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Last active December 7, 2019 16:02
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List all applications in Windows
# Version: 0.5
# Date: 2019-01-30
# File Name: Get-InstalledApps
# Author: TylerJWhit
# Notes:
# The following commands may be of help:
# Run against every computer in domain.
# Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Get-InstalledApps
# Run against CSV (replace path with location of file and ensure A1 says 'computername':
# Get-InstalledApps -computers (Import-Csv -Path C:\Computers.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty computername)
# Run against computers listed in command:
# Get-InstalledApps -computers HOSTNAMEA,HOSTNAMEB
function Get-InstalledApps {
Param (
[Alias('name')] # Helps with 'Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name'
[string[]]$computers = $env:COMPUTERNAME
process {
foreach($computer in $computers){
write-verbose -verbose -message "`nStarting scan on $computer"
Invoke-Command -Computername $computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable InvokeError -Scriptblock {
$installPaths = @('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall','HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall')
Get-ChildItem -Path $installPaths | Get-ItemProperty | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, UninstallString, Version
if ($invokeerror){
Write-Warning "Could not communicate with $computer"
} # if ($invokeerror)
} # foreach($computer in $computers)
} # process
} # function Get-InstalledApps
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Need to be able to parse this output : Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select Name | Get-InstalledApps
Get-InstalledApps -Computers (Import-Csv -Path C:/path/to/file.csv) is also not parsing the info correctly.

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ArtisanByteCrafter commented Jan 30, 2019

Question 1:
Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select Name

That gets the Name object but what you want is the actual value of that object. Change it to Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

Your pipeline is expecting a raw string format, not a NoteProperty.

Last, consider adding -Filter {(enabled -eq $True)} to Get-ADComputer to filter out disabled machines.

In order for Get-InstalledApps to be at the end of the pipeline, it has to be set to accept pipeline input. This is done with cmdletbinding and [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] parameters. Read up on value by pipeline here

It looks like you've already done that, so once you fix the part that is passing a valid computername down the pipeline, that part should work.

Question 2:
We'd need to know the headers in the csv file in order to know the exact import code. Assuming header1 is "hostname"

Get-InstalledApps -Computers (Import-Csv -Path C:\path\to\file.csv | Select-Object hostname)

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The Select Name statement works with the Alias, but it's only trying the last entry piped to it. The Import-Csv keeps parsing the name like this: @{computername=hostname}

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Get-InstalledApps -computers (Import-Csv -Path C:\computername.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty computername) fixed the issue. I was missing -ExpandProperty

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My last issue is iteration of the Piped values instead of simply running against the last value.

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Last piece of the puzzle: missing the process bracket.

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