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Created December 8, 2015 13:37
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Mining critics
critics := (self
[ :pharoV |
(pharoV files
reject: [ :criticF | criticF basename = '.done' ]
thenCollect: #basename)
[ :crit |
Smalltalk globals
at: crit asSymbol
ifPresent: [ :class | class new severity = #error ]
ifAbsent: [ false ] ] ]) fold: [ :a :b | a intersection: b ].
reject: [ :pharoV | pharoV files size = 1 ]
thenCollect: [ :pharoV |
pharoV basename
(pharoV files
[ :criticF | criticF basename = '.done' "| (critics includes: criticF basename) not" ]
[ :criticF |
criticF contents = Character lf asString
ifTrue: [ 0 ]
ifFalse: [ (criticF contents select: [ :c | c = Character lf ]) size ] ] )
sum ]
| b ds |
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 700 @ 300.
ds := RTData new.
ds points: self.
ds connectColor: Color red.
ds y: #value.
b add: ds.
b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b build.
^ b view
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