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Last active May 8, 2016 16:08
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Most.js Typescript definition
type SeedValue<S, V> = { seed: S, value: V };
type TimeValue<V> = { time: number, value: V };
type CreateGenerator<A> = (...args: Array<any>) => Generator<A|Promise<A>, any, any>;
declare type Stream<A> = {
reduce<B>(f: (b: B, a: A) => B, b: B): Promise<B>;
observe(f: (a: A) => any): Promise<any>;
forEach(f: (a: A) => any): Promise<any>;
drain(): Promise<any>;
constant<B>(b: B): Stream<B>;
map<B>(f: (a: A) => B): Stream<B>;
tap(f: (a: A) => any): Stream<A>;
chain<B>(f: (a: A) => Stream<B>): Stream<B>;
flatMap<B>(f: (a: A) => Stream<B>): Stream<B>;
// Note: Without higher-kinded types, the types for these
// cannot be written properly
ap<B, C>(bs: Stream<B>): Stream<C>;
join<B>(): Stream<B>;
switch<B>(): Stream<B>;
switchLatest<B>(): Stream<B>;
continueWith(f: (a: any) => Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
concatMap<B>(f: (a: A) => Stream<B>): Stream<B>;
mergeConcurrently<B>(concurrency: number): Stream<B>;
merge( Array<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
combine<B>(f: (a: A, ...args: Array<any>) => B, Array<Stream<any>>): Stream<B>;
scan<B>(f: (b: B, a: A) => B, b: B): Stream<B>;
loop<S, B>(f: (seed: S, a: A) => SeedValue<S, B>, seed: S): Stream<B>;
cycle(): Stream<A>;
concat(s2: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
startWith(a: A): Stream<A>;
filter(p: (a: A) => boolean): Stream<A>;
skipRepeats(): Stream<A>;
skipRepeatsWith(eq: (a1: A, a2: A) => boolean): Stream<A>;
take(n: number): Stream<A>;
skip(n: number): Stream<A>;
takeWhile(p: (a: A) => boolean): Stream<A>;
skipWhile(p: (a: A) => boolean): Stream<A>;
slice(start: number, end: number): Stream<A>;
until(signal: Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
takeUntil(signal: Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
since(signal: Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
skipUntil(signal: Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
during(timeWindow: Stream<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
throttle(period: number): Stream<A>;
debounce(period: number): Stream<A>;
timestamp(): Stream<TimeValue<A>>;
delay(dt: number): Stream<A>;
// Note: Without higher-kinded types, this type cannot be written properly
await<B>(): Stream<B>;
sample<B>(f: ( any[]) => B, Array<Stream<any>>): Stream<B>;
sampleWith<A>(sampler: Stream<any>): Stream<A>;
zip<A>(f: (a: A, any[]) => A, Array<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
recoverWith<B>(p: (a: B) => A): Stream<A>;
multicast<A>(): Stream<A>;
declare namespace most {
export function just<A>(a: A): Stream<A>;
export function of<A>(a: A): Stream<A>;
export function from<A>(as: Iterable<A>): Stream<A>;
export function periodic<A>(period: number, a?: A): Stream<A>;
export function unfold<A, B, S>(f: (seed: S) => SeedValue<S, B|Promise<B>>, seed: S): Stream<B>;
export function iterate<A>(f: (a: A) => A|Promise<A>, a: A): Stream<A>;
export function generate<A>(g: CreateGenerator<A>, ...args: Array<any>): Stream<A>
export function reduce<A, B>(f: (b: B, a: A) => B, b: B, s: Stream<A>): Promise<B>;
export function observe<A>(f: (a: A) => any, s: Stream<A>): Promise<any>;
export function forEach<A>(f: (a: A) => any, s: Stream<A>): Promise<any>;
export function drain<A>(s: Stream<A>): Promise<any>;
export function constant<A, B>(b: B, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
export function map<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
export function tap<A>(f: (a: A) => any, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function ap<A, B>(fs: Stream<(a: A) => B>, as: Stream<A> ): Stream<B>;
export function chain<A, B>(f: (a: A) => Stream<B>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
export function flatMap<A, B>(f: (a: A) => Stream<B>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
export function join<A>(s: Stream<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
export function switchLatest<A>(s: Stream<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
export function continueWith<A>(f: (a: any) => Stream<A>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function concatMap<A, B>(f: (a: A) => Stream<B>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
export function mergeConcurrently<A>(concurrency: number, s: Stream<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
export function merge<A>( Array<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>;
export function combine<A>(f: (...args: Array<any>) => A, Array<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
export function scan<A, B>(f: (b: B, a: A) => B, b: B, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
export function loop<A, B, S>(f: (seed: S, a: A) => SeedValue<S, B>, seed: S, s: Stream<A>): Stream<B>;
export function cycle<A>(s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function concat<A>(s1: Stream<A>, s2: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function startWith<A>(a: A, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function filter<A>(p: (a: A) => boolean, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function skipRepeats<A>(s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function skipRepeatsWith<A>(eq: (a1: A, a2: A) => boolean, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function take<A>(n: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function skip<A>(n: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function takeWhile<A>(p: (a: A) => boolean, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function skipWhile<A>(p: (a: A) => boolean, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function slice<A>(start: number, end: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function until<A>(signal: Stream<any>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function takeUntil<A>(signal: Stream<any>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function since<A>(signal: Stream<any>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function skipUntil<A>(signal: Stream<any>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function during<A>(timeWindow: Stream<Stream<any>>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function throttle<A>(period: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function debounce<A>(period: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function timestamp<A>(s: Stream<A>): Stream<TimeValue<A>>;
export function delay<A>(dt: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function fromPromise<A>(p: Promise<A>): Stream<A>;
export function awaitPromises<A>(s: Stream<Promise<A>>): Stream<A>;
export function sample<A>(f: ( any[]) => A, sampler: Stream<any>, Array<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
export function sampleWith<A>(sampler: Stream<any>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function zip<A>(f: ( any[]) => A, Array<Stream<any>>): Stream<A>;
export function recoverWith<A, B>(p: (a: B) => A, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
export function throwError(e: Error): Stream<any>;
export function multicast<A>(s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>;
declare module "most" {
export = most
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One thing that isn't clear how to type: errors and the end value of a stream. Errors are not a value "in the stream". They represent the reason why a stream cannot produce more values due to a failure of some sort. End values are similar: they represent the fact that it is now known that the stream will not produce any more values. I'm dubious as to whether end values are actually useful :) (reduce is currently the one useful exception, imho), whereas the fact that the stream ended is certainly useful.

The implications of that aren't clear to me yet for TS. It does mean, though, that throwError cannot be typed like function throwError<E>(error: E): Stream<E>;, since the stream doesn't contain values of type E. It contains zero values of some other type (which could be inferred by a sophisticated type system, but perhaps not by TS), and is known to have failed to produce any values of that type for a reason of type E. And empty and never are similar. My guess is that they should look like this:

function throwError<T, E>(error: E): Stream<T>;
function empty<T>(): Stream<T>;
function never<T>(): Stream<T>;

I don't know if TS will be able to handle that. If it can't you may need to resort to using any, which would be unfortunate:

function throwError<E>(error: E): Stream<any>;
function empty(): Stream<any>;
function never(): Stream<any>;

The only other thing I can think is to parameterize Stream by 2 or even 3 type parameters: Stream<ValueType, ErrorType, EndType> My guess is that ErrorType would be at least annoying and possibly even impossible to specify in all cases. Flow type deliberately left off the similar error type in its type definition of es2015 Promise, which it types as Promise<T> rather than Promise<T, E>.

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jzhang1 commented Apr 3, 2016

Generator isn't defined anywhere in es6.d.ts in the latest Typescript (1.8.9). Where are you getting it from?

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