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Last active December 25, 2015 13:39
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  • Save TylerLeite/6985160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TylerLeite/6985160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple login / registration script.
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import *
from bcrypt import hashpw, gensalt
def super_hash_bros(string, salt):
if salt is None:
salt = gensalt()
return (hashpw(string, salt), salt) # not technically how this is used,
# salt already returned by hashpw
def make_entry(filename, eid, username, password, email, name):
date =
password, salt = super_hash_bros(password, None)
entry = "%i~%i~%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~\n" %\
(eid, 0, date, username, password, email, name, salt)
with open(filename, "a") as database:
def get_db(filename):
usernames, passwords = list(), list()
with open(filename, "r") as database:
for next_id, line in enumerate(database):
arr = line.split("~")
passwords.append(arr[4] + "~" + arr[7])
database = dict(zip(usernames, passwords))
return database
def register(filename, next_id):
database = get_db(filename)
def get_username():
errors = str()
username = raw_input("Enter your desired username: ").lower()
if not username.isalnum():
errors += "\tUsername may only contain alphanumeric characters.\n"
if username in database.keys():
errors += "\tUsername is taken.\n"
if len(username) > 16:
errors += "\tUsername may be no longer than 16 characters.\n"
if errors:
print "The following errors occurred:\n" + errors
return username
def get_password():
errors = str()
password = raw_input("Enter your desired password: ").lower()
password_confirm = raw_input("Confirm your password: ").lower()
if not password.isalnum():
errors += "\tPassword may only contain alphanumeric characters.\n"
if len(password) > 32:
errors += "\tPassword may be no longer than 32 characters.\n"
if password != password_confirm:
errors += "\tPasswords did not match.\n"
if errors:
print "The following errors occurred:\n" + errors
return password
def get_email():
errors = str()
email = raw_input("Enter your email: ").lower()
email_confirm = raw_input("Confirm your email: ").lower()
if not email:
return str()
if email.count("@") != 1 or email[-1] == ".":
errors += "\tInvalid email.\n"
if email != email_confirm:
errors += "\tPasswords did not match.\n"
if errors:
print "The following errors occurred:\n" + errors
return email
def get_name():
errors = str()
name = raw_input("Enter your full name: ").title()
if not name.replace(" ", "").isalnum():
errors += "\tName is not plausible.\n"
if errors:
print "The following errors occurred:\n" + errors
return email
username = get_username()
password = get_password()
email = get_email()
name = get_name()
make_entry(filename, next_id, username, password, email, name)
return next_id + 1
def login():
database = get_db("people.db")
username = raw_input("Username: ")
password = raw_input("Password: ")
password_parts = database[username].split("~")
salt = password_parts[1]
password_in_db = password_parts[0]
if username in database.keys() and super_hash_bros(password, salt) == password_in_db:
print "You got in!"
print "Incorrect username / password combination."
def main():
next_id = 0
while True:
cmd = raw_input("Do you want to login or register? ").lower()
if cmd in "stop exit quit".split():
elif cmd == "register":
next_id = register("people.db", next_id)
elif cmd == "login":
print "Unknown op: %s" % cmd
print "Goodbye!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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