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Last active September 30, 2017 12:27
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onvif examples
pi@gc16:~ $ python
Python 2.7.9 (default, Sep 17 2016, 20:26:04) 
[GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from onvif import ONVIFCamera
>>> mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 8080, 'admin', 'admin')
>>> media = mycam.create_media_service()
>>> ec = media.GetCompatibleVideoEncoderConfigurations()
>>> ec
   _token = "main_video_encoder_cfg_token"
   Name = "main_video_encoder_cfg"
   UseCount = 1
   Encoding = "H264"
   Resolution = 
         Width = 1280
         Height = 720
   Quality = 6.0
   RateControl = 
         FrameRateLimit = 30
         EncodingInterval = 60
         BitrateLimit = 6144
   H264 = 
         GovLength = 50
         H264Profile = "Baseline"
   Multicast = 
         Address = 
               Type = "IPv4"
               IPv4Address = ""
               IPv6Address = ""
         Port = 0
         TTL = 3
         AutoStart = False
   SessionTimeout = "PT0H0M0.010S"
 }, (VideoEncoderConfiguration){
   _token = "sub_video_encoder_cfg_token"
   Name = "sub_video_encoder_cfg"
   UseCount = 1
   Encoding = "H264"
   Resolution = 
         Width = 320
         Height = 176
   Quality = 6.0
   RateControl = 
         FrameRateLimit = 30
         EncodingInterval = 150
         BitrateLimit = 32
   H264 = 
         GovLength = 50
         H264Profile = "Baseline"
   Multicast = 
         Address = 
               Type = "IPv4"
               IPv4Address = ""
               IPv6Address = ""
         Port = 0
         TTL = 3
         AutoStart = False
   SessionTimeout = "PT0H0M0.010S"
>>> params = media.create_type('SetVideoEncoderConfiguration')
>>> params
   Configuration = 
         Name = None
         UseCount = None
         _token = ""
         Encoding = 
               value = None
         Resolution = 
               Width = None
               Height = None
         Quality = None
         RateControl = 
               FrameRateLimit = None
               EncodingInterval = None
               BitrateLimit = None
         MPEG4 = 
               GovLength = None
               Mpeg4Profile = 
                     value = None
         H264 = 
               GovLength = None
               H264Profile = 
                     value = None
         Multicast = 
               Address = 
                     Type = 
                           value = None
                     IPv4Address = None
                     IPv6Address = None
               Port = None
               TTL = None
               AutoStart = None
         SessionTimeout = None
   ForcePersistence = None
>>> params.Configuration = ec[0]
>>> params.Configuration.RateControl.EncodingInterval=150
>>> media.SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(params)
>>> media.GetCompatibleVideoEncoderConfigurations()
   _token = "main_video_encoder_cfg_token"
   Name = "main_video_encoder_cfg"
   UseCount = 1
   Encoding = "H264"
   Resolution = 
         Width = 1280
         Height = 720
   Quality = 6.0
   RateControl = 
         FrameRateLimit = 30
         EncodingInterval = 150
         BitrateLimit = 6144
   H264 = 
         GovLength = 50
         H264Profile = "Baseline"
   Multicast = 
         Address = 
               Type = "IPv4"
               IPv4Address = ""
               IPv6Address = ""
         Port = 0
         TTL = 3
         AutoStart = False
   SessionTimeout = "PT0H0M0.010S"
 }, (VideoEncoderConfiguration){
   _token = "sub_video_encoder_cfg_token"
   Name = "sub_video_encoder_cfg"
   UseCount = 1
   Encoding = "H264"
   Resolution = 
         Width = 320
         Height = 176
   Quality = 6.0
   RateControl = 
         FrameRateLimit = 30
         EncodingInterval = 150
         BitrateLimit = 32
   H264 = 
         GovLength = 50
         H264Profile = "Baseline"
   Multicast = 
         Address = 
               Type = "IPv4"
               IPv4Address = ""
               IPv6Address = ""
         Port = 0
         TTL = 3
         AutoStart = False
   SessionTimeout = "PT0H0M0.010S"
pi@gc16:~ $ python
Python 2.7.9 (default, Sep 17 2016, 20:26:04) 
[GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pytz
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from onvif import ONVIFCamera
>>> mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 8080, 'admin', 'admin')
>>> media = mycam.create_media_service()
>>> time_params = mycam.devicemgmt.create_type('SetSystemDateAndTime')
>>> now ='Asia/Tokyo'))
>>> time_params.DateTimeType = 'Manual'
>>> time_params.DaylightSavings = True
>>> time_params.TimeZone.TZ = pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo')
>>> now ='Asia/Tokyo'))
>>> time_params.UTCDateTime.Date.Year = now.year
>>> time_params.UTCDateTime.Date.Month = now.month
>>> time_params.UTCDateTime.Date.Day =
>>> time_params.UTCDateTime.Time.Hour = now.hour
>>> time_params.UTCDateTime.Time.Minute = now.minute
>>> time_params.UTCDateTime.Time.Second = now.second
>>> mycam.devicemgmt.SetSystemDateAndTime(time_params)
>>> mycam.devicemgmt.GetSystemDateAndTime()
   DateTimeType = "Manual"
   DaylightSavings = True
   TimeZone = 
         TZ = "Asia/Tokyo"
   UTCDateTime = 
         Time = 
               Hour = 9
               Minute = 37
               Second = 19
         Date = 
               Year = 2017
               Month = 9
               Day = 26

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