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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Danbooru changelog
#### New Features
* Aliased tags are included in autocomplete (currently broken due to daily maintenance task failure)
* Note history shows note position and size
#### Fixes
* Deviantart duplicate false positives bug
#### Fixes
* Sanitizer was removing all CSS from notes
* Safebooru was filtering on non-explicit tags such as g**rape**s
#### Fixes
* Source fetcher now works on non-mobile Twitter, too
* No more extra newlines inside `<div>` tags in notes
#### New Features
* Batch uploads now work for pixiv galleries
* Source fetcher for new Deviantart links
#### Fixes
* Twitter batch downloads now use `:orig` urls
* Post count for metatags searches now times out after 0.5s
#### New Features
* Responsive CSS
* Embedded notes can use `<div class="bg" style="background:...">...</div>` to color entire note background.
* Built-in IQDB shows width, height and size
#### Fixes
* Source fetcher supports new Tumblr thumbnails
#### New Features
* Animated gifs and pngs always display originals, no more samples
* Artist search now works not only for profile links, but for image URLs too, like ``
#### Fixes
* Twitter uploads now use `:orig` instead of `:large`
#### New Features
* Batch uploads! Use new batch upload bookmarklet to upload Twitter galleries all at once.
* Embedded notes option is now available for everyone, not just Builder+
#### New Features
* Embedded notes!
#### Fixes
* Searching with blank fields works again
* Newly-created and changed notes are scaled as well when swicthing from sample to originals
#### New Features
* Dockerfile support
* Allow payments using Stripe
#### Fixes
* Always-active forum indicator finally fixed
#### New Features
* Note API now has `search[is_active]` parameter
#### Fixes
* Tags subscriptions are not processed all at once anymore
#### New Features
* Twitter sources (status pages) are preserved
* Support for new twitpic format
* Better support for wikia images
#### Fixes
* Fix some notes disappearing temporary
* Fix ugoira posts with incorrect dimensions
* Addthis share widget now loads asynchronously
* Attempt to enter more than 20 tag subscriptions now properly gives error
#### Fixes
* Fix empty dmail filter deleting all incoming dmails
* Fix deleted dmail behavior (#2326)
* Fix nijie source fetcher
* Support changes in pixiv layout to get image URL from page
#### New Features
* An option to gift upgrade to other user
* `search[post_id]` parameter for artist commentaries
#### Fixes
* Duplicate artist URLs are now removed automatically
* Certain links in navigation bar appeared when they shouldn't
#### New Features
* Ability to search flag and appeal reasons
* 600x600 ugoiras (pixiv samples) are automatically changed to their larger counterparts
* Source fetcher support for Twitter status links
#### Fixes
* User upload limit clamper disabled
* Ugoira webm thumbnails are not displayed until fully created
* Fix Find Similar for ugoira during upload
#### New Features
* Payments using Coinbase are available
* Revise rules for upload limit clamping to be more strict
* Detailed error info on "Something Broke" page for Builder+
* Ability to sort artist listing by update date
* Saved searches are grouped by category
#### Fixes
* User settings can be edited again
#### New Features
* Dmail filter
* DText links can be entered using square brackets notation: `"Text":[http://...]`
#### Fixes
* Show webm as ugoira sample
#### Fixes
* Topic Merge now works properly
* Artist Commentary search now shows thumbnails for deleted posts
* fix safebooru filtering on explicit tag list
#### New Features
* Admin dashboard
* Safebooru now filters on explicit tag list along with rating
#### Fixes
* Dialog font size got changed by jQuery upgrade
* Seek slider for thin ugoira displays properly
#### New Features
* When artist name is already taken, notice contains link to that artist
* Max upload size is set to 30 MB
#### Fixes
* Prevent XSS when using "Fetch Source Data"
* Ugoira file source is now automatically set to .zip
* Correct ugoira dimensions are fetched
* Fix ugoira uploads having no pixiv ID
* Favorites page didn't display related tags
* Pools, appeals and flags pages now have blacklist controls
#### New Features
* Source redirection support for pixiv ugoira
#### Fixes
* Remove edit link for active aliases and implications
* Fix ugoira load percentage
* Will not display ugoira preview video link until it's converted
#### New Features
* Source redirection support for pixiv ugoira
#### Fixes
* Remove edit link for active aliases and implications
* Fix ugoira load percentage
* Will not display ugoira preview video link until it's converted
#### Fixes
* Always show "Deleted posts" link
#### New Features
* Full support for Pixiv Ugoira uploads!
* Saved searches are available for all users
* `filesize:` searches endind with `b` will search for exact size match in bytes
#### Fixes
* Disable comment submit button after pressing it to prevent doubleposting
* Various XSS fixes
* Account upgrades temporarily disabled
* Show pool excerpt for `ordpool` searches
#### New Features
* Full support for artist finder and source rewrite for new-style pixiv URLs
#### Fixes
* Fix failbooru when viewing artist entries
#### New Features
* Gallery View is no longer a default view for pools
* Anonymous users are allowed to view gallery
* `webm` and `flash` tags are added automatically
#### Fixes
* Improvements to pool gallery view
* fix `order:mpixels` for posts having no width and height
#### New Features
* Gallery View is default for pools
#### Fixes
* Mobile version now has favorite/unfavorite links
#### New Features
* New Gallery View for pools!
#### Fixes
* Disable sequential navigation for `ordpool` and `ordfav`
#### Fixes
* Mobile and desktop javascripts separated to support obsolete (pre-ES5) browsers
#### Fixes
* Give basic members the ability to use API keys
* Fix incorrect redirect for forum posts
#### Fixes
* Fix for mobile Hammer.js
#### Fixes
* remove jquery.hammer.min.js dependency
#### New Features
* Clamp upload limit for users having too many deleted uploads
* Artist commentary will have a scrollbar if it exceeds certain height
* Email subscription for forum updates
* Support for and partially for nijie
#### Fixes
* API key no longer depends on password hash
* Find Similar now shows deleted posts as well
#### New Features
* Rewrite yandere/konachan jpag samples
#### Fixes
* Incorrect comment listing ordering
* Metatag autocomplete for note search and comment search
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