This script for Google Spreadsheets allows you to generate slugs for your data such as might be used for creating unique urls.
Use it like this!
# | A | B | C |
1 | a | b | slug |
2 | foo | baz bing | =slugify(A2:B4) |
3 | bar | BAZ | |
4 | FOO | baz-bing |
This script for Google Spreadsheets allows you to generate slugs for your data such as might be used for creating unique urls.
Use it like this!
# | A | B | C |
1 | a | b | slug |
2 | foo | baz bing | =slugify(A2:B4) |
3 | bar | BAZ | |
4 | FOO | baz-bing |
Now that we've all had a good face-to-face, we're going to accomplish two things today.
First, we're going to add a new route to your
that will let you see a single incident / detainee by clicking on a link from your home page.
Second, we're going to walk through how CSS works and discuss how you might use Materialize to clean up your site's design.
javascript:var%20s%3Ddocument.createElement(%27link%27)%3Bs.rel%3D%27stylesheet%27%3Bs.type%3D%27text/css%27%3Bs.href%3D%27 |