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Last active January 13, 2021 01:10
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Export all public Graphana dashboards
create_slug () {
echo "$1" | iconv -t ascii//TRANSLIT | sed -r s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/-/g | sed -r s/^-+\|-+$//g | tr A-Z a-z
process_db_json() {
db_title=$(echo "${db_json}" | jq -r .dashboard.title)
db_slug=$(create_slug "${db_title}")
echo "Exporting \"${db_title}\" to \"${filename}\"..."
# for recreating via REST API:
# echo "${db_json}" | jq ' = null' > "${filename}"
# for manual provisioning:
echo "${db_json}" | jq ' = null' | jq '.dashboard' > "${filename}"
base_url=$(echo "${full_url}" | cut -d@ -f 2)
timestamp=$(date -u +%s)
folder=$(create_slug "${name}-${base_url}-${timestamp}")
mkdir "${folder}"
for db_uid in $(curl -s "${full_url}/api/search" | jq -r .[].uid); do
db_json=$(curl -s "${full_url}/api/dashboards/uid/${db_uid}")
process_db_json $db_json
db_json=$(curl -s "${full_url}/api/dashboards/home")
process_db_json $db_json
echo "Done"
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