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Forked from mjbommar/
Last active December 15, 2015 08:59
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Save Uiuran/5235210 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@Forked by Uiuran (c) 2013
@date Feb 21, 2011
@original author: mjbommar (c) 2011
@license Simplified BSD, (C) 2011.
Free to use for non-commerical purposes. Attribution appreciated :)
import igraph
import os, os.path
import numpy
import pylab as p
import operator
import time
import cairo
class GraphMovie(object):
Graph Movie Object.
def __init__(self, graphSequence = [], labelSequence = None, dimension = 3, **kwargs):
This is the number of interpolating frames per sequence element.
Larger values mean smoother transitions but larger videos.
self.interpFrames = 250
Number of delay frames for start and end of movie.
self.delayFrames = 20
This is the number of frames per second in the resulting video.
self.fps = 50
Boolean for node labelling.
self.labelNodes = False
Invert colors?
self.invertColors = False
Number of iterations for KK.
self.kkIterations = 1000
Frame counter.
self.frame = 0
Movie dimensions and margins.
self.dim = dimension
self.pixelsX = 800
self.pixelsY = 600
self.margin = self.pixelsY / 10.0
Output path.
Trailing slash!
self.frameDirectory = 'frames/'
if not os.path.exists(self.frameDirectory):
This is the list of graph objects.
self.graphSequence = graphSequence
if labelSequence:
self.labelSequence = labelSequence
self.labelSequence = map(str, range(len(graphSequence)))
if len(self.graphSequence) > 0:
def project2D(self,layout, alpha, beta):
This method will project a set of points in 3D to 2D based on the given
angles alpha and beta.
# Calculate the rotation matrices based on the given angles.
c = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, numpy.cos(alpha), numpy.sin(alpha)], [0, -numpy.sin(alpha), numpy.cos(alpha)]])
c = c * numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(beta), 0, -numpy.sin(beta)], [0, 1, 0], [numpy.sin(beta), 0, numpy.cos(beta)]])
b = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Hit the layout, rotate, and kill a dimension
layout = numpy.matrix(layout)
X = (b * (c * layout.transpose())).transpose()
return [[X[i,0],X[i,1],X[i,2]] for i in range(X.shape[0])]
def drawGraph3D(self,graph, layout, angle, fileName):
Draw a graph in 3D with the given layout, angle, and filename.
# Setup some vertex attributes and calculate the projection
graph.vs['degree'] =
vertexRadius = 0.1 * (0.9 * 0.9) / numpy.sqrt(graph.vcount())
graph.vs['x3'], graph.vs['y3'], graph.vs['z3'] = zip(*layout)
layout2D = self.project2D(layout, angle[0], angle[1])
graph.vs['x2'], graph.vs['y2'], graph.vs['z2'] = zip(*layout2D)
minX, maxX = min(graph.vs['x2']), max(graph.vs['x2'])
minY, maxY = min(graph.vs['y2']), max(graph.vs['y2'])
minZ, maxZ = min(graph.vs['z2']), max(graph.vs['z2'])
# Calculate the draw order. This is important if we want this to look
# realistically 3D.
zVal, zOrder = zip(*sorted(zip(graph.vs['z3'], range(graph.vcount()))))
# Setup the cairo surface
surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 1280, 800)
con = cairo.Context(surf)
con.scale(1280.0, 800.0)
# Draw the background
con.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
con.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
# Draw the edges without respect to z-order but set their alpha along
# a linear gradient to represent depth.
for e in graph.get_edgelist():
# Get the first vertex info
v0 = graph.vs[e[0]]
x0 = (v0['x2'] - minX) / (maxX - minX)
y0 = (v0['y2'] - minY) / (maxY - minY)
alpha0 = (v0['z2'] - minZ) / (maxZ - minZ)
alpha0 = max(0.1, alpha0)
# Get the second vertex info
v1 = graph.vs[e[1]]
x1 = (v1['x2'] - minX) / (maxX - minX)
y1 = (v1['y2'] - minY) / (maxY - minY)
alpha1 = (v1['z2'] - minZ) / (maxZ - minZ)
alpha1 = max(0.1, alpha1)
# Setup the pattern info
pat = cairo.LinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1)
pat.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 1, 1.0, 1.0, alpha0 / 6.0)
pat.add_color_stop_rgba(1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, alpha1 / 6.0)
# Draw the line
con.set_line_width(vertexRadius / 4.0)
con.move_to(x0, y0)
con.line_to(x1, y1)
# Draw vertices in z-order
for i in zOrder:
v = graph.vs[i]
# print v['color']
# print i
alpha = (v['z2'] - minZ) / (maxZ - minZ)
alpha = max(0.1, alpha)
radius = vertexRadius
x = (v['x2'] - minX) / (maxX - minX)
y = (v['y2'] - minY) / (maxY - minY)
# Setup the radial pattern for 3D lighting effect
pat = cairo.RadialGradient(x, y, radius / 4.0, x, y, radius)
arrombado = [v['color'],0,0]
except KeyError:
arrombado = map(operator.div,map(operator.add,*255))[:-1],*255))[:-1]),(2,2,2))
if 'arrombado' not in locals():
arrombado = map(operator.div,map(operator.add,*255))[:-1],*255))[:-1]),(2,2,2))
del arrombado
# Draw the vertex sphere
con.move_to(x, y)
con.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * numpy.pi)
# Output the surface
def checkGraphSequence(self):
Check to make sure that our current graph sequence is OK.
* Every element must be an igraph object with at least 1 vertex.
for i, graph in enumerate(self.graphSequence):
if not isinstance(graph, igraph.Graph):
raise Exception("GraphMovie::checkGraphSequence: element {0} is not an igraph.Graph object.".format(i))
if graph.vcount() == 0:
raise Exception("GraphMovie::checkGraphSequence: element {0} has 0 vertices.".format(i))
def addGraph(self, graph, frameLabel = None):
Add a single graph element to the sequence.
if not isinstance(graph, igraph.Graph):
raise Exception("GraphMovie::addGraph: graph is not an igraph.Graph object.")
if graph.vcount() == 0:
raise Exception("GraphMovie::addGraph: graph has 0 vertices.")
if frameLabel:
def interpolateLayout(self, lastLabels, lastLayout, g):
Calculate the interpolated layout.
labels = [v['label'] for v in g.vs]
seedLayout = []
meanX = sum([p[0] for p in lastLayout]) / float(len(lastLayout))
meanY = sum([p[1] for p in lastLayout]) / float(len(lastLayout))
if self.dim == 3:
meanZ = sum([p[2] for p in lastLayout]) / float(len(lastLayout))
This is old code and should be optimized, but oh well.
Maybe next version...
for label in labels:
if label in lastLabels:
index = lastLabels.index(label)
if self.dim == 3:
if self.dim == 3:
layout = g.layout_kamada_kawai_3d(seed = seedLayout, maxiter = self.kkIterations)
layoutDiff =[[layout[i][0] - seedLayout[i][0], layout[i][1] - seedLayout[i][1],layout[i][2]-seedLayout[i][2]] for i in range(len(seedLayout))]
layout = g.layout_kamada_kawai(seed = seedLayout, maxiter = self.kkIterations)
layoutDiff =[[layout[i][0] - seedLayout[i][0], layout[i][1] - seedLayout[i][1]] for i in range(len(seedLayout))]
interpLayout = []
This is just simple linear interpolation.
I would like to try something else, but for now this works!
for i in range(self.interpFrames):
c = float(i) / (self.interpFrames - 1)
if self.dim == 3:
interpLayout.append([[seedLayout[i][0] + c*layoutDiff[i][0],seedLayout[i][1] + c*layoutDiff[i][1], seedLayout[i][2] + c*layoutDiff[i][2]] for i in range(len(seedLayout))])
interpLayout.append([[seedLayout[i][0] + c*layoutDiff[i][0],seedLayout[i][1] + c*layoutDiff[i][1]] for i in range(len(seedLayout))])
return interpLayout
def plotFrame(self, g, label, layout):
Plot a frame of the movie.
if self.dim == 3:
frameFile = self.frameDirectory + '%08d.png' % (self.frame)
if not self.labelNodes:
for v in g.vs:
v['label_size'] = 2.
self.frame += 1
self.alpha = float(self.frame*numpy.pi)/(2*self.delayFrames+self.interpFrames*float(len(self.labelSequence)))
self.beta = float(self.frame*numpy.pi)/(2*self.delayFrames+self.interpFrames*float(len(self.labelSequence)))
self.drawGraph3D(g, layout, (self.alpha,self.beta), frameFile)
frameFile = self.frameDirectory + '%08d.png' % (self.frame)
if not self.labelNodes:
for v in g.vs:
v['label_size'] = 0.001
p = igraph.drawing.plot(g, layout = layout, bbox = (self.pixelsX, self.pixelsY), margin = self.margin, target = frameFile)
Now label and possibly invert the frames.
self.frame += 1
def doMovieLayout(self):
Calculate the graph movie layout.
lastLayout = None
lastLabels = None
for i, graph in enumerate(self.graphSequence):
label = self.labelSequence[i]
if i == 0:
This is the first element in the graph sequence, so we have no meaningful initial conditions.
if self.dim == 3:
layout = graph.layout_grid_3d()
layout = graph.layout_kamada_kawai_3d(maxiter = self.kkIterations * 10, seed = layout)
layout = graph.layout_grid()
layout = graph.layout_kamada_kawai(maxiter = self.kkIterations * 10, seed = layout)
# print [v['color'] for v in graph.vs]
for j in range(self.delayFrames):
self.plotFrame(graph, label, layout)
lastLayout = layout
lastLabels = [v['label'] for v in graph.vs]
We need to use the previous graph element initial conditions so the movie makes sense.
interpLayout = self.interpolateLayout(lastLabels, lastLayout, graph)
for layout in interpLayout:
self.plotFrame(graph, label, layout)
lastLayout = interpLayout[-1]
lastLabels = [v['label'] for v in graph.vs]
for j in range(self.delayFrames):
self.plotFrame(graph, label, layout)
def renderMovie(self, name='output'):
Render the movie with mencoder.
cmdString = 'cd frames/ && mencoder -noskip mf://*.png -mf fps='+str(self.fps)+':type=png -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -o '+name+'.avi'.format(self.frameDirectory, self.fps)
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