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Created May 6, 2017 15:24
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TypeScript typings for all DOM properties
// tslint:disable:max-file-line-count
export type NodeProperties =
nodeValue?: string | null;
textContent?: string | null;
export type ElementProperties = NodeProperties &
className?: string;
id?: string;
innerHTML?: string;
scrollLeft?: number;
scrollTop?: number;
slot?: string;
export type HTMLElementProperties = ElementProperties &
accessKey?: string;
contentEditable?: string;
dir?: string;
draggable?: boolean;
hidden?: boolean;
hideFocus?: boolean;
innerText?: string;
lang?: string;
outerText?: string;
spellcheck?: boolean;
tabIndex?: boolean;
title?: string;
export type HTMLAnchorElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
Methods?: string;
charset?: string;
coords?: string;
download?: string;
hash?: string;
host?: string;
hostname?: string;
href?: string;
hreflang?: string;
name?: string;
pathname?: string;
port?: string;
protocol?: string;
rel?: string;
rev?: string;
search?: string;
shape?: string;
target?: string;
text?: string;
type?: string;
urn?: string;
export type HTMLAppletElement = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
alt?: string;
altHtml?: string;
archive?: string;
border?: string;
code?: string;
codeBase?: string;
codeType?: string;
data?: string;
declare?: boolean;
height?: string;
hspace?: number;
name?: string;
object?: string | null;
standby?: string;
type?: string;
vspace?: number;
width?: number;
export type HTMLAreaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
alt?: string;
coords?: string;
download?: string;
hash?: string;
host?: string;
hostname?: string;
href?: string;
noHref?: string;
pathname?: string;
port?: string;
protocol?: string;
rel?: string;
search?: string;
shape?: string;
target?: string;
export type HTMLAudioElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties;
export type HTMLBRElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
clear?: string;
export type HTMLBaseElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
href?: string;
target?: string;
export type HTMLBaseFontElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
face?: string;
size?: number;
export type HTMLBodyElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
aLink?: any;
background?: string;
bgColor?: any;
bgProperties?: string;
link?: any;
noWrap?: boolean;
text?: any;
vLink?: any;
export type HTMLButtonElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
autofocus?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
formAction?: string;
formEnctype?: string;
formMethod?: string;
formNoValidate?: string;
formTarget?: string;
name?: string;
status?: any;
type?: string;
value?: string;
export type HTMLCanvasElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
height?: number;
width?: number;
export type HTMLDListElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
compact?: boolean;
export type HTMLDataElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
value?: string;
export type HTMLDataListElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
options?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLOptionElement>;
export type HTMLDirectoryElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
compact?: boolean;
export type HTMLDivElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
noWrap?: boolean;
export type HTMLEmbedElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
height?: string;
hidden?: any;
msPlayToDisabled?: boolean;
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string;
msPlayToPrimary?: boolean;
name?: string;
src?: string;
units?: string;
width?: string;
export type HTMLFieldSetElement = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
name?: string;
export type HTMLFontElement = HTMLElementProperties &
face?: string;
export type HTMLFormElement = HTMLElementProperties &
acceptCharset?: string;
action?: string;
autocomplete?: string;
encoding?: string;
enctype?: string;
method?: string;
name?: string;
noValidate?: boolean;
target?: string;
export type HTMLFrameElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
border?: string;
borderColor?: any;
frameBorder?: string;
frameSpacing?: any;
height?: string | number;
longDesc?: string;
marginHeight?: string;
marginWidth?: string;
name?: string;
noResize?: boolean;
scrolling?: string;
src?: string;
width?: string | number;
export type HTMLFrameSetElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
border?: string;
borderColor?: string;
cols?: string;
frameBorder?: string;
frameSpacing?: any;
name?: string;
rows?: string;
export type HTMLHRElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
noShade?: boolean;
width?: number;
export type HTMLHeadElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
profile?: string;
export type HTMLHeadingElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
export type HTMLHtmlElementProperies = HTMLElementProperties &
version?: string;
export type HTMLIFrameElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
allowFullscreen?: boolean;
allowPaymentRequest?: boolean;
border?: string;
frameBorder?: string;
frameSpacing?: any;
height?: string;
hspace?: number;
longDesc?: string;
marginHeight?: string;
marginWidth?: string;
name?: string;
noResize?: boolean;
scrolling?: string;
src?: string;
vspace?: number;
width?: string;
export type HTMLImageElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
alt?: string;
border?: string;
crossOrigin?: string | null;
height?: number;
hspace?: number;
isMap?: boolean;
longDesc?: string;
lowsrc?: string;
msPlayToDisabled?: boolean;
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string;
msPlayToPrimary?: boolean;
name?: string;
sizes?: string;
src?: string;
srcset?: string;
useMap?: string;
vspace?: number;
width?: number;
export type HTMLInputElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
accept?: string;
align?: string;
alt?: string;
autocomplete?: string;
autofocus?: boolean;
border?: string;
checked?: boolean;
defaultChecked?: boolean;
defaultValue?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
formAction?: string;
formEnctype?: string;
formMethod?: string;
formNoValidate?: string;
formTarget?: string;
height?: string;
hspace?: number;
indeterminate?: boolean;
max?: string;
maxLength?: number;
min?: string;
minLength?: number;
multiple?: boolean;
name?: string;
pattern?: string;
placeholder?: string;
readOnly?: string;
required?: boolean;
selectionDirection?: string;
selectionEnd?: number;
selectionStart?: number;
size?: number;
src?: string;
status?: boolean;
step?: string;
type?: string;
useMap?: string;
value?: string;
valueAsDate?: Date;
valueAsNumber?: number;
vspace?: number;
webkitdirectory?: boolean;
width?: string;
export type HTMLLIElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
type?: string;
value?: number;
export type HTMLLabelElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
htmlFor?: string;
export type HTMLLegendElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
export type HTMLLinkElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
charset?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
href?: string;
hreflang?: string;
media?: string;
rel?: string;
rev?: string;
target?: string;
type?: string;
import?: Document;
integrity?: string;
export type HTMLMapElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
name?: string;
export type HTMLMarqueeElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
behavior?: string;
bgColor?: any;
direction?: string;
height?: string;
hspace?: number;
loop?: number;
scrollAmount?: number;
scrollDelay?: number;
trueSpeed?: boolean;
vspace?: number;
width?: string;
export type HTMLMediaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
autoplay?: boolean;
controls?: boolean;
crossOrigin?: string | null;
currentTime?: number;
defaultMuted?: boolean;
defaultPlaybackRate?: number;
loop?: boolean;
msAudioCategory?: string;
msAudioDeviceType?: string;
msPlayToDisabled?: boolean;
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string;
msPlayToPrimary?: string;
msRealTime?: boolean;
muted?: boolean;
playbackRate?: number;
preload?: string;
readyState?: number;
src?: string;
srcObject?: MediaStream | null;
volume?: number;
export type HTMLMenuElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
compact?: boolean;
type?: string;
export type HTMLMetaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
charset?: string;
content?: string;
httpEquiv?: string;
name?: string;
scheme?: string;
url?: string;
export type HTMLMeterElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
high?: number;
low?: number;
max?: number;
min?: number;
optimum?: number;
value?: number;
export type HTMLModElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
cite?: string;
dateTime?: string;
export type HTMLOListElementProperteis = HTMLElementProperties &
compact?: boolean;
start?: number;
type?: string;
export type HTMLObjectElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
alt?: string;
altHtml?: string;
archive?: string;
border?: string;
code?: string;
codeBase?: string;
codeType?: string;
data?: string;
declare?: boolean;
height?: string;
hspace?: number;
msPlayToDisabled?: boolean;
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string;
msPlayToPrimary?: boolean;
name?: string;
standby?: string;
type?: string;
useMap?: string;
vspace?: number;
width?: string;
export type HTMLOptGroupElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
defaultSelected?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
label?: string;
selected?: boolean;
value?: string;
export type HTMLOptionElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
defaultSelected?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
label?: string;
selected?: boolean;
text?: string;
value?: string;
export type HTMLOutputElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
defaultValue?: string;
name?: string;
value?: string;
export type HTMLParagraphElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
clear?: string;
export type HTMLParamElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
name?: string;
type?: string;
value?: string;
valueType?: string;
export type HTMLPreElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
width?: number;
export type HTMLProgressElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
max?: number;
value?: number;
export type HTMLQuoteElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
cite?: string;
export type HTMLScriptElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
async?: boolean;
charset?: string;
crossOrigin?: string | null;
defer?: boolean;
event?: string;
htmlFor?: string;
src?: string;
text?: string;
type?: string;
integrity?: string;
export type HTMLSelectElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
autofocus?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
length?: number;
multiple?: boolean;
name?: string;
required?: boolean;
selectedIndex?: number;
selectedOptions?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLOptionElement>;
size?: number;
value?: string;
export type HTMLSourceElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
media?: string;
msKeySystem?: string;
sizes?: string;
src?: string;
srcset?: string;
type?: string;
export type HTMLSpanElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties;
export type HTMLStyleElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
disabled?: boolean;
media?: string;
type?: string;
export type HTMLTableCaptionElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
vAlign?: string;
export type HTMLTableCellElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
abbr?: string;
align?: string;
axis?: string;
bgColor?: any;
colSpan?: number;
headers?: string;
height?: any;
noWrap?: boolean;
rowSpan?: number;
scope?: string;
width?: string;
export type HTMLTableColElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
span?: number;
width?: any;
export type HTMLTableDataCellElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties;
export type HTMLTableElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
bgColor?: any;
border?: string;
borderColor?: any;
caption?: HTMLTableCaptionElement;
cellPadding?: string;
cellSpacing?: string;
cols?: number;
frame?: string;
height?: any;
rows?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableRowElement>;
rules?: string;
summary?: string;
tBodies?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
tFoot?: HTMLTableSectionElement;
tHead?: HTMLTableSectionElement;
width?: string;
export type HTMLTableHeaderCellElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
scope?: string;
export type HTMLTableRowElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
bgColor?: any;
cells?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableDataCellElement | HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>;
height?: any;
export type HTMLTableSectionElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
align?: string;
rows?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableRowElement>;
export type HTMLTemplateElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties;
export type HTMLTextAreaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
autofocus?: boolean;
cols?: number;
defaultValue?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
maxLength?: number;
minLength?: number;
name?: string;
placeholder?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
rows?: number;
selectionEnd?: number;
selectedStart?: number;
status?: any;
value?: string;
wrap?: string;
export type HTMLTimeElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
dateTime?: string;
export type HTMLTitleElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
text?: string;
export type HTMLTrackElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
default?: boolean;
kind?: string;
label?: string;
src?: string;
srclang?: string;
export type HTMLUListElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
compact?: boolean;
type?: string;
export type HTMLUnknownElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties;
export type HTMLVideoElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties &
height?: number;
msHorizontalMirror?: boolean;
msStereo3DPackingMode?: string;
msStereo3DRenderMode?: string;
msZoom?: boolean;
poster?: string;
width?: number;
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