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Created September 19, 2011 22:54
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Handlers from ReadrBoard
from piston.handler import AnonymousBaseHandler
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest
from django.db.models import Count
from decorators import status_response, json_data
from exceptions import JSONException
from utils import *
from userutils import *
from authentication.token import *
from settings import BASE_URL
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
class SocialUserHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = SocialUser
fields = ('user','full_name', 'img_url')
class UserHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = User
exclude = (
class GroupBlessedTagHandlers(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = GroupBlessedTag
fields = ('group','node','order')
class InteractionNodeHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = InteractionNode
fields = ('id', 'body', 'kind')
class ContentHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = Content
fields = ('id', 'body', 'kind')
class FeatureHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = Feature
fields = ('feature_type', 'text', 'images', 'flash')
class ContainerHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = Container
fields = ('id', 'hash')
class InteractionInstanceHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = Interaction
fields = ('id', 'interaction_node')
class PrivacyHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
def read(self, request, data):
# Check if current user's token has permission
user = checkToken(data)
if not user: raise JSONException(u"Token was invalid")
# Retrieve social user
su = SocialUser.objects.get(user=user)
except SocialUser.DoesNotExist, SocialUser.MultipleObjectsReturned:
raise JSONException(u"Privacy Handler: Error getting socialuser!")
# Update and save social user -- toggle privacy
su.private_profile = not su.private_profile
class ModerationHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
def read(self, request, data):
#data['group_id'] = 1
# Check if current user's token has permission
user = checkToken(data)
if not user: raise JSONException(u"Token was invalid")
int_id = data.get('int_id')
interaction = Interaction.objects.get(id=int_id)
except Interaction.DoesNotExist, Interaction.MultipleObjectsReturned:
raise JSONException(u"Interaction Handler: Error getting interaction!")
group_ids = GroupAdmin.objects.filter(
).values_list('group_id', flat=True)
if in group_ids:
interaction.approved = False
#return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
raise JSONException(u'Admin not approved for this group!')
class InteractionHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
def read(self, request, data, **kwargs):
# retrieve action flag
action = kwargs.get('action')
# do view action
if action == 'view':
interaction_id = data['int_id']
interactions = Interaction.objects.filter(parent=interaction_id)
except Interaction.DoesNotExist:
raise JSONException(u"Interaction did not exist!")
return interactions
# check to see if user's token is valid
user = checkToken(data)
if not user: raise JSONException(u"Token was invalid")
# do create action - varies per interaction
if action == 'create':
page_id = data.get('page_id')
page = Page.objects.get(id=page_id)
except Page.DoesNotExist, Page.MultipleObjectsReturned:
raise JSONException(u"Interaction Handler: Error getting page!")
group_id = data.get('group_id')
group = Group.objects.get(id=group_id)
except Group.DoesNotExist, Group.MultipleObjectsReturned:
raise JSONException(u"Interaction Handler: Error getting group!")
# do create action for specific type
return self.create(request, data, user, page, group)
# do delete action - same for all interactions
if action == 'delete':
interaction_id = data['int_id']
interaction = Interaction.objects.get(id=interaction_id)
except Interaction.DoesNotExist:
raise JSONException(u"Interaction did not exist!")
return deleteInteraction(interaction, user)
class VoteHandler(InteractionHandler):
def create(self, request, data, user, page, group):
class CommentHandler(InteractionHandler):
def create(self, request, data, user, page, group):
comment = data['comment']
# Optional interaction id
interaction_id = data.get('int_id', None)
# Get or create parent interaction
if interaction_id:
parent = Interaction.objects.get(id=interaction_id)
except Interaction.DoesNotExist, Interaction.MultipleObjectsReturned:
raise JSONException(u'Could not find parent interaction specified')
parent = TagHandler().create(request, data, user, page, group)['interaction']
# Create the comment interaction node
comment = createInteractionNode(body=comment, group=group)
raise JSONException(u'Error creating comment interaction node')
# Create the interaction
interaction = createInteraction(, parent.container, parent.content, user, 'com', comment, group, parent)
return interaction
class TagHandler(InteractionHandler):
def create(self, request, data, user, page, group, kind='tag'):
tag_body = data['tag']['body']
container_hash = data['hash']
container_kind = data['container_kind']
content_node_data = data['content_node_data']
content_type = dict(((v,k) for k,v in Content.CONTENT_TYPES))[ content_node_data['kind'] ]
tag_id = data['tag'].get('id', None)
location = content_node_data.get('location', None)
content = Content.objects.get_or_create(kind=content_type, body=content_node_data['body'], location=location)[0]
inode = createInteractionNode(tag_id, tag_body, group)
# Get the container
container = Container.objects.get_or_create(
hash = container_hash,
defaults = {'kind': container_kind,}
# Create an interaction
interaction = createInteraction(page, container, content, user, kind, inode, group)
return interaction
class BookmarkHandler(InteractionHandler):
def create(self, request, data, user, page, group):
# Same as a tag but with bookmark kind -- makes private to user
return dict(interaction=TagHandler().create(request, data, user, page, group, 'bkm')['interaction'])
class ShareHandler(InteractionHandler):
def create(self, request, data, user, page, group):
tag_body = data['tag']['body']
container_hash = data['hash']
container_kind = data['container_kind']
content_node_data = data['content_node_data']
content_type = dict(((v,k) for k,v in Content.CONTENT_TYPES))[ content_node_data['kind'] ]
# optional
tag_id = data['tag'].get('id', None)
location = content_node_data.get('location', None)
referring_int_id = data.get('referring_int_id', None)
parent = None
# Get or create content
content = Content.objects.get_or_create(kind=content_type, body=content_node_data['body'], location=location)[0]
inode = createInteractionNode(tag_id, tag_body, group)
# Get the container
container = Container.objects.get_or_create(
hash = container_hash,
defaults = {'kind': container_kind,}
# Create appropriate parent
if referring_int_id:
parent = Interaction.objects.get(id=referring_int_id)
except Interaction.DoesNotExist:
parent = None
# Create an interaction
interaction = createInteraction(page, container, content, user, 'shr', inode, group, parent)['interaction']
# Create a Link
link = Link.objects.get_or_create(interaction=interaction)[0]
raise JSONException(u"Error creating link")
short_url = BASE_URL + "/s/" + link.to_base62()
return dict(short_url=short_url)
class CreateContainerHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
def read(self, request):
result = {}
containers = json.loads(request.GET['json'])
for container in containers:
result[container] = Container.objects.get_or_create(
except KeyError:
raise JSONException(u"Bad key for container")
return result
class ContainerSummaryHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
def read(self, request, data):
known = {}
hashes = data['hashes']
page = data['pageID']
# Force evaluation by making lists
containers = list(Container.objects.filter(hash__in=hashes).values_list('id','hash','kind'))
ids = [container[0] for container in containers]
interactions = list(Interaction.objects.filter(
known = getContainerSummaries(interactions, containers)
unknown = list(set(hashes) - set(known.keys()))
return dict(known=known, unknown=unknown)
class ContentSummaryHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
def read(self, request, data):
known = {}
container_id = data['container_id']
page_id = data['page_id']
tag_ids = data['top_tags']
# Force queryset evaluation by making lists - reduces interaction queries to 1
interactions = list(Interaction.objects.filter(
content_ids = (interaction.content_id for interaction in interactions)
content = list(Content.objects.filter(id__in=content_ids).values_list('id','body','kind','location'))
content_summaries = getContentSummaries(interactions, content)
return content_summaries
class SettingsHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
model = Group
Returns the settings for a group
def read(self, request, group=None):
# Get hostname, stripping www if present
host = getHost(request)
# If no group has been provided, set to default
group_id = int(group) if group else 1
# Get the group object out of the database
group_object = Group.objects.get(id=group_id)
except Group.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponse("RB Group does not exist!")
if group_object.approved == False:
return HttpResponse("Group not approved")
blessed_tags = InteractionNode.objects.filter(
group_dict = model_to_dict(
group_dict['blessed_tags'] = blessed_tags
# Get the domains for that particular group from site objects
sites = Site.objects.filter(group=group_object)
domains = sites.values_list('domain', flat=True)
# If site is known, return group settings
# If not known create site for default group and return settings
# If site is not registered for group settings request, raise error
if host in domains:
return group_dict
elif group_id == 1:
return group_dict
raise JSONException(
"Group (" + str(group) + ") settings request invalid for this domain (" + host + ")" + str(domains)
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