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Last active October 26, 2023 16:29
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@doc """
Asserts that the given changeset is invalid, and that when the
assertion_expression is applied to the error_message it results in a truthy
defmacro assert_invalid(changeset, field, assertion_expression) when is_atom(field) do
expr = Macro.to_string(assertion_expression)
quote do
c = unquote(changeset)
with {:valid, false} <- {:valid, Map.get(c, :valid?)},
{:field, true} <- {:field, Map.keys( |> Enum.member?(unquote(field))},
{:message, {message, _opts}} <- {:message, Keyword.get(c.errors, unquote(field))}
var!(error_message) = message
if unquote(assertion_expression) do
assert true
flunk """
Expression did not match error message
#{IO.ANSI.cyan()}error_message:#{IO.ANSI.reset()} #{inspect(message)}
#{IO.ANSI.cyan()}expression:#{IO.ANSI.reset()} #{unquote(expr)}
{:valid, nil} ->
raise "assert_invalid/3 requires a changeset for the first argument"
{:valid, true} ->
flunk("#{inspect(} is valid, expected at least one field to be invalid")
{:field, _} ->
raise "field :#{unquote(field)} not found in #{inspect(}"
{:message, _} ->
flunk(":#{unquote(field)} field is valid, expected it to be invalid")
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