
# check if player is dead
if player.stats['HP'] == 0:
print("\nPlayer has been slain!\n")
print("You lose. Game over.")
round += 1
if input("") == 'q':
print("Congratulations! You're the victor!")
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