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Last active July 2, 2018 17:48
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How to command Igor


On Materials ethernet, connect with

ssh username@igorslab.local

Otherwise, VPN to Oxford (server:, account: and connect with


Logging in should display

Oh it's you, master
I have 23.574GB free (95.9%)
Check my usage with checkgpu
Point your code to /Users/Shared/QuESTGPU
See the example at /Users/Shared/makefile
Run the demo with  /Users/Shared/demo


QuEST is stored as /Users/Shared/QuESTGPU and is compiled with nvcc -ccbin clang++-3.7. A makefile is provided at /Users/Shared/makefile

The 24GB GPU can run multiple simulations simultaneously by threading them with a negligable slowdown. Attempting to run a simulation too large to fit in the available GPU memory will harmlessly error without affecting running simulations.

Remember that the CPU and 16GB RAM are also being shared, so try not to use too much memory in your personal data structures. Everyone also shares disk bandwidth, so keep file writing infrequent!

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