Save Uberi/3334552 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#NoEnv | |
SetBatchLines, -1 | |
Gui, Font, s16, Arial | |
Gui, Add, Edit, x10 y10 w450 h30 vPath gUpdate | |
Gui, Add, Button, x460 y10 w30 h30 gSelectFile, ... | |
Gui, Font, s12, Courier New | |
Gui, Add, Edit, x10 y50 w480 h340 vCode ReadOnly -Wrap, <Output> | |
Gui, Show, w496 h398, AutoHotkey Decompiler | |
If 0 = 1 | |
GuiControl,, Path, %1% | |
Return | |
GuiClose: | |
ExitApp | |
Update: | |
SetTimer, Decompile, -800 | |
Return | |
GuiDropFiles: | |
Loop, Parse, A_GuiEvent, `n | |
{ | |
GuiControl,, Path, %A_LoopField% | |
Break | |
} | |
Return | |
SelectFile: | |
FileSelectFile, Path, 3,, Select an AutoHotkey executable to decompile, *.exe | |
If !ErrorLevel | |
GuiControl,, Path, %Path% | |
Return | |
Decompile: | |
GuiControlGet, Path,, Path | |
Attributes := FileExist(Path) | |
If !Attributes | |
{ | |
GuiControl,, Code, <Error>`nInvalid path: "%Path%". | |
Return | |
} | |
If InStr(Attributes,"D") | |
{ | |
GuiControl,, Code, <Error>`nInvalid file: %Path%. | |
Return | |
} | |
GuiControl,, Code, <Decompiling> | |
try Code := Decompile(Path) | |
catch e | |
{ | |
GuiControl,, Code, % "<Error>`n" . e.Message . "`nFunction: " . e.What . " (Line " . e.Line . ")" | |
Return | |
} | |
GuiControl,, Code, %Code% | |
Return | |
Decompile(Path) | |
{ | |
ExtractDir := A_ScriptDir . "\ExtractFiles" | |
PatchedPath := ExtractDir . "\Patched.exe" | |
Payload := ExtractDir . "\winmm.dll" | |
;set up temporary directory | |
try FileCreateDir, %ExtractDir% | |
catch e | |
throw Exception("Could not create temporary extraction directory: """ . ExtractDir . """.") | |
;make a copy of the executable to work with | |
try FileCopy, %Path%, %PatchedPath%, 1 | |
catch e | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Invalid executable path: """ . Path . """.") | |
} | |
;read the executable contents | |
Executable := FileOpen(PatchedPath,"rw") | |
If !Executable | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Could not access executable: """ . PatchedPath . """.") | |
} | |
Length := Executable.RawRead(Buffer,Executable.Length) | |
If Length < 64 ;minimum executable size | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Could not read executable: """ . PatchedPath . """.") | |
} | |
try SectionLength := GetSectionOffset(Buffer,".rsrc",SectionDataOffset) ;search for the resources section | |
catch e | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw e | |
} | |
PatchedNames := [">UHK WITH ICON<",">UUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<"] | |
Success := False | |
For Index, Name In [">AHK WITH ICON<",">AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<"] | |
{ | |
;obtain resource name in UTF-16 | |
Size := StrLen(Name) | |
VarSetCapacity(uName,Size << 1) | |
StrPut(Name,&uName,Size,"UTF-16") | |
;patch resource name if found | |
Offset := SearchBuffer(&Buffer + SectionDataOffset,SectionLength,uName,Size) | |
If Offset = -1 | |
Continue | |
Offset += SectionDataOffset ;obtain absolute offset | |
Success := True | |
;obtain new resource name in UTF-16 | |
NewName := PatchedNames[Index] | |
Size := StrLen(NewName) | |
VarSetCapacity(uName,Size << 1) | |
StrPut(NewName,&uName,Size,"UTF-16") | |
;patch the resource name to prevent access by executable | |
If !Executable.Seek(Offset) | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Could not seek to resource position: " . Offset . ".") | |
} | |
If !Executable.RawWrite(uName,Size << 1) | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Could not patch resource: """ . NewName . """.") | |
} | |
} | |
If !Success ;resources not found | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Invalid executable script resources: """ . PatchedPath . """.") | |
} | |
Executable.Close() | |
;determine the correct payload to use | |
BinaryType := 0 | |
If !DllCall("GetBinaryType" . (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"),"Str",PatchedPath,"UInt*",BinaryType) | |
throw Exception("Could not determine executable type: """ . PatchedPath . """.") | |
If BinaryType = 0 ;SCS_32BIT_BINARY | |
PayloadPath := A_ScriptDir . "\payload.dll" | |
Else If BinaryType = 6 ;SCS_64BIT_BINARY | |
PayloadPath := A_ScriptDir . "\payload64.dll" | |
Else | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Invalid executable type: """ . BinaryType . """.") | |
} | |
;deploy payload | |
try FileCopy, %PayloadPath%, %Payload%, 1 | |
catch e | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Could not deploy payload: """ . PayloadPath . """.") | |
} | |
;run the executable | |
try RunWait, %PatchedPath%, %ExtractDir% | |
catch e | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Could not run executable: """ . PatchedPath . """.") | |
} | |
;obtain script extracted by payload | |
SplitPath, PatchedPath,, OutDir,, OutNameNoExt | |
ScriptPath := OutDir . "\" . OutNameNoExt . "-uncompiled.ahk" | |
try FileRead, Code, %ScriptPath% | |
catch e | |
{ | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
throw Exception("Could read script code: """ . ScriptPath . """.") | |
} | |
try FileRemoveDir, %ExtractDir%, 1 ;clean up temporary directory | |
Return, Code | |
} | |
GetSectionOffset(ByRef Buffer,Name,ByRef DataOffset) | |
{ | |
If NumGet(Buffer,0,"UShort") != 0x5A4D ;MS-DOS executable marker | |
throw Exception("Invalid MS-DOS signature.") | |
Offset := NumGet(Buffer,60,"UInt") ;read the "e_lfanew" field of the MS-DOS header for the file address of the PE header | |
If NumGet(Buffer,Offset,"UInt") != 0x4550 ;IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE | |
throw Exception("Invalid NT signature.") | |
Offset += 4 ;move past the file signature | |
SectionsCount := NumGet(Buffer,Offset + 2,"UShort") ;read the "NumberOfSections" field of the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure for the number of sections present | |
OptionalHeaderSize := NumGet(Buffer,Offset + 16,"UShort") ;read the "SizeOfOptionalHeader" field of the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure for the size of the optional header | |
Offset += 20 ;move past the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure | |
Marker := NumGet(Buffer,Offset,"UShort") ;IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER marker | |
If (Marker != 0x10B && Marker != 0x20B) ;IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC, IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC | |
throw Exception("Invalid PE signature.") | |
Offset += OptionalHeaderSize ;move past the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER structure | |
Loop, %SectionsCount% ;loop through each section header | |
{ | |
If StrGet(&Buffer + Offset,8,"UTF-8") = Name ;found header | |
{ | |
DataLength := NumGet(Buffer,Offset + 16,"UInt") | |
DataOffset := NumGet(Buffer,Offset + 20,"UInt") | |
Return, DataLength | |
} | |
Offset += 40 ;move past the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER structure | |
} | |
throw Exception("Could not find PE file section: """ . Name . """.") | |
} | |
SearchBuffer(pBuffer,BufferSize,ByRef Search,SearchSize) ;Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm | |
{ | |
;preprocess search input | |
ShiftTable := [] | |
Loop, 255 | |
ShiftTable[A_Index] := SearchSize | |
Loop, % SearchSize - 1 | |
ShiftTable[NumGet(Search,A_Index - 1,"UChar")] := SearchSize - A_Index | |
;search buffer | |
Offset := 0 | |
While, BufferSize >= SearchSize | |
{ | |
;scan from the end of the search input | |
Position := SearchSize - 1 | |
While, NumGet(pBuffer + Offset,Position,"UChar") = NumGet(Search,Position,"UChar") | |
{ | |
If Position = 0 | |
Return, Offset | |
Position -- | |
} | |
;shift buffer if not found | |
Value := ShiftTable[NumGet(pBuffer + Offset,SearchSize - 1,"UChar")] | |
Offset += Value | |
BufferSize -= Value | |
} | |
;search input not found | |
Return, -1 | |
} |
This doesn't work.
Original one doesn't work either because i'm missing payload.dll and payload64.dll
Hey all,
I've uploaded the DLLs here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jQLOoHZdWZDsxKH_Cd_piHP3MtC5qXzY/view?usp=sharing
hello does anyone have a decompiler for this. link https://pastebin.com/a1cYEZEK
Hey all,
I've uploaded the DLLs here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jQLOoHZdWZDsxKH_Cd_piHP3MtC5qXzY/view?usp=sharing
The link is not working. Can you give us a new one, please?
Hey all,
Just uploaded it to GitHub this time! https://github.com/Uberi/AHK-Scripts/tree/e6a8e44b3abc112bfd2997a2a04bacb9899b0f1b/%40Completed/Programs/Decompiler
Hopefully that lasts longer than that Google account :)
Hey all,
Just uploaded it to GitHub this time! https://github.com/Uberi/AHK-Scripts/tree/e6a8e44b3abc112bfd2997a2a04bacb9899b0f1b/%40Completed/Programs/Decompiler
Hopefully that lasts longer than that Google account :)
Thank you so much !!
Hello @Uberi,
Can you please provide links to payload.dll and payload64.dll (needed at L158)?
Unfortunately links from IsNull at dl.securityvision.ch are no longer available.