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Last active December 26, 2015 10:14
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MODSTER source code. Check out the [forum topic](! Licensed under the AGPLv3.
Gui, Font, s36, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y10 w760 h50 Center, MODSTER 2.0
Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Groupbox, x10 y80 w760 h110, Where is the Minetest folder?
Gui, Font, s22
Gui, Add, Edit, x20 y110 w690 h40 vMinetestPath gCheckMinetest
Gui, Add, Button, x710 y110 w50 h40 gSelectMinetest, ...
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y160 w740 h20 vMinetestStatus
Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Groupbox, x10 y200 w760 h150, How is the mod stored?
Gui, Font, s18
Gui, Add, Radio, x20 y220 w430 h40 Checked vModType gSelectType, I've got some sort of file here
Gui, Add, Radio, x20 y260 w430 h40 gSelectType, I've got this folder somewhere
Gui, Add, Radio, x20 y300 w430 h40 gSelectType, I've got a whole bunch of text
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Text, x450 y220 w310 h40, Select this if you have a single file with an extension like ZIP`, TAR.GZ`, LUA, or similar.
Gui, Add, Text, x450 y260 w310 h40, Select this if you have a folder with some files or folders inside it.
Gui, Add, Text, x450 y300 w310 h40, Select this if you have a some plain text that can be copied and pasted.
Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Groupbox, x10 y360 w760 h110, Where is the mod?
Gui, Font, s22
Gui, Add, Edit, x20 y390 w690 h40 vModPath gCheckMod
Gui, Add, Button, x710 y390 w50 h40 vSelectMod gSelectMod, ...
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y440 w740 h20 vModStatus
Gui, Font,, Courier New
Gui, Add, Edit, x20 y385 w740 h75 -VScroll Hidden vModCode gDeferredCheckMod
Gui, Font, s12, Arial
Gui, Add, Groupbox, x10 y480 w760 h80, Installation status
Gui, Font, s24
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y510 w740 h40 vStatus
;installer default location found
SplitPath, A_WinDir,,,,, MainDrive
Loop, %MainDrive%\*Minetest*, 2
GuiControl,, MinetestPath, %A_LoopFileLongPath%
;installer alternate location found
Loop, %A_ProgramFiles%\*Minetest*, 2
GuiControl,, MinetestPath, %A_LoopFileLongPath%
Gosub, CheckMinetest
Gosub, CheckMod
Gosub, UpdateStatus
Gui, Color, White
Gui, Show, w780 h570, Modster 2.0 - Dead simple Minetest mod installer by Uberi
FileSelectFolder, MinetestPath,, 3
If ErrorLevel
GuiControl,, MinetestPath, %MinetestPath%
Gui, Submit, NoHide
State := ModType = 3
GuiControl, Hide%State%, ModPath
GuiControl, Hide%State%, SelectMod
GuiControl, Hide%State%, ModStatus
GuiControl, Show%State%, ModCode
GuiControl,, ModCode, Paste the code in here!
Gui, Submit, NoHide
If ModType = 1 ;mod is stored as a file
FileSelectFile, ModPath, 3,, Select the mod file, Minetest Mods (*.7z; *.xz; *.zip; *.gz; *.gzip; *.tgz; *.bz2; *.bzip2; *.tbz2; *.tbz; *.tar; *.rar; *.lua)
Else If ModType = 2 ;mod is stored as a folder
FileSelectFolder, ModPath,, 3
If ErrorLevel
GuiControl,, ModPath, %ModPath%
GuiControlGet, MinetestPath,, MinetestPath
try TrueMinetestPath := IsMinetest(MinetestPath)
catch e
GuiControl,, MinetestStatus, % "Error: " . e.Message
Gosub, UpdateStatus
If TrueMinetestPath
GuiControl,, MinetestStatus, Minetest found! Path: %TrueMinetestPath%
If TrueModPath ;both minetest and mod paths specified
Gosub, InstallMod
GuiControl,, MinetestStatus, That doesn't look like a Minetest folder!
Gui, Submit, NoHide
SetTimer, CheckMod, -500
GuiControlGet, ModPath,, ModPath
If ModType = 3 ;plain text mod
GuiControlGet, ModCode,, ModCode
try ModPath := CreateMod(ModCode)
catch e
GuiControl,, ModStatus, % "Error: " . e.Message
try TrueModPath := IsMod(ModPath)
catch e
GuiControl,, ModStatus, % "Error: " . e.Message
Gosub, UpdateStatus
If TrueModPath
GuiControl,, ModStatus, Mod found! Path: %TrueModPath%
If TrueMinetestPath ;both minetest and mod paths specified
Gosub, InstallMod
GuiControl,, ModStatus, That doesn't look like a mod!
If TrueMinetestPath
If TrueModPath
GuiControl,, Status, Installing...
Else If ModType = 3 ;plain text mod
GuiControl,, Status, Enter the mod code.
GuiControl,, Status, Enter the mod path.
Else If TrueModPath
GuiControl,, Status, Enter the Minetest path.
Else If ModType = 3 ;plain text mod
GuiControl,, Status, Enter the Minetest path and mod code.
GuiControl,, Status, Enter the Minetest and mod paths.
ModName := DetectModName(TrueModPath)
If FileExist(TrueMinetestPath . "\mods\minetest") ;Minetest version 0.4.6 or below
ModFolder := TrueMinetestPath . "\mods\minetest"
Else ;Minetest version 0.4.7 or above
ModFolder := TrueMinetestPath . "\mods"
Destination := ModFolder . "\" . ModName
;copy files to the mod folder
try FileRemoveDir, %Destination%, 1
try FileCreateDir, %Destination%
GuiControl,, Status, Error: Could not create mod folder.
If CopyFilesAndFolders(TrueModPath . "\*.*",Destination,True) > 0
GuiControl,, Status, Error: Could not copy all files.
GuiControl,, Status, Mod installed!
TempFolder := A_Temp . "\Modster_Temp1\modster_installed_" . (A_ScriptHwnd + 0)
;clear folder
try FileRemoveDir, %TempFolder%, 1
try FileCreateDir, %TempFolder%
throw Exception("Could not create temp folder")
;write file
try FileDelete, %TempFolder%\init.lua
try FileAppend, %Code%, %TempFolder%\init.lua
throw Exception("Could not write file")
Return, TempFolder
;look through all the code files for indicators of the mod name
Loop, %ModPath%\*.lua
FileRead, Contents, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
If RegExMatch(Contents,"iS)register_(?:node|tool|craftitem)\s*\(\s*[""']\K\w+:",ModName)
Return, ModName
;use folder name as the mod name
SplitPath, ModPath, ModName
If RegExMatch(ModName,"S)^\w+$")
Return, ModName
;use the parent folder name as the mod name
SplitPath, ModPath,, Parent
SplitPath, Parent, ModName
If RegExMatch(ModName,"S)^\w+$")
Return, ModName
IsMinetest(Path) ;returns the base folder of Minetest, or a blank string if not found
Attributes := FileExist(Path)
If !Attributes ;path doesn't exist
Return, ""
If !InStr(Attributes,"D") ;path is a file
Return, ""
;remove trailing slash
If SubStr(Path,0) = "\" || SubStr(Path,0) = "/"
Path := SubStr(Path,1,-1)
;check folder
If FileExist(Path . "\bin\minetest.exe")
Loop, %Path%, 2
Return, A_LoopFileLongPath
;check parent folder
If FileExist(Path . "\..\bin\minetest.exe")
Loop, %Path%\.., 2
Return, A_LoopFileLongPath
;check subfolders
Loop, %Path%\*Minetest*, 2
TempPath := A_LoopFileFullPath
If SubStr(TempPath,0) = "\"
TempPath := SubStr(TempPath,1,-1)
If FileExist(TempPath . "\bin\minetest.exe")
Return, A_LoopFileLongPath
Return, ""
IsMod(Path) ;returns the base folder of the mod, or a blank string if not found
Attributes := FileExist(Path)
If !Attributes ;path doesn't exist
Return, ""
;remove trailing slash
If SubStr(Path,0) = "\" || SubStr(Path,0) = "/"
Path := SubStr(Path,1,-1)
If InStr(Attributes,"D") ;path is a folder
;check folder
If FileExist(Path . "\init.lua") || FileExist(Path . "\modpack.txt")
Loop, %Path%, 2
Return, A_LoopFileLongPath
;check parent folder
If FileExist(Path . "\..\init.lua") || FileExist(Path . "\..\modpack.txt")
Loop, %Path%\.., 2
Return, A_LoopFileLongPath
;check subfolders
Loop, %Path%\*, 2
TempPath := A_LoopFileFullPath
If SubStr(TempPath,0) = "\"
TempPath := SubStr(TempPath,1,-1)
If FileExist(TempPath . "\init.lua") || FileExist(TempPath . "\modpack.txt")
Return, A_LoopFileLongPath
Else ;path is a file
try FileInstall, 7za.exe, %A_Temp%\7za.exe, 1
throw Exception("Could not extract archiver")
;create a folder with the archive name
SplitPath, Path,,,, Name
TempFolder := A_Temp . "\Modster_Temp" . A_Index . "\" . Name
;clear folder
try FileRemoveDir, %TempFolder%, 1
try FileCreateDir, %TempFolder%
throw Exception("Could not create temp folder")
;extract the archive based on its extension
SplitPath, Path,,, Extension
If (Extension = "lua") ;plain Lua file
;wip: try checking the containing directory for the mod folder
If (Name = "init") ;plain mod name
Loop, 1
;create a random folder for the mode to go in
Random, Temp1, 0, 0xFFFFFF
Temp1 := A_Temp . "\Modster_Temp" . A_Index . "\modster_installed_" . Temp1
try FileMoveDir, %TempFolder%, %Temp1%, R
TempFolder := Temp1
;move the Lua file into the directory
try FileCopy, %Path%, %TempFolder%\init.lua, 1
throw Exception("Could not copy file")
Return, TempFolder
If Extension Not In 7z,xz,zip,gz,gzip,tgz,bz2,bzip2,tbz2,tbz,tar,rar
;extract archive
try RunWait, "%A_ScriptDir%\7za.exe" x "%Path%" -y "-o%TempFolder%",, Hide
throw Exception("Could not start archiver")
If ErrorLevel != 0 ;archive extraction error
throw Exception("Could not extract archive")
;check for mod
If FileExist(TempFolder . "\init.lua") || FileExist(TempFolder . "\modpack.txt")
Return, TempFolder
;check subfolders
Loop, %TempFolder%\*, 2
TempPath := A_LoopFileFullPath
If SubStr(TempPath,0) = "\"
TempPath := SubStr(TempPath,1,-1)
If FileExist(TempPath . "\init.lua") || FileExist(TempPath . "\modpack.txt")
Return, A_LoopFileLongPath
;check for nested archives
Found := False
Loop, %TempFolder%\*
If (A_LoopFileExt = "zip" || A_LoopFileExt = "gz" || A_LoopFileExt = "tgz" || A_LoopFileExt = "tar")
Found := True
Path := A_LoopFileLongPath
If !Found ;no nested archives found
Return, ""
CopyFilesAndFolders(SourcePattern, DestinationFolder, DoOverwrite = false)
; Copies all files and folders matching SourcePattern into the folder named DestinationFolder and
; returns the number of files/folders that could not be copied.
; First copy all the files (but not the folders):
FileCopy, %SourcePattern%, %DestinationFolder%, %DoOverwrite%
ErrorCount := ErrorLevel
; Now copy all the folders:
Loop, %SourcePattern%, 2 ; 2 means "retrieve folders only".
FileCopyDir, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %DestinationFolder%\%A_LoopFileName%, %DoOverwrite%
ErrorCount += ErrorLevel
return ErrorCount
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