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Created September 19, 2011 23:25
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Save Uberi/1227891 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Forum Search - search the AutoHotkey forums programmatically.
Search := ForumSearch("","","Uberi",2) ;search the "Scripts & Functions" forum for topics by Uberi
TopicList := ""
For Index, Result In Search
If (Result.Author = "Uberi")
TopicList .= Result.Title . "`n"
MsgBox % TopicList
ForumSearch(BaseURL = "",Keywords = "",Author = "",ForumIndex = 0,ResultLimit = 0,SearchAny = 0,PreviousDays = 0)
If !ForumIndex ;search all available forums if a specific forum is not specified
ForumIndex := -1 ;the index representing all available forums is -1
If (BaseURL = "")
BaseURL := ""
URL := BaseURL . "search.php?mode=results"
POSTData := "search_keywords=" . URLEncode(Keywords) . "&search_terms=" . (SearchAny ? "any" : "all") . "&search_author=" . URLEncode(Author) . "&search_forum=" . (ForumIndex ? ForumIndex : -1) . "&search_time=" . PreviousDays . "&search_fields=all&show_results=topics&return_chars=0&sort_by=0&sort_dir=DESC"
Result := Array() ;prepare the result array
;request the search results page
WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"), WebRequest.Open("POST",URL)
WebRequest.Send(POSTData), SearchResult := WebRequest.ResponseText, WebRequest := ""
If (!ParseSearchResultPage(SearchResult,BaseURL,Result,URL,ResultLimit) || URL = "")
Sleep, 3000 ;delay to allow the request to close
Return, Result
ParseSearchResultPage(SearchResult,BaseURL,ByRef Result,ByRef NextPage,ResultLimit)
SearchResult := SubStr(SearchResult,InStr(SearchResult," class=""forumline""") + 18) ;trim everything up to the main search results table
SearchResult := SubStr(SearchResult,InStr(SearchResult,"<tr>") + 5) ;trim past the headers row
SearchResult := SubStr(SearchResult,InStr(SearchResult,"</tr>") + 5) ;trim off the header row
;get a link to the next page if it is present
NextPage := SubStr(SearchResult,InStr(SearchResult,"<span class=""nav"">") + 18) ;skip to the navigation table
NextPage := SubStr(NextPage,InStr(NextPage,"<span class=""nav"">") + 18) ;skip to the second span of the navigation table
NextPage := SubStr(NextPage,1,InStr(NextPage,"</span>") - 1) ;skip to the second span of the navigation table
If (SubStr(NextPage,-3) = "</a>") ;a link to the next page is present
NextPage := SubStr(NextPage,InStr(NextPage," href=""",0,0) + 7) ;obtain the rightmost URL, which links to the next page
NextPage := SubStr(NextPage,1,InStr(NextPage,"""") - 1) ;trim the closing quote mark and any remaining data off of the URL
NextPage := BaseURL . ConvertEntities(NextPage)
Else ;at the last page
NextPage := ""
SearchResult := SubStr(SearchResult,1,InStr(SearchResult,"</table>") - 1) ;trim everything after the navigation table
SearchResult := SubStr(SearchResult,1,InStr(SearchResult,"<tr>",0,0) - 1) ;trim off the last row of the table
SearchResult := RegExReplace(SearchResult,"iS)<(?:tr|td|img)[^>]*>|\n|\r") ;remove opening table row tags, opening table data tags, and newlines
StringReplace, SearchResult, SearchResult, </tr>, `n, All ;replace closing table row tags with newlines
SearchResult := Trim(SearchResult," `t`n") ;trim whitespace and newlines from the beginning and the end
Loop, Parse, SearchResult, `n, %A_Space%`t ;build an array of search results, trimming whitespace and newlines from the beginning and end
If (ResultLimit && ObjMaxIndex(Result) >= ResultLimit)
Return, 0
RowResult := Object() ;prepare the row result object
Row := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"iS)<(?:span|/span|br)[^>]*>") ;remove opening and closing span tags and line break tags
StringReplace, Row, Row, </td>, `n, All ;replace closing table data tags with newlines
Row := Trim(Row," `t`n") ;trim whitespace and newlines from the beginning and the end
StringSplit, Field, Row, `n, %A_Space%`t ;split the row into separate fields
RegExMatch(Field1,"iS) href=""([^""]+)""",Output) ;find the forum URL
RowResult.Forum := BaseURL . ConvertEntities(Output1) ;forum the topic is located in
RegExMatch(Field2,"iS) href=""([^""]+)""[^>]*>([^<]*)<",Output) ;find the topic URL and topic title
RowResult.URL := BaseURL . ConvertEntities(Output1) ;URL of the topic
RowResult.Title := ConvertEntities(Output2) ;title of the topic
RegExMatch(Field3,"iS)<a href=""([^""]+)""[^>]*>([^<]*)<",Output) ;find the profile URL and author name
RowResult.Profile := BaseURL . ConvertEntities(Output1) ;profile of the author
RowResult.Author := ConvertEntities(Output2) ;username of the author
RowResult.Replies := Field4 ;number of reply posts
RowResult.Views := Field5 ;number of times the topic was viewed
;remove the "sid" parameter from fields that contain links, as it causes issues with retrieval
RowResult.Forum := RegExReplace(RowResult.Forum,"iS)[&]sid=\w+")
RowResult.URL := RegExReplace(RowResult.URL,"iS)[&]sid=\w+")
RowResult.Profile := RegExReplace(RowResult.Profile,"iS)[&]sid=\w+")
NextPage := RegExReplace(NextPage,"iS)[&]sid=\w+")
Return, 1
StringReplace, URL, URL, `%, `%25, All
FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger, FoundPos := 0
SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
While, (FoundPos := RegExMatch(URL,"iS)[^\w-\.~%]",Char,FoundPos + 1))
StringReplace, URL, URL, %Char%, % "%" . SubStr("0" . SubStr(Asc(Char),3),-1), All
SetFormat, IntegerFast, %FormatInteger%
Return, URL
static EntityList := "|quot=34|apos=39|amp=38|lt=60|gt=62|nbsp=160|iexcl=161|cent=162|pound=163|curren=164|yen=165|brvbar=166|sect=167|uml=168|copy=169|ordf=170|laquo=171|not=172|shy=173|reg=174|macr=175|deg=176|plusmn=177|sup2=178|sup3=179|acute=180|micro=181|para=182|middot=183|cedil=184|sup1=185|ordm=186|raquo=187|frac14=188|frac12=189|frac34=190|iquest=191|Agrave=192|Aacute=193|Acirc=194|Atilde=195|Auml=196|Aring=197|AElig=198|Ccedil=199|Egrave=200|Eacute=201|Ecirc=202|Euml=203|Igrave=204|Iacute=205|Icirc=206|Iuml=207|ETH=208|Ntilde=209|Ograve=210|Oacute=211|Ocirc=212|Otilde=213|Ouml=214|times=215|Oslash=216|Ugrave=217|Uacute=218|Ucirc=219|Uuml=220|Yacute=221|THORN=222|szlig=223|agrave=224|aacute=225|acirc=226|atilde=227|auml=228|aring=229|aelig=230|ccedil=231|egrave=232|eacute=233|ecirc=234|euml=235|igrave=236|iacute=237|icirc=238|iuml=239|eth=240|ntilde=241|ograve=242|oacute=243|ocirc=244|otilde=245|ouml=246|divide=247|oslash=248|ugrave=249|uacute=250|ucirc=251|uuml=252|yacute=253|thorn=254|yuml=255|OElig=338|oelig=339|Scaron=352|scaron=353|Yuml=376|circ=710|tilde=732|ensp=8194|emsp=8195|thinsp=8201|zwnj=8204|zwj=8205|lrm=8206|rlm=8207|ndash=8211|mdash=8212|lsquo=8216|rsquo=8217|sbquo=8218|ldquo=8220|rdquo=8221|bdquo=8222|dagger=8224|Dagger=8225|hellip=8230|permil=8240|lsaquo=8249|rsaquo=8250|euro=8364|trade=8482|"
FoundPos := 1
While, (FoundPos := InStr(HTML,"&",1,FoundPos))
FoundPos ++, Entity := SubStr(HTML,FoundPos,InStr(HTML,";",1,FoundPos) - FoundPos), (SubStr(Entity,1,1) = "#") ? (EntityCode := SubStr(Entity,2)) : (Temp1 := InStr(EntityList,"|" . Entity . "=") + StrLen(Entity) + 2, EntityCode := SubStr(EntityList,Temp1,InStr(EntityList,"|",1,Temp1) - Temp1))
StringReplace, HTML, HTML, &%Entity%`;, % Chr(EntityCode), All
Return, HTML
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