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Forked from jdah/wfc.hpp
Created August 14, 2023 14:50
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Wave Function Collapse
#pragma once
#include "util/types.hpp"
#include "util/std.hpp"
#include "util/ndarray.hpp"
#include "util/collections.hpp"
#include "util/rand.hpp"
#include "util/hash.hpp"
#include "util/assert.hpp"
#include "util/bitset.hpp"
#include "util/result.hpp"
#include "util/omp.hpp"
namespace wfc {
enum Flags {
// add rotations of default patterns to pattern set
FLAGS_ROTATE = 1 << 0,
// add reflections of default patterns to pattern set
// which pattern selection function to use
enum class PatternFunction {
// which cell selection function to use
enum class NextCellFunction {
// behavior of borders for pattern calculation
// EXCLUDE: any pattern which would include a border is not used
// ZERO: borders have the value T(0)
// CLAMP: borders are clamped to their nearest defined value
// WRAP: borders are wrapped around the input data
enum BorderBehavior {
// permute n-dimensional rotations of an array
template <usize N>
struct Rotator {};
template <>
struct Rotator<2> {
using V = ivec2;
// permutes rotations of src
template <typename T, usize S>
static inline std::array<std::array<T, S * S>, 4> permute(
const std::array<T, S * S> &src) {
std::array<std::array<T, S * S>, 4> dst;
dst[0] = src;
dst[1] = rotate_ccw<T, S>(dst[0]);
dst[2] = rotate_ccw<T, S>(dst[1]);
dst[3] = rotate_ccw<T, S>(dst[2]);
return dst;
template <typename T, usize S>
static inline std::array<T, S * S> rotate(
const std::array<T, S * S> &src) {
std::array<T, S * S> dst;
for (usize i = 0; i < S; i++) {
for (usize j = 0; j < S; j++) {
ndarray::at(V(S), &dst[0], { i, j }) =
ndarray::at(V(S), &src[0], { S - j - 1, i });
return dst;
// permutes n-dimensional reflections of an array
template <usize N>
struct Reflector {
using V = math::vec<N, int, math::defaultp>;
template <typename T, usize S, usize VOL = math::cexp::pow(S, N)>
static inline auto permute(
const std::array<T, S * S> &src) {
std::array<std::array<T, VOL>, math::cexp::pow(2, N)> dst;
// iterate over possible permutations of axes
usize i = 0;
[&](const V &v) {
const auto which = math::vec<N, bool, math::defaultp>(v);
dst[i] = src;
for (usize j = 0; j < N; j++) {
if (which[j]) {
dst[i] = reflect_axis<T, S>(dst[i], j);
return dst;
template <typename T, usize S, usize VOL = math::cexp::pow(S, N)>
static inline auto reflect_axis(
const std::array<T, VOL> &src, usize axis) {
std::array<T, VOL> dst;
[&](const V &v) {
V u = v;
u[axis] = S - u[axis] - 1;
ndarray::at(V(S), &dst[0], v) =
ndarray::at(V(S), &src[0], u);
return dst;
// neighbors in N dimensions
template <usize N>
struct Neighbors {};
template <>
struct Neighbors<2> {
static constexpr std::array<ivec2, 4> neighbors =
ivec2(-1, 0),
ivec2(1, 0),
ivec2(0, -1),
ivec2(0, 1),
template <>
struct Neighbors<3> {
static constexpr std::array<ivec3, 9> neighbors =
ivec3(-1, 0, 0),
ivec3(1, 0, 0),
ivec3(0, -1, 0),
ivec3(0, 1, 0),
ivec3(0, 0, -1),
ivec3(0, 0, 1),
// implements n-dimensional wave function collapse with the "overlapping model"
// T: pattern data type
// N: number of dimension
// S: size of patterns (MUST BE ODD!)
// D: bitset size
// V (defaulted): ivecN
template <
typename T,
usize N,
usize S,
usize D,
typename V = math::vec<N, int, math::defaultp>>
requires ((S % 2) == 1)
struct WFC {
// forward declarations
struct Pattern;
struct Element;
struct Wave;
// function which takes current wave and returns next cell to collapse
using NextCellFn = std::function<Element&(Wave&)>;
// function which chooses the pattern to collapse a cell to
using PatternFn = std::function<usize(Wave&, Element&)>;
// function used for optional callbacks during collapse process
using CallbackFn = std::function<void(const Wave&)>;
// S ** N (volume of one pattern)
static constexpr auto VOL = math::cexp::pow(S, N);
// pattern derived from input data
struct Pattern {
// unique pattern ID
usize id;
// normalized frequency of this pattern in input data
f32 frequency;
// value at the center of this pattern
T value;
// pattern data
std::array<T, VOL> data;
// valid neighbors on each side of this pattern
std::array<Bitset<D>, 2 * N> valid;
explicit Pattern(const std::array<T, VOL> &data)
: data(data),
value(ndarray::at(V(S), &data[0], V(S) / 2)) {}
// NOTE: comparison is on data only
auto operator<=>(const Pattern &other) const {
return (*this) == other ?
: this->hash() <=> other.hash();
// NOTE: equality comparison is on data only
bool operator==(const Pattern &other) const {
return this->hash() == other.hash()
&& this->data ==;
inline u64 hash() const {
if (this->_hash) {
return this->_hash;
u64 v = 0x12345;
for (const auto &x : this->data) {
v ^= x + 0x9e3779b9 + (v << 6) + (v >> 2);
return this->_hash = v;
// stored hash, only calculated once
mutable u64 _hash = 0;
// wave element
struct Element {
// position in output space
V pos;
// coefficient, marked bits are VALID choices
Bitset<D> c;
// number of valid bits remaining
usize popcnt;
// value post-collapse (std::nullopt if not collapsed)
std::optional<T> value = std::nullopt;
// memoized entropy values
f32 sum_weights = 0.0f;
f32 sum_weight_log_weights = 0.0f;
f32 entropy = 0.0f;
// intialize entropy values, coefficient
void init(const Wave &w, const Bitset<D> &mask) {
this->c = mask;
this->popcnt = this->c.popcnt();
for (
auto it = this->c.begin_on();
it != this->c.end_on();
it++) {
const auto weight = w.wfc.patterns[*it].frequency;
this->sum_weights += weight;
this->sum_weight_log_weights += weight * std::log(weight);
// applies a mask to this element's coefficient, updating memoized
// entropy values
// returns false on failure (0 popcnt/contradiction)
bool apply(const Wave &w, const Bitset<D> &mask) {
// get bits which are on in the current coefficient but off in the
// new mask. exit early if nothing changes.
const auto diff = this->c & mask;
if (diff.popcnt() == 0) {
return true;
this->c &= mask;
for (
auto it = diff.begin_on();
it != diff.end_on();
it++) {
const auto weight = w.wfc.patterns[*it].frequency;
this->sum_weights -= weight;
this->sum_weight_log_weights -= weight * std::log(weight);
this->entropy =
- (this->sum_weight_log_weights / this->sum_weights);
this->popcnt = this->c.popcnt();
return this->popcnt != 0;
// collapse this element to pattern n
bool collapse(usize n, const T &value) {
if (!this->c[n]) {
return false;
this->value = value;
this->popcnt = 1;
this->entropy = 0.0f;
this->sum_weights = 0.0f;
this->sum_weight_log_weights = 0.0f;
return true;
// returns true if this element is collapsed
bool collapsed() const {
return static_cast<bool>(this->value);
// wave to collapse
struct Wave {
const WFC &wfc;
// size of output wave
V size_wave;
// output wave elements
std::vector<Element> wave;
// optional preset values
const std::optional<T> *preset;
// total number of collapsed elements
usize num_collapsed = 0;
const WFC &wfc,
const V &size_wave,
const std::optional<T> *preset = nullptr)
: wfc(wfc),
preset(preset) {}
// collapses the specified wave element to the only remaining
// possibility, or n if specified
result::Result<void, V> collapse(
Element &e,
usize n = std::numeric_limits<usize>::max()) {
n = (n == std::numeric_limits<usize>::max()) ? e.c.nth_set(0) : n;
const auto &p = this->wfc.patterns[n];
if (!e.collapse(n, p.value)) {
return result::Err(e.pos);
return result::Ok();
// observe specified wave element, collapsing it to one of its possible
// values
result::Result<void, V> observe(Element &e) {
const auto n = this->wfc.pattern_fn(*this, e);
return this->collapse(e, n);
// propagate the current value of the specified wave element
// returns Ok on success, erroneous position V on failure
// (contradiction)
result::Result<void, V> propagate(Element &to_propagate) {
// DFS elements to update
std::stack<Element*> es;
// if not std::nullopt, there is an unresolvable contradiction in
// the wave
std::optional<V> contradiction = std::nullopt;
// propagate each stack entry to neighbors
while (!es.empty()) {
auto &e = *;
// get only valid non-collapsed neighbors
std::array<Element*, N * 2> neighbors;
for (usize i = 0; i < N * 2; i++) {
neighbors[i] = nullptr;
const auto &n = Neighbors<N>::neighbors[i];
const auto pos_n = e.pos + n;
if (!ndarray::in_bounds(this->size_wave, pos_n)) {
auto &e_n =
if (e_n.collapsed()) {
neighbors[i] = &e_n;
// compute superpatterns for valid neighbors
std::array<Bitset<D>, N * 2> neighbor_patterns;
for (
auto it = e.c.begin_on();
it != e.c.end_on();
it++) {
const auto &p = this->wfc.patterns[*it];
for (usize i = 0; i < N * 2; i++) {
if (neighbors[i]) {
neighbor_patterns[i] |= p.valid[i];
// apply superpatterns
for (usize i = 0; i < N * 2; i++) {
if (!neighbors[i]) {
auto &e_n = *neighbors[i];
const auto popcnt_old = e_n.popcnt;
e_n.apply(*this, neighbor_patterns[i]);
if (e_n.popcnt != popcnt_old) {
if (e_n.popcnt == 0) {
// zero popcount = failure/contradiction
this->collapse(e_n, 0);
contradiction = e_n.pos;
} else if (e_n.popcnt == 1) {
// one popcount = one remaining possibility/collapse
auto res = this->collapse(e_n);
if (res.isErr()) {
return res;
// propagate changed value
if (contradiction) {
return result::Err(*contradiction);
if (this->wfc.on_propagate) {
return result::Ok();
// collapse the wave
result::Result<void, V> collapse() {
// initialize the wave, all patterns are valid for each element
this->wave = std::vector<Element>(math::prod(this->size_wave));
// safe to parallelize, only one element modified at a time
#pragma omp parallel for
for (usize i = 0; i < this->wave.size(); i++) {
auto &e = this->wave[i];
e.pos = ndarray::unravel_index(this->size_wave, i);
e.init(*this, this->wfc.mask_used);
// load preset values if present
if (this->preset) {
[&](const V &pos) {
const auto &p =
ndarray::at(this->size_wave, &this->preset[0], pos);
if (p) {
auto &e =
e.value = *p;
// collapse the wave
while (this->num_collapsed != this->wave.size()) {
auto &e = this->wfc.next_cell_fn(*this);
const auto res_observe = this->observe(e);
if (res_observe.isErr()) {
return res_observe;
const auto res_prop = this->propagate(e);
if (res_prop.isErr()) {
return res_prop;
// success!
return result::Ok();
// size of input data
V size_in;
// input data
const T *in;
// possible patterns
std::vector<Pattern> patterns;
// function to select pattern to collapse to
PatternFn pattern_fn;
// function to select next cell to collapse
NextCellFn next_cell_fn;
// behavior of patterns on borders
BorderBehavior border_behavior;
// mask of used bits of coefficient bitsets
// bits are also zeroed for disallowed patterns (patterns without valid
// neighbors)
Bitset<D> mask_used;
// random generator
Rand rand;
// options
usize flags;
// optional callback to be called after propagation of each collapsed wave
// element
std::optional<CallbackFn> on_propagate = std::nullopt;
explicit WFC(
const V &size_in,
const T *in,
PatternFunction pattern_function,
NextCellFunction next_cell_function,
BorderBehavior border_behavior,
Rand &&rand,
usize flags)
: size_in(size_in),
flags(flags) {
// get pattern data from input at specified location
// returns std::nullopt if pattern is made illegal by border behavior
const auto data_at =
[&](const V &center) -> std::optional<std::array<T, VOL>> {
const auto base = center - (V(S) / 2);
if (border_behavior == BorderBehavior::EXCLUDE) {
if (!ndarray::in_bounds(size_in, base)
|| !ndarray::in_bounds(size_in, base + V(S) - 1)) {
return std::nullopt;
std::array<T, VOL> dst;
[&](const V &offset) {
std::optional<T> override = std::nullopt;
V pos = base + offset;
switch (border_behavior) {
case BorderBehavior::EXCLUDE:
case BorderBehavior::ZERO:
if (!ndarray::in_bounds(size_in, pos)) {
override = T(0);
case BorderBehavior::CLAMP:
pos = math::clamp(pos, V(0), size_in - V(1));
case BorderBehavior::WRAP:
pos = ((pos % size_in) + size_in) % size_in;
ndarray::at(V(S), &dst[0], offset) =
override ?
: ndarray::at(size_in, in, pos);
return std::make_optional(dst);
// slide along input data creating patterns
[&](const V &p) {
if (const auto data = data_at(p)) {
// calculate per-pattern frequencies (normalization occurs later once
// patterns have been deduplicated)
std::unordered_map<u64, usize> pattern_hash_to_freq;
for (const auto &p : this->patterns) {
// assign base frequencies (again, not normalized)
for (auto &p : this->patterns) {
p.frequency = static_cast<f32>(pattern_hash_to_freq[p.hash()]);
// removes duplicate patterns from this->patterns
const auto deduplicate =
[&]() {
std::sort(this->patterns.begin(), this->patterns.end());
std::unique(this->patterns.begin(), this->patterns.end()),
// remove duplicate patterns
// add rotations, reflections
const auto base_patterns = this->patterns;
for (const auto &p : base_patterns) {
if (flags & FLAGS_ROTATE) {
ASSERT(N == 2, "can only rotate patterns in 2 dimensions");
if constexpr (N == 2) {
const auto permutations =
Rotator<N>::template permute<T, S>(;
for (usize i = 1; i < permutations.size(); i++) {
auto &q =
q.frequency = p.frequency;
if (flags & FLAGS_REFLECT) {
const auto permutations =
Reflector<N>::template permute<T, S>(;
for (usize i = 1; i < permutations.size(); i++) {
auto &q =
q.frequency = p.frequency;
// deduplicate again to remove duplicates added by reflection/rotation
// normalize pattern frequencies, pattern set will no longer change
f32 frequency_total = 0.0f;
for (const auto &p : this->patterns) {
frequency_total += p.frequency;
for (auto &p : this->patterns) {
p.frequency /= frequency_total;
// compute used mask, assign IDs
for (usize i = 0; i < this->patterns.size(); i++) {
this->patterns[i].id = i;
// compuate valid patterns around each pattern (adjacency)
// check against all overlapping slots for each pattern pair (p, q) for
// every side
// safe to parallelize on p because only p is being written to and not
// read from :)
#pragma omp parallel for
for (auto &p : this->patterns) {
for (const auto &q : this->patterns) {
for (usize i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++) {
const auto &n = Neighbors<N>::neighbors[i];
bool valid = true;
[&](const auto &offset_q) {
if (!valid) {
// compute offset into p's data
const auto offset_p = n + offset_q;
if (!ndarray::in_bounds(V(S), offset_p)) {
const auto
v_p =
ndarray::at(V(S), &[0], offset_p),
v_q =
ndarray::at(V(S), &[0], offset_q);
// data must be equal at each offset for patterns to
// match (be valid neighbors)
if (v_p != v_q) {
valid = false;
if (valid) {
switch (pattern_function) {
case PatternFunction::WEIGHTED:
this->pattern_fn = this->pattern_weighted();
switch (next_cell_fn) {
case NextCellFunction::MIN_ENTROPY:
this->next_cell_fn = this->next_cell_min_entropy();
// collapses a wave into the specified output
// returns true on success
bool collapse(
const V &size_out,
T *out,
const std::optional<T> *preset = nullptr) const {
auto w = Wave(*this, size_out, preset);
const auto res = w.collapse();
if (res.isErr()) {
return false;
// map elements to output
[&](const V &pos) {
ndarray::at(size_out, out, pos) =
*ndarray::at(size_out, &w.wave, pos).value;
return true;
// returns a function which selects a pattern based on the distribution of
// patterns in the input data
PatternFn pattern_weighted() {
return [&](Wave &w, Element &e) -> usize {
f32 sum_cs = 0.0f;
std::vector<f32> cs(this->patterns.size());
for (
auto it = e.c.begin_on();
it != e.c.end_on();
it++) {
cs[*it] = this->patterns[*it].frequency;
sum_cs += cs[*it];
const auto r = this->rand.template next<f32>(0.0f, sum_cs);
f32 acc = 0.0f;
for (usize i = 0; i < cs.size(); i++) {
acc += cs[i];
if (acc >= r) {
return i;
ASSERT(false, "failed to select pattern for {}", e.pos);
return e.c.nth_set(0);
// returns a function which selects the next cell based on finding the cell
// with the minimum entropy in those remaining
NextCellFn next_cell_min_entropy() {
return [&](Wave &w) -> Element& {
f32 min = 1e4;
Element *argmin = nullptr;
// min entropy with a bit of noise
for (auto &e : w.wave) {
if (!e.collapsed()
&& e.entropy < min
&& e.entropy +<f32>(0.0f, 1e-6) < min) {
argmin = &e;
return *argmin;
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