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Last active June 12, 2019 06:21
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Save Tycholiz/0e7b016a25c4536a2a891b1f31c3db6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Watson time tracker script that generates a freelance client report for weekly allocation of hours
#! /usr/bin/python3
import os, json, sys, xlwt, time, datetime, argparse
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
def parseArguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("projectName", help="name of client")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--invoice", help="include the invoice section or not?", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version='%(prog)s - Version 1.0')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
args = parseArguments()
numberOfDaysToReport = 7
endDate =
startDate = ( - timedelta(days=numberOfDaysToReport)).date()
# generate Watson json report and send it to data.json
bashCommand = "watson report --json --from {} --to {} > data.json".format(startDate, endDate)
# load data.json into file
filePath = './data.json'
file_object = open(filePath, 'r')
os.system("rm -rf data.json")
wholeData = json.load(file_object)
userInputtedProjectName = sys.argv[1]
if (args.invoice):
isInvoiced = True
projects = wholeData['projects']
# data for user's passed argument is retrieved and assigned to variables
for project in projects:
if (project['name'] == args.projectName):
projectName = project['name']
totalDuration = project['time']
tags = project['tags']
# Create a list of objects, each object containing one key-value pair, name: time
records = []
for tag in tags:
tagName = tag['name']
duration = tag["time"]
combined = (tagName, duration)
for data in enumerate(records): #! can remove 'row'?
tag = data[0]
duration = data[1]
# generate document name and save document
document = Document()
document.add_heading('Weekly Report', 0)
def formatDate(boundaryDate):
return boundaryDate.strftime("%B %d")
dates = document.add_paragraph("{} to {}, ".format(formatDate(startDate), formatDate(endDate)))
currentYear = (
intro = document.add_paragraph('Here is your weekly breakdown of how my hours have been allocated. Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns!')
document.add_heading('Allocation of hours', level=1)
timeAllocationTable = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=2)
hdr_cells = timeAllocationTable.rows[0].cells
hdr_cells[0].text = 'Task'
hdr_cells[1].text = 'Time Spent (HH:MM:SS)'
for task, timeSpent in records:
row_cells = timeAllocationTable.add_row().cells
formattedTimeSpent = str(timedelta(seconds=timeSpent))
row_cells[0].text = task
row_cells[1].text = formattedTimeSpent
totalRow = timeAllocationTable.add_row().cells
totalRow[0].text = 'Total'
formattedTotalTimeSpent = str(timedelta(seconds=totalDuration))
totalRow[1].text = formattedTotalTimeSpent
if (args.invoice):
document.add_heading('Summary of Accounts', level=1)
balanceOutstandingTable = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=3)
hdr_cells = balanceOutstandingTable.rows[0].cells
hdr_cells[0].text = ''
hdr_cells[1].text = 'Hours'
hdr_cells[2].text = "Value ($50/hr)"
row_cells = balanceOutstandingTable.add_row().cells
row_cells[0].text = "Previous Outstanding Hours"
row_cells[1].text = ""
row_cells[2].text = ""
row_cells2 = balanceOutstandingTable.add_row().cells
row_cells2[0].text = "This week's hours"
row_cells2[1].text = formattedTotalTimeSpent
row_cells2[2].text = "{0:.2f}".format(totalDuration/60/60 * 50)
row_cells3 = balanceOutstandingTable.add_row().cells
row_cells3[0].text = "Total Balance"
row_cells3[1].text = ""
row_cells3[2].text = ""
document.add_heading('Moving forward', level=1)
# generate document name and save document
currentDate ="%Y-%m-%d")
outputFile = "{}-weeklyreport-{}.docx".format(userInputtedProjectName, currentDate)
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