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Last active May 5, 2020 14:36
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An MPMB import for the Echo Knight FIghter subclass
var iFileName = "EGtW_Fighter-Echo-Knight.js";
SourceList["EGtW"] = {
name : "Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount",
abbreviation : "EGtW",
group : "Primary Sources",
url : "",
date : "2020/03/17"
AddSubClass("fighter", "echo-knight", {
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*echo)(?=.*knight).*$/i,
subname : "Echo Knight",
fullname : "Echo Knight",
source : [["EGtW", 183]],
features : {
"subclassfeature3" : {
name : "Manifest Echo",
source : [["EGtW", 183]],
minlevel : 3,
description : desc([
"I manifest an echo of myself in an unoccupied space I can see within 15 feet of me",
"This echo is a magical, translucent, gray image of myself",
"It lasts until destroyed, I dismiss it, I manifest another echo, or I'm incapacitated",
"My echo has AC 14 + my proficiency bonus, 1 hit point, and immunity to all conditions",
"It uses my saving throw bonus, is the same size as me, and it occupies its space",
"On my turn, I can mentally command the echo to move up to 30 feet in any I can move",
"If my echo is ever more than 30 feet from me at the end of my turn, it is destroyed."]),
action : ["bonus action", ""],
toNotesPage : [{
name : "Manifest Echo Usages",
source : [["EGtW", 183]],
note : [
"I can swap places with my echo at a cost of 15 feet of my movement",
"Any attack I make on my turn can originate from my space or the echo's space",
"I can make an opportunity attack against creatures as if I were in the echo's space."
"subclassfeature3.1" : {
name : "Unleash Incarnation",
source : [["EGtW", 183]],
minlevel : 3,
description : desc([
"I can make one additional melee attack from the echo's position",
"I can use this feature a number of times equal to my Constitution modifier",
"I regain all expended uses when I finish a long rest"
"subclassfeature7" : {
name : "Echo Avatar",
source : [["EGtW", 183]],
minlevel : 7,
description : desc([
"I can temporarily transfer my consciousness to my echo",
"I am deafened and blinded and I can see and hear through my echo",
"I can sustain this effect for up to 10 minutes, and I can end it at any time",
"My echo can be up to 1,000 feet away from me without being destroyed"
action : [["action", ""]]
"subclassfeature10" : {
name : "Shadow Martyr",
source : [["EGtW", 183]],
minlevel : 10,
description : desc([
"Before an attack roll is made, I can use my reaction to teleport the echo",
"It must be to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the targeted creature",
"The attack roll that triggered the reaction is instead made against my echo.",
"I can't use this feature again until I finish a short or long rest."
recovery : "short rest",
usages : 1,
action : ["reaction", ""]
"subclassfeature15" : {
name : "Reclaim Potential",
source : [["EGtW", 184]],
minlevel : 15,
description : desc([
"When my echo is destroyed and I don't already have temporary hit points",
"I can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + my Constitution modifier",
"I can use this feature a number of times equal to my Constitution modifier (min. 1)",
"I regain all expended uses when I finish a long rest"
usages: "Constitution modifier per",
recovery : "short rest",
usagescalc : "event.value = Math.max(1, What('Con Mod'));"
"subclassfeature18" : {
name : "Legion of One",
source : [["EGtW", 184]],
minlevel : 18,
description : desc([
"I create two echoes with my Manifest Echo feature, and these echoes can coexist",
"If I try to create a third echo, the previous two echoes are destroyed",
"Anything I can do from one echo's position can be done from the other's instead",
"I regain one use of Unleash Incarnation if I have no more remaining when I roll initiative"
action : ["bonus action", ""]
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