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Created January 22, 2024 14:35
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  • Save UlanaXY/e0ef5fb6b8b4ae0eaae92a419b8cdef6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save UlanaXY/e0ef5fb6b8b4ae0eaae92a419b8cdef6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cypress log for "Timed out waiting for the browser to connect #28397"
Step #1 - "Test": 1: starting server using command "yarn start"
Step #1 - "Test": and when url "[ '' ]" is responding with HTTP status code 200
Step #1 - "Test": running tests using command "yarn cy:run"
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test": â–² Next.js 14.0.4
Step #1 - "Test": - Local: http://localhost:3000
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test":  âš Invalid next.config.js options detected:
Step #1 - "Test":  âš Unrecognized key(s) in object: 'defaultNS' at "i18n"
Step #1 - "Test": âš See more info here:
Step #1 - "Test":  ✓ Ready in 2s
Step #1 - "Test": [percy] Skipping visual tests
Step #1 - "Test": [percy] Error: Missing Percy token
Step #1 - "Test": [percy] Running "cypress run"
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.521Z cypress:cli:cli cli starts with arguments ["/usr/local/bin/node","/app/node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress","run"]
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.522Z cypress:cli NODE_OPTIONS is not set
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.523Z cypress:cli:cli program parsing arguments
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.529Z cypress:cli:cli running Cypress with args [ Command { _events: [Object: null prototype] { 'option:auto-cancel-after-failures': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:browser': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:ci-build-id': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:component': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:config': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:config-file': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:e2e': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:env': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:group': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:key': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:headed': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:headless': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:no-exit': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:parallel': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:port': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:project': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:quiet': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:record': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:reporter': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:runner-ui': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:no-runner-ui': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:reporter-options': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:spec': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:tag': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:dev': [Function (anonymous)] }, _eventsCount: 25, _maxListeners: undefined, commands: [], options: [ [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option] ], parent: Command { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, commands: [Array], options: [Array], parent: null, _allowUnknownOption: false, _args: [], rawArgs: [Array], _scriptPath: '/app/node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress', _name: 'cypress', _optionValues: {}, _storeOptionsAsProperties: true, _storeOptionsAsPropertiesCalled: true, _passCommandToAction: true, _actionResults: [], _actionHandler: null, _executableHandler: false, _executableFile: null, _defaultCommandName: null, _exitCallback: null, _aliases: [], _combineFlagAndOptionalValue: true, _hidden: false, _hasHelpOption: true, _helpFlags: '-h, --help', _helpDescription: 'display help for command', _helpShortFlag: '-h', _helpLongFlag: '--help', _hasImplicitHelpCommand: undefined, _helpCommandName: 'help', _helpCommandnameAndArgs: 'help [command]', _helpCommandDescription: 'display help for command', _usage: '<command> [options]', args: [Array], [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, _allowUnknownOption: false, _args: [], rawArgs: null, _scriptPath: null, _name: 'run', _optionValues: {}, _storeOptionsAsProperties: true, _storeOptionsAsPropertiesCalled: false, _passCommandToAction: true, _actionResults: [], _actionHandler: [Function: listener], _executableHandler: false, _executableFile: null, _defaultCommandName: null, _exitCallback: null, _aliases: [], _combineFlagAndOptionalValue: true, _hidden: false, _hasHelpOption: true, _helpFlags: '-h, --help', _helpDescription: 'display help for command', _helpShortFlag: '-h', _helpLongFlag: '--help', _hasImplicitHelpCommand: 0, _helpCommandName: 'help', _helpCommandnameAndArgs: 'help [command]', _helpCommandDescription: 'display help for command', _usage: '[options]', _description: 'Runs Cypress tests from the CLI without the GUI', _argsDescription: undefined, exit: true, args: [], [Symbol(kCapture)]: false } ]
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.879Z cypress:cli:cli variable-length opts parsed { args: [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/app/node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress', 'run' ], opts: Command { _events: [Object: null prototype] { 'option:auto-cancel-after-failures': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:browser': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:ci-build-id': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:component': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:config': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:config-file': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:e2e': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:env': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:group': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:key': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:headed': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:headless': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:no-exit': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:parallel': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:port': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:project': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:quiet': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:record': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:reporter': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:runner-ui': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:no-runner-ui': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:reporter-options': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:spec': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:tag': [Function (anonymous)], 'option:dev': [Function (anonymous)] }, _eventsCount: 25, _maxListeners: undefined, commands: [], options: [ [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option] ], parent: Command { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, commands: [Array], options: [Array], parent: null, _allowUnknownOption: false, _args: [], rawArgs: [Array], _scriptPath: '/app/node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress', _name: 'cypress', _optionValues: {}, _storeOptionsAsProperties: true, _storeOptionsAsPropertiesCalled: true, _passCommandToAction: true, _actionResults: [], _actionHandler: null, _executableHandler: false, _executableFile: null, _defaultCommandName: null, _exitCallback: null, _aliases: [], _combineFlagAndOptionalValue: true, _hidden: false, _hasHelpOption: true, _helpFlags: '-h, --help', _helpDescription: 'display help for command', _helpShortFlag: '-h', _helpLongFlag: '--help', _hasImplicitHelpCommand: undefined, _helpCommandName: 'help', _helpCommandnameAndArgs: 'help [command]', _helpCommandDescription: 'display help for command', _usage: '<command> [options]', args: [Array], [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, _allowUnknownOption: false, _args: [], rawArgs: null, _scriptPath: null, _name: 'run', _optionValues: {}, _storeOptionsAsProperties: true, _storeOptionsAsPropertiesCalled: false, _passCommandToAction: true, _actionResults: [], _actionHandler: [Function: listener], _executableHandler: false, _executableFile: null, _defaultCommandName: null, _exitCallback: null, _aliases: [], _combineFlagAndOptionalValue: true, _hidden: false, _hasHelpOption: true, _helpFlags: '-h, --help', _helpDescription: 'display help for command', _helpShortFlag: '-h', _helpLongFlag: '--help', _hasImplicitHelpCommand: 0, _helpCommandName: 'help', _helpCommandnameAndArgs: 'help [command]', _helpCommandDescription: 'display help for command', _usage: '[options]', _description: 'Runs Cypress tests from the CLI without the GUI', _argsDescription: undefined, exit: true, args: [], [Symbol(kCapture)]: false } }
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.881Z cypress:cli parsed cli options {}
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.881Z cypress:cli verifying Cypress app
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.881Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.881Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.882Z cypress:cli using environment variable CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER /root/.cache/Cypress
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.882Z cypress:cli checking environment variables
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.886Z cypress:cli checking if executable exists /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.888Z cypress:cli Binary is executable? : true
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.888Z cypress:cli binaryDir is /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.888Z cypress:cli Reading binary package.json from: /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/package.json
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.891Z cypress:cli Found binary version 13.6.3 installed in: /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.893Z cypress:cli could not read binary_state.json file at "/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/binary_state.json"
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.893Z cypress:cli {}
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.893Z cypress:cli is Verified ? undefined
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.893Z cypress:cli running binary verification check 13.6.3
Step #1 - "Test": [STARTED] Task without title.
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.898Z cypress:cli clearing out the verified version
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.899Z cypress:cli undefined DISPLAY environment variable
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.899Z cypress:cli Cypress will spawn its own Xvfb
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.899Z cypress:cli needs Xvfb? true
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.899Z cypress:cli Starting Xvfb
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.996Z cypress:cli disabling Electron sandbox
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.996Z cypress:cli running smoke test
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.996Z cypress:cli using Cypress executable /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.996Z cypress:cli smoke test command: /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress --no-sandbox --smoke-test --ping=343
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:23.997Z cypress:cli smoke test timeout 30000 ms
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.091Z cypress:cli smoke test stdout "It looks like you are running the Cypress binary directly.
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test": This is not the recommended approach, and Cypress may not work correctly.
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test": Please install the cypress NPM package and follow the instructions here:
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test": 343"
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.091Z cypress:cli Stopping Xvfb
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.149Z cypress:cli write verified: true
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.150Z cypress:cli could not read binary_state.json file at "/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/binary_state.json"
Step #1 - "Test": [SUCCESS] Task without title.
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.154Z cypress:cli:run processing run options { key: null, spec: null, reporter: null, reporterOptions: null, project: '/app' }
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.154Z cypress:cli:run --key is not set, looking up environment variable CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.155Z cypress:cli:run run to spawn.start args ["--run-project","/app"]
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.155Z cypress:cli undefined DISPLAY environment variable
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.155Z cypress:cli Cypress will spawn its own Xvfb
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.155Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.155Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.155Z cypress:cli using environment variable CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER /root/.cache/Cypress
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.155Z cypress:cli needs to start own Xvfb? true
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.156Z cypress:cli Starting Xvfb
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.169Z cypress:cli spawning, should retry on display problem? false
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.173Z cypress:cli passing DISPLAY :99
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.174Z cypress:cli spawn args [ '--no-sandbox', '--', '--run-project', '/app', '--cwd', '/app', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '20.10.0' ] { detached: false, stdio: [ 'inherit', 'inherit', 'pipe' ] }
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.174Z cypress:cli spawning Cypress with executable: /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:18:27.176Z cypress:cli piping child STDERR to process STDERR
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:snapshot:info Caching 3470, defining 4296 modules! Using cache +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:snapshot:debug initializing packherd require +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:performance-benchmark elapsed time at v8-snapshot-startup-time: 380.555ms +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/browsers +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cypress starting cypress with argv [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--', '--run-project', '/app', '--cwd', '/app', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '20.10.0' ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:args argv array: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--run-project', '/app', '--cwd', '/app', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '20.10.0' ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:args parsed argv options { options: { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, 'run-project': '/app', runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0' } } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:args argv parsed: { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true } +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:proxy found proxy environment variables {} +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:args options { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {} } +4ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:args argv options: { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cypress from argv [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--run-project', '/app', '--cwd', '/app', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '20.10.0' ] got options { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app' } +15ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:cypress scaling electron app in headless mode +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production +381ms
Step #1 - "Test": 
Step #1 - "Test": DevTools listening on ws://
Step #1 - "Test": [438:0122/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.portal.Settings.Read: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: unknown error type:
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:process_profiler error running process profiler: Error: Expected DataContext to already have been set via setCtx. If this is a testing context, make sure you are calling "setCtx" in a before hook, otherwise check the application flow. at m (<embedded>:4388:138516) at Object.i (<embedded>:4432:63077) at <embedded>:4438:30490 at r (<embedded>:4438:30520) at i (<embedded>:4438:30885) at Ls (<embedded>:2907:5294) at Function.Ad [as map] (<embedded>:2907:40855) at m (<embedded>:2907:68047) at yd (<embedded>:2907:40055) at <embedded>:2907:25750 at Bs (<embedded>:2907:5476) at fn (<embedded>:2907:25716) at Jo.value (<embedded>:2907:69776) at fn (<embedded>:2907:25707) at zo.toJSON.zo.valueOf.zo.value (<embedded>:2907:70799) at i (<embedded>:4438:30962) at h (<embedded>:4438:30978) +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cypress starting in mode run with options { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app' } +414ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cypress running Electron currently +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudLatestRunUpdateSpecData +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudProjectBySlug +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudProjectsBySlugs +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudSpecByPath +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudViewer +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.pollingIntervals +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.versions +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for CurrentProject.cloudProject +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for RelevantRunInfo.status +4ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils getBrowsers +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:launcher:detect detecting if the following browsers are present [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'google-chrome', 'chrome', 'google-chrome-stable' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chromium', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chromium', versionRegex: /Chromium (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'chromium-browser', 'chromium' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Chrome Beta', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+) beta/m, binary: 'google-chrome-beta', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Canary', versionRegex: /Google Chrome Canary (\S+)/m, binary: 'google-chrome-canary', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox ([^\sab]+)$/m, binary: 'firefox', minSupportedVersion: 86, validator: [Function: validator] }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+b\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-developer-edition', 'firefox' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'nightly', displayName: 'Firefox Nightly', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+a\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-nightly', 'firefox-trunk' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Edge', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge (\S+)/im, binary: [ 'edge', 'microsoft-edge' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Edge Canary', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= canary)|(?<=canary )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-canary', 'microsoft-edge-canary' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Edge Beta', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= beta)|(?<=beta )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-beta', 'microsoft-edge-beta' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Edge Dev', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= dev)|(?<=dev )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-dev', 'microsoft-edge-dev' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 } ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils WebKit is enabled, but there was an error constructing the WebKit browser: { err: Error: Cannot find module 'playwright-webkit' Require stack: - /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts  at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1082:15)  at n._resolveFilename (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:117603)  at resolve (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:116:19) at Function.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:747857) at P (<embedded>:4432:79731) at Object.I [as getBrowsers] (<embedded>:4432:80566) at b.machineBrowsers (<embedded>:4205:74332) at E._setCurrentProject (<embedded>:4388:76800) at new E (<embedded>:4388:69745) at new S (<embedded>:4388:131226) at N (<embedded>:4504:42534) at s.exports (<embedded>:4504:148907) at <embedded>:4511:3280 at tryCatcher (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23) at Function.<anonymous> (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/method.js:39:29) at Object.runElectron (<embedded>:4511:3050) at Object.startInMode (<embedded>:4511:5738) at <embedded>:4511:4826 at tryCatcher (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23) at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:512:31) at Promise._settlePromise (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:569:18) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at PromiseArray._resolve (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise_array.js:126:19) at PromiseArray._promiseFulfilled (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise_array.js:144:14) at Promise._settlePromise (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:574:26) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at Promise._settlePromise (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:582:21) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at Promise._settlePromise (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:582:21) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at PromiseArray._resolve (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise_array.js:126:19) at PromiseArray._promiseFulfilled (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise_array.js:144:14) at Promise._settlePromise (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:574:26) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/nodeback.js:42:21 at <embedded>:2050:115512 { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', requireStack: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts' ] } } +3ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource config: { isRunMode: true, projectRoot: '/app', onError: [Function (anonymous)], onBranchChange: [Function: onBranchChange], onGitInfoChange: [Function: onGitInfoChange], onGitLogChange: [AsyncFunction: onGitLogChange] } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:scaffold-config:detect Checking for default Cypress config file +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:scaffold-config:detect Detected cypress.config.ts - using TS +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:video using ffmpeg from /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/linux-x64/ffmpeg +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run run start +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc fork child process { CHILD_PROCESS_FILE_PATH: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/lib/plugins/child/require_async_child.js', configProcessArgs: [ '--projectRoot', '/app', '--file', '/app/cypress.config.ts' ], childOptions: { stdio: 'pipe', cwd: '/app', execPath: '/usr/local/bin/node' } } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc found typescript in /app +2ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc using cjs with --require /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/lib/plugins/child/register_ts_node.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc trigger the load of the file +15ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:register-ts-node executing register_ts_node with args { _: [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/lib/plugins/child/require_async_child.js' ], projectRoot: '/app', file: '/app/cypress.config.ts', telemetryCtx: 'eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7fSwidmVyc2lvbiI6IjEzLjYuMyJ9' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:register-ts-node registering ts-node for projectRoot: /app and file: /app/cypress.config.ts +7ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:ts-node projectRoot path: /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:ts-node registeredFile: /app/cypress.config.ts +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:plugins resolving typescript with projectRoot '/app' +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:plugins resolved typescript /app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:ts-node typescript path: /app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils found browsers { browsers: [] } +663ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:ts-node registering project TS with options { compiler: '/app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js', compilerOptions: { module: 'commonjs', moduleResolution: 'node', preserveValueImports: false }, ignore: [ '(?:^|/)node_modules/', '/packages/telemetry/dist/span-exporters/ipc-span-exporter', '/packages/telemetry/dist/span-exporters/console-trace-link-exporter', '/packages/telemetry/dist/processors/on-start-span-processor' ], dir: '/app', transpileOnly: true } +410ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:689 configFile: /app/cypress.config.ts +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:689 projectRoot: /app +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:689 try loading /app/cypress.config.ts +4ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:689 Loading file /app/cypress.config.ts +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:cli exporting Cypress module interface +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:689 loaded config file /app/cypress.config.ts +580ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc loadConfig:reply +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager config is loaded for file /app/cypress.config.ts null +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: 'https://api.url',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'CtxF2'
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:browser validating configuration {} +7ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project setting config object { cliConfig: {}, projectName: 'app', projectRoot: '/app', repoRoot: '/app', config: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, envFile: {}, options: { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app', socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true, testingType: 'e2e', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project config is { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils merged config with options, got { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils using CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV production +7ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils resolved config is { value: [], from: 'default' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B',
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0',
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": rawJson: {
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": envFile: {},
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
Step #1 - "Test": morgan: false,
Step #1 - "Test": isTextTerminal: true,
Step #1 - "Test": socketId: '1zvl97w8lu',
Step #1 - "Test": report: true,
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
Step #1 - "Test": arch: 'x64',
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: true,
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: [],
Step #1 - "Test": component: {
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: 'cypress/downloads',
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: '',
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: 'cypress/fixtures',
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js',
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: false,
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: true,
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": platform: 'linux',
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": port: null,
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: null,
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: 20,
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: 'spec',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: null,
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: 5000,
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: null,
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: null,
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: 30000,
Step #1 - "Test": retries: {
Step #1 - "Test": runMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": openMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStrategy: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOptions: undefined
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: true,
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: 'cypress/screenshots',
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: 10000,
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: 'top',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: false,
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: true,
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: null,
Step #1 - "Test": video: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: 'cypress/videos',
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: true,
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: false,
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": additionalIgnorePattern: [],
Step #1 - "Test": autoOpen: false,
Step #1 - "Test": clientRoute: '/__/',
Step #1 - "Test": cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app',
Step #1 - "Test": devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: true,
Step #1 - "Test": namespace: '__cypress',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoCookie: '__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": version: '13.6.3',
Step #1 - "Test": protocolEnabled: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideCommandLog: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideRunnerUi: false,
Step #1 - "Test": cypressEnv: 'production',
Step #1 - "Test": resolved: {
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": component: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: [Object]
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": video: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": browsers: { value: [], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": } +17ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils validate that there is no breaking config options before setupNodeEvents +7ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource globbing pattern(s): [ 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource within directory: /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:689 loaded config from /app/cypress.config.ts { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' } } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils setting support file /app/cypress/support/e2e.js +16ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils for project root /app +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils resolved support file /app/cypress/support/e2e.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils set support folder /app/cypress/support +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B',
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0',
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": rawJson: {
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": envFile: {},
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
Step #1 - "Test": morgan: false,
Step #1 - "Test": isTextTerminal: true,
Step #1 - "Test": socketId: '1zvl97w8lu',
Step #1 - "Test": report: true,
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
Step #1 - "Test": arch: 'x64',
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: true,
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: [],
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads',
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures',
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js',
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: false,
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: true,
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": platform: 'linux',
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": port: null,
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: null,
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: 20,
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: 'spec',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: null,
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: 5000,
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node',
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0',
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: 30000,
Step #1 - "Test": retries: {
Step #1 - "Test": runMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": openMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStrategy: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOptions: undefined
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: true,
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots',
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: 10000,
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: 'top',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support',
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: true,
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: null,
Step #1 - "Test": video: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos',
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: true,
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: false,
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": additionalIgnorePattern: [],
Step #1 - "Test": autoOpen: false,
Step #1 - "Test": browsers: [
Step #1 - "Test": {
Step #1 - "Test": name: 'electron',
Step #1 - "Test": channel: 'stable',
Step #1 - "Test": family: 'chromium',
Step #1 - "Test": displayName: 'Electron',
Step #1 - "Test": version: '114.0.5735.289',
Step #1 - "Test": path: '',
Step #1 - "Test": majorVersion: 114
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": ],
Step #1 - "Test": clientRoute: '/__/',
Step #1 - "Test": cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app',
Step #1 - "Test": devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: true,
Step #1 - "Test": namespace: '__cypress',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoCookie: '__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": version: '13.6.3',
Step #1 - "Test": protocolEnabled: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideCommandLog: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideRunnerUi: false,
Step #1 - "Test": cypressEnv: 'production',
Step #1 - "Test": resolved: {
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: [Object]
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": video: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' },
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": } +25ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +24ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:validation browsers [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:689 setupTestingType e2e { additionalIgnorePattern: [], animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', autoOpen: false, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', blockHosts: null, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], clientRoute: '/__/', configFile: '/app/cypress.config.ts', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', cypressEnv: 'production', defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, hosts: null, includeShadowDom: false, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: true, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, morgan: false, namespace: '__cypress', numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, pageLoadTimeout: 60000, platform: 'linux', port: null, projectId: null, projectName: 'app', projectRoot: '/app', protocolEnabled: false, rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, redirectionLimit: 20, repoRoot: '/app', report: true, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', requestTimeout: 5000, resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', scrollBehavior: 'top', slowTestThreshold: 10000, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, version: '13.6.3', video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', viewportHeight: 712, viewportWidth: 1440, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, testingType: 'e2e' } +57ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 project root: /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 passing config { additionalIgnorePattern: [], animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', autoOpen: false, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', blockHosts: null, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], clientRoute: '/__/', configFile: '/app/cypress.config.ts', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', cypressEnv: 'production', defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, hosts: null, includeShadowDom: false, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: true, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, morgan: false, namespace: '__cypress', numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, pageLoadTimeout: 60000, platform: 'linux', port: null, projectId: null, projectName: 'app', projectRoot: '/app', protocolEnabled: false, rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, redirectionLimit: 20, repoRoot: '/app', report: true, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', requestTimeout: 5000, resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', scrollBehavior: 'top', slowTestThreshold: 10000, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, version: '13.6.3', video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', viewportHeight: 712, viewportWidth: 1440, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, testingType: 'e2e' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 Loading the RunPlugins +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 register event _get:task:body with id 0 +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 register event _get:task:keys with id 1 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 register event _process:cross:origin:callback with id 2 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 Calling setupNodeEvents +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 register default preprocessor +2ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:plugins resolving typescript with projectRoot '/app' +2s
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:plugins resolved typescript /app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 creating webpack preprocessor with options { typescript: '/app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 register event file:preprocessor with id 3 +129ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 plugins file successfully loaded +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _get:task:body with id 0 +196ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_get:task:body' +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _get:task:keys with id 1 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_get:task:keys' +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _process:cross:origin:callback with id 2 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_process:cross:origin:callback' +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event file:preprocessor with id 3 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event 'file:preprocessor' +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:browser validating configuration {} +147ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project setting config object { cliConfig: {}, projectName: 'app', projectRoot: '/app', repoRoot: '/app', config: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, envFile: {}, options: { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app', socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true, testingType: 'e2e', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts' } +184ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project config is { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:config:project:utils merged config with options, got { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true } +148ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils using CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV production +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils resolved config is { value: [], from: 'default' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B',
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0',
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": rawJson: {
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": envFile: {},
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
Step #1 - "Test": morgan: false,
Step #1 - "Test": isTextTerminal: true,
Step #1 - "Test": socketId: '1zvl97w8lu',
Step #1 - "Test": report: true,
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
Step #1 - "Test": arch: 'x64',
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: true,
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: [],
Step #1 - "Test": component: {
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: 'cypress/downloads',
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: '',
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: 'cypress/fixtures',
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js',
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: false,
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: true,
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": platform: 'linux',
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": port: null,
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: null,
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: 20,
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: 'spec',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: null,
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: 5000,
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: null,
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: null,
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: 30000,
Step #1 - "Test": retries: {
Step #1 - "Test": runMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": openMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStrategy: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOptions: undefined
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: true,
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: 'cypress/screenshots',
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: 10000,
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: 'top',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: false,
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: true,
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: null,
Step #1 - "Test": video: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: 'cypress/videos',
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: true,
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: false,
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": additionalIgnorePattern: [],
Step #1 - "Test": autoOpen: false,
Step #1 - "Test": clientRoute: '/__/',
Step #1 - "Test": cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app',
Step #1 - "Test": devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: true,
Step #1 - "Test": namespace: '__cypress',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoCookie: '__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": version: '13.6.3',
Step #1 - "Test": protocolEnabled: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideCommandLog: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideRunnerUi: false,
Step #1 - "Test": cypressEnv: 'production',
Step #1 - "Test": resolved: {
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": component: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: [Object]
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": video: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": browsers: { value: [], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": } +3ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +150ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils validate that there is no breaking config options before setupNodeEvents +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource globbing pattern(s): [ 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' ] +169ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource within directory: /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils setting support file /app/cypress/support/e2e.js +3ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:config:project:utils for project root /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils resolved support file /app/cypress/support/e2e.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project:utils set support folder /app/cypress/support +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B',
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0',
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": rawJson: {
Step #1 - "Test": e2e: {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: 'development',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: '',
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: 1440,
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: 712,
Step #1 - "Test": envFile: {},
Step #1 - "Test": projectRoot: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": projectName: 'app',
Step #1 - "Test": repoRoot: '/app'
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
Step #1 - "Test": morgan: false,
Step #1 - "Test": isTextTerminal: true,
Step #1 - "Test": socketId: '1zvl97w8lu',
Step #1 - "Test": report: true,
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
Step #1 - "Test": arch: 'x64',
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: true,
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: [],
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads',
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: false,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: '/app',
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures',
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js',
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: false,
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: true,
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": platform: 'linux',
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": port: null,
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: null,
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: 20,
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: 'spec',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: null,
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: 5000,
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node',
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0',
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: 30000,
Step #1 - "Test": retries: {
Step #1 - "Test": runMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": openMode: 0,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStrategy: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOptions: undefined
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: true,
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots',
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: 10000,
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: 'top',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js',
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support',
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: 60000,
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: true,
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: null,
Step #1 - "Test": video: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: false,
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos',
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: true,
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: false,
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Step #1 - "Test": additionalIgnorePattern: [],
Step #1 - "Test": autoOpen: false,
Step #1 - "Test": browsers: [
Step #1 - "Test": {
Step #1 - "Test": name: 'electron',
Step #1 - "Test": channel: 'stable',
Step #1 - "Test": family: 'chromium',
Step #1 - "Test": displayName: 'Electron',
Step #1 - "Test": version: '114.0.5735.289',
Step #1 - "Test": path: '',
Step #1 - "Test": majorVersion: 114
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": ],
Step #1 - "Test": clientRoute: '/__/',
Step #1 - "Test": cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app',
Step #1 - "Test": devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: null,
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: true,
Step #1 - "Test": namespace: '__cypress',
Step #1 - "Test": reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoCookie: '__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
Step #1 - "Test": version: '13.6.3',
Step #1 - "Test": protocolEnabled: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideCommandLog: false,
Step #1 - "Test": hideRunnerUi: false,
Step #1 - "Test": cypressEnv: 'production',
Step #1 - "Test": resolved: {
Step #1 - "Test": animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": env: {
Step #1 - "Test": app_mode: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_domain: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_username: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": auth0_password: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object],
Step #1 - "Test": CACHE_FOLDER: [Object]
Step #1 - "Test": },
Step #1 - "Test": execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": video: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
Step #1 - "Test": specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' },
Step #1 - "Test": hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
Step #1 - "Test": isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": } +4ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +4ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:validation browsers [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project updateWithPluginValues { cfg: { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: [Object], env: [Object], baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ [Object] ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: [Object], arch: [Object], baseUrl: [Object], blockHosts: [Object], chromeWebSecurity: [Object], clientCertificates: [Object], defaultCommandTimeout: [Object], downloadsFolder: [Object], env: [Object], execTimeout: [Object], experimentalCspAllowList: [Object], experimentalFetchPolyfill: [Object], experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: [Object], experimentalRunAllSpecs: [Object], experimentalMemoryManagement: [Object], experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: [Object], experimentalSkipDomainInjection: [Object], experimentalOriginDependencies: [Object], experimentalSourceRewriting: [Object], experimentalSingleTabRunMode: [Object], experimentalStudio: [Object], experimentalWebKitSupport: [Object], fileServerFolder: [Object], fixturesFolder: [Object], excludeSpecPattern: [Object], includeShadowDom: [Object], keystrokeDelay: [Object], modifyObstructiveCode: [Object], numTestsKeptInMemory: [Object], platform: [Object], pageLoadTimeout: [Object], port: [Object], projectId: [Object], redirectionLimit: [Object], reporter: [Object], reporterOptions: [Object], requestTimeout: [Object], resolvedNodePath: [Object], resolvedNodeVersion: [Object], responseTimeout: [Object], retries: [Object], screenshotOnRunFailure: [Object], screenshotsFolder: [Object], slowTestThreshold: [Object], scrollBehavior: [Object], supportFile: [Object], supportFolder: [Object], taskTimeout: [Object], testIsolation: [Object], trashAssetsBeforeRuns: [Object], userAgent: [Object], video: [Object], videoCompression: [Object], videosFolder: [Object], viewportHeight: [Object], viewportWidth: [Object], waitForAnimations: [Object], watchForFileChanges: [Object], specPattern: [Object], browsers: [Object], hosts: [Object], isInteractive: [Object] } }, modifiedConfig: {} } +9ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:config:browser validating configuration {} +3ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:config:project validate that there is no breaking config options added by setupNodeEvents +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project config diffs null +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project merged config object { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } } } +3ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:config:project merged plugins config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } } } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource globbing pattern(s): [ 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' ] +13ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource within directory: /app +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:ProjectDataSource found specs [ '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/' ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource getting git info for [ '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/', '/app/cypress/e2e/' ]: +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource executing command: `IFS=$'
Step #1 - "Test": '; for file in "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/"; do echo $(git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:%ci %ar %an|%h|%s" $file); done` +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource cwd: `/app` +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:codegen:code-generator hasNonExampleSpec - calling with template directory "/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/packages/example/cypress/e2e" and 8 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils searching for browser { nameOrPath: 'electron', filter: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable' }, knownBrowsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ] } +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context browser found to set electron +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/cache +3s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:saved_state missing project path, looking for project here +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource command execution error: { stdout: '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil\n' + '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil\n' + '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil\n' + '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil\n' + '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil\n' + '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil\n' + '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil\n' + '2024-01-22 15:04:53 +0100 14 minutes ago Mikołaj Marczak|fcb731c|debug logs for cypress in cloud buil', stderr: '', code: 0, failed: false, killed: false, signal: null, cmd: "IFS=$'\n" + `'; for file in "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/" "/app/cypress/e2e/"; do echo $(git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:i %ar %an|%h|%s" $file); done`, timedOut: false }
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:saved_state state path for global mode +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +13ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:saved_state full state path /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:saved_state making new state file around /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:data-context:codegen:code-generator hasNonExampleSpec - checking for spec +41ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run run mode ready with options { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app', socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true, testingType: 'e2e' } +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils getBrowsers +26ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:launcher:detect detecting if the following browsers are present [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'google-chrome', 'chrome', 'google-chrome-stable' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chromium', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chromium', versionRegex: /Chromium (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'chromium-browser', 'chromium' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Chrome Beta', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+) beta/m, binary: 'google-chrome-beta', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Canary', versionRegex: /Google Chrome Canary (\S+)/m, binary: 'google-chrome-canary', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox ([^\sab]+)$/m, binary: 'firefox', minSupportedVersion: 86, validator: [Function: validator] }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+b\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-developer-edition', 'firefox' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'nightly', displayName: 'Firefox Nightly', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+a\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-nightly', 'firefox-trunk' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Edge', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge (\S+)/im, binary: [ 'edge', 'microsoft-edge' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Edge Canary', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= canary)|(?<=canary )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-canary', 'microsoft-edge-canary' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Edge Beta', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= beta)|(?<=beta )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-beta', 'microsoft-edge-beta' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Edge Dev', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= dev)|(?<=dev )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-dev', 'microsoft-edge-dev' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 } ] +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils WebKit is enabled, but there was an error constructing the WebKit browser: { err: Error: Cannot find module 'playwright-webkit' Require stack: - /root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts  at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1082:15)  at n._resolveFilename (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:117603)  at resolve (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:116:19) at Function.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:747857) at P (<embedded>:4432:79731) at Object.I [as get] (<embedded>:4432:80566) at W (<embedded>:4504:141407) at Object.H (<embedded>:4504:144113) { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', requireStack: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts' ] } } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils found browsers { browsers: [] } +331ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run found all system browsers [ { channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Electron', family: 'chromium', majorVersion: 114, name: 'electron', path: '', version: '114.0.5735.289' } ] +335ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project open_project create /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project opening project /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project and options { socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', morgan: false, report: true, isTextTerminal: true, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], onWarning: [Function: F], spec: undefined, onError: [Function (anonymous)], onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser], args: { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app', socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true, testingType: 'e2e', onError: [Function (anonymous)], browsers: [ [Object] ] } } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project Project created { testingType: 'e2e', projectRoot: '/app' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project opening project instance /app +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project open options { report: true, onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests], onError: [Function (anonymous)], onWarning: [Function: F], socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], spec: undefined, onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser], args: { _: [ '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: '/app', cwd: '/app', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '20.10.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/app', socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true, testingType: 'e2e', onError: [Function (anonymous)], browsers: [ [Object] ] }, testingType: 'e2e' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:server-base server open +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:client-certificates loaded client certificates for 0 URL(s) +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:server-base createServer connecting to server +36ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:server-base Server listening on { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 43677 } +12ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/proxy +415ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy Created SNI HTTPS Proxy Server { port: 36867 } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:ensure-url checking that baseUrl is available {
Step #1 - "Test": baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
Step #1 - "Test": delaysRemaining: [ 3000, 3000, 4000 ],
Step #1 - "Test": retryIntervals: [ 3000, 3000, 4000 ]
Step #1 - "Test": } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: 'localhost', port: 3000 } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: 'localhost', port: 3000, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '::1', family: 6 } ] } +7ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for http://localhost:3000 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project config: { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677' } +451ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:reporter trying to load reporter: spec +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:reporter spec is Mocha reporter +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:saved_state noop saved state +826ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', state: {} } +26ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +29ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +29ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run project created and opened with config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', isTextTerminal: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', browsers: [ { channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Electron', family: 'chromium', majorVersion: 114, name: 'electron', path: '', version: '114.0.5735.289' } ], cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, version: '13.6.3', testingType: 'e2e', browser: null, cypressInternalEnv: 'production' } +485ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:utils searching for browser { nameOrPath: 'electron', filter: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable' }, knownBrowsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ] } +489ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:profilecleaner found 0 root level profile matches: [] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:profilecleaner found 0 profile folders: [] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:profilecleaner found 0 profile folders: [] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:snapshot:error TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:399:5)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at validateString (node:internal/validators:163:11)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (node:path:1098:7)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:765400)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at resolvePathsAndParent (<embedded>:4511:1077586)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at customRequire (<embedded>:4511:1076642)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at c (<embedded>:2827:111097)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:2827:111632
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:4511:18500
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (node:internal/fs/read_file_context:68:3) +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:snapshot:error TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:399:5)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at validateString (node:internal/validators:163:11)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (node:path:1098:7)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:765400)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at resolvePathsAndParent (<embedded>:4511:1077614)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at customRequire (<embedded>:4511:1076642)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at c (<embedded>:2827:111097)
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:2827:111632
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:4511:18500
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:snapshot:error  at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (node:internal/fs/read_file_context:68:3) +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": 
Step #1 - "Test": ====================================================================================================
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test":  (Run Starting)
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test":  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
Step #1 - "Test":  │ Cypress: 13.6.3 │
Step #1 - "Test":  │ Browser: Electron 114 (headless) │
Step #1 - "Test":  │ Node Version: v20.10.0 (/usr/local/bin/node) │
Step #1 - "Test":  │ Specs: 8 found (,,, │
Step #1 - "Test":  │ .js,,,, unauthorizedStateBeha │
Step #1 - "Test":  │ │
Step #1 - "Test":  │ Searched: cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx} │
Step #1 - "Test":  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:run', isRegistered: false } +1s
Step #1 - "Test": 
Step #1 - "Test": ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Step #1 - "Test":
Step #1 - "Test": Running: (1 of 8)
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run about to run spec { spec: { absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/', fileExtension: '.js', fileName: 'chatPage', name: '', relative: 'cypress/e2e/' }, isHeadless: true, browser: { channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Electron', family: 'chromium', majorVersion: 114, name: 'electron', path: '', version: '114.0.5735.289' } } +97ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:util:crash_handling waiting for early exit +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run waiting for socket to connect and browser to launch... +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run waiting for socket connection... { id: '1zvl97w8lu' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project resetting project state, preparing to launch browser electron for spec { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'chatPage', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'integration', name: 'cypress/e2e/', relative: 'cypress/e2e/', absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/' } options { protocolManager: undefined, projectRoot: '/app', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoApi: undefined, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, onWarning: [Function: onWarning] } +582ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project resetting project instance /app +103ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +102ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for http://localhost:3000 +102ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project_utils returning spec url http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/ +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project open project url http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/ +3ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', state: {} } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project launching browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, spec: cypress/e2e/ +3ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers getBrowserLauncher { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers opening browser { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron open { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:saved_state noop saved state +113ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron received saved state {} +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron browser window options { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/', browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], userAgent: null, proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', chromeWebSecurity: true, isTextTerminal: true, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, protocolManager: undefined, projectRoot: '/app', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, videoApi: undefined, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, x: null, y: null, width: 1280, height: 720, minWidth: 100, minHeight: 100, devTools: false, contextMenu: true, partition: 'persist:run-438', trackState: { width: 'browserWidth', height: 'browserHeight', x: 'browserX', y: 'browserY', devTools: 'isBrowserDevToolsOpen' }, webPreferences: { sandbox: true, partition: null, webSecurity: true, nodeIntegration: false, backgroundThrottling: false }, show: false, resizable: false, frame: true, recordFrameRate: null } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:browser:launch', isRegistered: false } +22ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron launching browser window to url: http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/ +1ms
Step #0 - "Build":
Step #0 - "Build": Route (pages) Size First Load JS
Step #0 - "Build": ┌ /_app 0 B 277 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ ○ /404 351 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ ● /500 343 B 277 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ ● /app 279 B 277 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId] 643 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/beta/chat-dev 1.44 kB 303 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/beta/statistics 102 kB 425 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/chat 2.1 kB 304 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/gorgias-connect 4.81 kB 320 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/knowledge 6.19 kB 283 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/settings 5.27 kB 323 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/test 10 kB 340 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/toolbox/config 38.1 kB 334 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /app/[instanceId]/toolbox/import 4.54 kB 322 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ ● /help 564 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /landing/install-gorgias 417 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /landing/signup-console-gorgias 316 B 277 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /landing/signup-gorgias-console 383 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /login 594 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ ● /logout 353 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /signup 18.6 kB 338 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ λ /signup/app-install/gorgias 1.69 kB 279 kB
Step #0 - "Build": └ ● /welcome 990 B 278 kB
Step #0 - "Build": + First Load JS shared by all 279 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ chunks/framework-10fac88913917d91.js 45.2 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ chunks/main-a964a2bb9534cef2.js 32.5 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ chunks/pages/_app-05b0cfadf0ac2505.js 198 kB
Step #0 - "Build": ├ chunks/webpack-8f8e13569dc66c0a.js 1.9 kB
Step #0 - "Build": â”” css/0fb97e640277dba2.css 2.06 kB
Step #0 - "Build":
Step #0 - "Build": â—‹ (Static) prerendered as static content
Step #0 - "Build": ● (SSG) prerendered as static HTML (uses getStaticProps)
Step #0 - "Build": λ (Dynamic) server-rendered on demand using Node.js
Step #0 - "Build":
Step #0 - "Build": Removing intermediate container 92fc7bac86c0
Step #0 - "Build": ---> 021be9b5276a
Step #0 - "Build": Step 43/47 : RUN addgroup -g 1001 -S nodejs
Step #0 - "Build": ---> Running in 35b48bcff29d
Step #0 - "Build": Removing intermediate container 35b48bcff29d
Step #0 - "Build": ---> 22958cc4168a
Step #0 - "Build": Step 44/47 : RUN adduser -S nextjs -u 1001
Step #0 - "Build": ---> Running in 1f9406db69aa
Step #0 - "Build": Removing intermediate container 1f9406db69aa
Step #0 - "Build": ---> 207c77fc546c
Step #0 - "Build": Step 45/47 : USER nextjs
Step #0 - "Build": ---> Running in 7284069dd357
Step #0 - "Build": Removing intermediate container 7284069dd357
Step #0 - "Build": ---> 14b81cc87926
Step #0 - "Build": Step 46/47 : EXPOSE 3000
Step #0 - "Build": ---> Running in e11588dda03d
Step #0 - "Build": Removing intermediate container e11588dda03d
Step #0 - "Build": ---> 9a1ac3ca99c9
Step #0 - "Build": Step 47/47 : CMD ["yarn", "start"]
Step #0 - "Build": ---> Running in a2b42f95987c
Step #0 - "Build": Removing intermediate container a2b42f95987c
Step #0 - "Build": ---> 27ee928ad0e8
Step #0 - "Build": Successfully built 27ee928ad0e8
Step #0 - "Build": Successfully tagged
Finished Step #0 - "Build"
Step #1 - "Test": 
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +1m
Step #1 - "Test": Timed out waiting for the browser to connect. Retrying...
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run waiting for socket to connect and browser to launch... +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run waiting for socket connection... { id: '1zvl97w8lu' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project resetting project state, preparing to launch browser electron for spec { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'chatPage', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'integration', name: 'cypress/e2e/', relative: 'cypress/e2e/', absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/' } options { protocolManager: undefined, projectRoot: '/app', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoApi: undefined, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, onWarning: [Function: onWarning] } +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project resetting project instance /app +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for http://localhost:3000 +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project_utils returning spec url http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/ +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project open project url http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/ +10ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', state: {} } +9ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +11ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +11ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:open_project launching browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, spec: cypress/e2e/ +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +21ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers getBrowserLauncher { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers opening browser { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron open { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/' } +1m
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:saved_state noop saved state +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { host: '', port: '44077', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayMsForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron received saved state {} +30ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron browser window options { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/', browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], userAgent: null, proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', chromeWebSecurity: true, isTextTerminal: true, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, protocolManager: undefined, projectRoot: '/app', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, videoApi: undefined, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, x: null, y: null, width: 1280, height: 720, minWidth: 100, minHeight: 100, devTools: false, contextMenu: true, partition: 'persist:run-438', trackState: { width: 'browserWidth', height: 'browserHeight', x: 'browserX', y: 'browserY', devTools: 'isBrowserDevToolsOpen' }, webPreferences: { sandbox: true, partition: null, webSecurity: true, nodeIntegration: false, backgroundThrottling: false }, show: false, resizable: false, frame: true, recordFrameRate: null } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:browser:launch', isRegistered: false } +1m
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:electron launching browser window to url: http://localhost:3000/__/#/specs/runner?file=cypress/e2e/ +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connecting { connected: false, target: 'ws://' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connected { connected: true, target: 'ws://' } +89ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Target.attachedToTarget' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Target.targetDestroyed' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Inspector.targetReloadedAfterCrash' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { host: '', port: '44077', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayMsForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +130ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Target.attachedToTarget { targetId: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4', type: 'page', title: 'about:blank', url: 'about:blank', attached: true, canAccessOpener: false, browserContextId: '578C731C11E18873EC666695A447EFBF' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Not waiting for debugger (id: 5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4) +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Target.attachedToTarget { targetId: '6E738EFB1B226956BD5888689BB5D616', type: 'page', title: 'about:blank', url: 'about:blank', attached: true, canAccessOpener: false, browserContextId: '578C731C11E18873EC666695A447EFBF' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Not waiting for debugger (id: 6E738EFB1B226956BD5888689BB5D616) +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Attaching to target url about:blank +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connecting { connected: false, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +16ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connecting { connected: false, target: 'ws://' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connected { connected: true, target: 'ws://' } +14ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Target.attachedToTarget' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Target.targetDestroyed' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Inspector.targetReloadedAfterCrash' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Target.attachedToTarget { targetId: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4', type: 'page', title: 'about:blank', url: 'about:blank', attached: true, canAccessOpener: false, browserContextId: '578C731C11E18873EC666695A447EFBF' } +19ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Not waiting for debugger (id: 5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4) +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Target.attachedToTarget { targetId: '6E738EFB1B226956BD5888689BB5D616', type: 'page', title: 'about:blank', url: 'about:blank', attached: true, canAccessOpener: false, browserContextId: '578C731C11E18873EC666695A447EFBF' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Not waiting for debugger (id: 6E738EFB1B226956BD5888689BB5D616) +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Attaching to target url about:blank +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connected { connected: true, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connecting { connected: false, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestWillBeSent' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestWillBeSent' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.responseReceived' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.responseReceived' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestServedFromCache' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestServedFromCache' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.loadingFailed' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.loadingFailed' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdated' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdated' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connected { connected: true, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron clearing cache +158ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestWillBeSent' } +3ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestWillBeSent' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.responseReceived' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.responseReceived' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestServedFromCache' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestServedFromCache' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.loadingFailed' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.loadingFailed' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdated' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdated' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron clearing cache +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Runtime.bindingCalled' } +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Runtime.bindingCalled' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Runtime.bindingCalled' } +4ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Runtime.bindingCalled' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Runtime.bindingCalled' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:socket-base socket connected +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Runtime.bindingCalled' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:socket-base socket connected +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron debugger: enable Console and Network +44ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron debugger: enable Console and Network +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Fetch.requestPaused' } +36ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Fetch.requestPaused' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Page.frameAttached' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Page.frameDetached' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Page.frameAttached' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Page.frameDetached' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', state: {} } +263ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +263ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +263ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', state: {} } +24ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +21ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +19ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-bd5d81a7.js, params[0] index-bd5d81a7.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/polyfills-93a39af8.js, params[0] polyfills-93a39af8.js +4ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-bda26968.css, params[0] index-bda26968.css +16ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/polyfills-93a39af8.js, params[0] polyfills-93a39af8.js +54ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-bda26968.css, params[0] index-bda26968.css +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-bd5d81a7.js, params[0] index-bd5d81a7.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Specs-595c47ff.js, params[0] Specs-595c47ff.js +734ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/route-block-c0a8bdd8.js, params[0] route-block-c0a8bdd8.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-98ef6e30.js, params[0] Runner-98ef6e30.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/InlineCodeFragment.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-fc725a2a.js, params[0] InlineCodeFragment.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-fc725a2a.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/box-open_x48-8cb2cdd5.js, params[0] box-open_x48-8cb2cdd5.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/InlineCodeFragment-63f519c9.css, params[0] InlineCodeFragment-63f519c9.css +20ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-d26b5796.css, params[0] Runner-d26b5796.css +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-e2acbee1.js, params[0] SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-e2acbee1.js +19ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-ba190dc7.js, params[0] Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-ba190dc7.js +3ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/InlineCodeFragment-63f519c9.css, params[0] InlineCodeFragment-63f519c9.css +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-d26b5796.css, params[0] Runner-d26b5796.css +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/refresh_x16-a257bffb.js, params[0] refresh_x16-a257bffb.js +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/graphql-c5906cf1.js, params[0] graphql-c5906cf1.js +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/route-block-c0a8bdd8.js, params[0] route-block-c0a8bdd8.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Specs-595c47ff.js, params[0] Specs-595c47ff.js +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-98ef6e30.js, params[0] Runner-98ef6e30.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/InlineCodeFragment.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-fc725a2a.js, params[0] InlineCodeFragment.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-fc725a2a.js +3ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/box-open_x48-8cb2cdd5.js, params[0] box-open_x48-8cb2cdd5.js +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-e2acbee1.js, params[0] SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-e2acbee1.js +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/graphql-c5906cf1.js, params[0] graphql-c5906cf1.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-ba190dc7.js, params[0] Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-ba190dc7.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/refresh_x16-a257bffb.js, params[0] refresh_x16-a257bffb.js +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:3000 +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:3000', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:3000', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.6.3 Chrome/114.0.5735.289 Electron/25.8.4 Safari/537.36' } } +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:3000', head: 'GET /__socket-graphql HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:3000\r\nConnection' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 43677 +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 43677, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 43677, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 44072 } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket-graphql +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket-graphql', remotePort: 44072, remoteAddress: '' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:3000 +16ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:3000', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:3000', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.6.3 Chrome/114.0.5735.289 Electron/25.8.4 Safari/537.36' } } +17ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:3000', head: 'GET /__socket-graphql HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:3000\r\nConnection' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 43677 +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', state: {} } +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 43677, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +45ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 43677, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +26ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 44082 } +43ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket-graphql +28ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket-graphql', remotePort: 44082, remoteAddress: '' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project project has config { env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B', FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: '20.10.0', CACHE_FOLDER: '/root/.cache/Cypress' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712 }, env: { app_mode: 'development', auth0_domain: '', auth0_username: '', auth0_password: 'v4Bv4Bv4Bv4Bv4B' }, baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', viewportWidth: 1440, viewportHeight: 712, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/app', projectName: 'app', repoRoot: '/app' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '1zvl97w8lu', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/app/cypress/downloads', execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/app', fixturesFolder: '/app/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 43677, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '20.10.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0, experimentalStrategy: undefined, experimentalOptions: undefined }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/app/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 10000, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', supportFolder: '/app/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: false, videoCompression: false, videosFolder: '/app/cypress/videos', waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '114.0.5735.289', path: '', majorVersion: 114 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '13.6.3', protocolEnabled: false, hideCommandLog: false, hideRunnerUi: false, cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: 'http://localhost:3000', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { app_mode: [Object], auth0_domain: [Object], auth0_username: [Object], auth0_password: [Object], FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION: [Object], CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: false, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 712, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1440, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'e2e', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:43677', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:43677', state: {} } +19ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +18ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:3000 +17ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:project socket:connected +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run got socket connection { id: '1zvl97w8lu' } +3s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run socket connected { socketId: '1zvl97w8lu' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run got socket connection { id: '1zvl97w8lu' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:run socket connected { socketId: '1zvl97w8lu' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:project socket:connected +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/electron-fb07f5cc.svg, params[0] electron-fb07f5cc.svg +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/electron-fb07f5cc.svg, params[0] electron-fb07f5cc.svg +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:socket-e2e watch:test:file { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'chatPage', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'integration', name: '', relative: 'cypress/e2e/', absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:socket-e2e watching spec with config { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'chatPage', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'integration', name: '', relative: 'cypress/e2e/', absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:socket-e2e will watch test file path 'cypress/e2e/' +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:preprocessor getting file cypress/e2e/ +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:preprocessor getFile /app/cypress/e2e/ +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/e2e/ +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar execute plugin event 'file:preprocessor' Node 'v18.15.0' with args: EventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype] { rerun: [Function (anonymous)] }, _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, filePath: '/app/cypress/e2e/', shouldWatch: false, outputPath: '/root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/e2e/', [Symbol(kCapture)]: false } undefined undefined +3s
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager call event file:preprocessor for invocation id inv1 +1m
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:socket-e2e watch:test:file { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'chatPage', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'integration', name: '', relative: 'cypress/e2e/', absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/' } +2ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:socket-e2e watching spec with config { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'chatPage', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'integration', name: '', relative: 'cypress/e2e/', absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:spec', isRegistered: false } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:spec', isRegistered: false } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 execute plugin event: file:preprocessor ({ invocationId: 'inv1', eventId: 3 }) +1m
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack user options: { typescript: '/app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js', webpackOptions: { mode: 'development', node: { global: true, __filename: true, __dirname: true }, module: { rules: [Array] }, plugins: [ [ProvidePlugin] ], resolve: { extensions: [Array], fallback: [Object], plugins: [Array] } }, __typescriptSupportAdded: true } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack get /app/cypress/e2e/ +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack load default options +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack setting devtool to inline-source-map +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack typescript found, overriding typescript.createProgram() +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack typescript not found +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack Limiting number of chunks to 1 +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack webpackOptions: { mode: 'development', node: { global: true, __filename: true, __dirname: true }, module: { rules: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, plugins: [ ProvidePlugin { definitions: [Object] }, LimitChunkCountPlugin { options: [Object] } ], resolve: { extensions: [ '.js', '.json', '.jsx', '.mjs', '.coffee', '.ts', '.tsx' ], fallback: { assert: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/assert/build/assert.js', buffer: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/buffer/index.js', child_process: false, cluster: false, console: false, constants: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/constants-browserify/constants.json', crypto: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/crypto-browserify/index.js', dgram: false, dns: false, domain: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/domain-browser/source/index.js', events: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/events/events.js', fs: false, http: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/stream-http/index.js', https: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/https-browserify/index.js', http2: false, inspector: false, module: false, net: false, os: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/os-browserify/browser.js', path: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/path-browserify/index.js', perf_hooks: false, punycode: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/punycode/punycode.js', process: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/process/browser.js', querystring: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/querystring-es3/index.js', readline: false, repl: false, stream: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/stream-browserify/index.js', string_decoder: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/string_decoder/lib/string_decoder.js', sys: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/util/util.js', timers: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js', tls: false, tty: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/tty-browserify/index.js', url: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/url/url.js', util: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/util/util.js', vm: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/vm-browserify/index.js', zlib: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/browserify-zlib/lib/index.js' }, plugins: [ [TsconfigPathsPlugin] ] }, entry: [ '/app/cypress/e2e/' ], output: { publicPath: '', path: '/root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/e2e', filename: '' }, devtool: 'inline-source-map' } +32ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack watchOptions: {} +2ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack typescript: /app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack input: /app/cypress/e2e/ +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack output: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/e2e/ +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'after:browser:launch', isRegistered: false } +114ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers browser opened +3s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers killing browser process +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:electron closing remote interface client { options: { gracefulShutdown: true } } +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closing cri client { closed: false, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron closed event fired +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:windows error removing all extensions { err: TypeError: Object has been destroyed at Object.f (<embedded>:4432:103221) at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (<embedded>:4432:116794)  at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)  at BrowserWindow.emit (node:events:525:35) at T (<embedded>:4432:109210) at EventEmitter.kill (<embedded>:4432:117038) at <embedded>:4438:24752 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at h (<embedded>:4438:24584) at (<embedded>:4438:27466) at async v.relaunchBrowser (<embedded>:4504:37721), extensions: undefined } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers browser process killed +3ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closed cri client { closed: true, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +5ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closing cri client { closed: false, target: 'ws://' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Target.targetDestroyed { event: { targetId: '6E738EFB1B226956BD5888689BB5D616' }, closing: false, closed: false, resettingBrowserTargets: false } +3s
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closed cri client { closed: true, target: 'ws://' } +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 44072 } +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:iframes handling iframe for project spec { spec: { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'chatPage', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'integration', name: 'cypress/e2e/', relative: 'cypress/e2e/', absolute: '/app/cypress/e2e/' }, extraOptions: { specType: 'integration' } } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:controllers handle iframe { test: 'cypress/e2e/', specFilter: undefined } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:controllers get specs { spec: 'cypress/e2e/', extraOptions: { specType: 'integration' } } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:controllers normalizing spec { spec: 'cypress/e2e/' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:controllers converted cypress/e2e/ to /app/cypress/e2e/ +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:controllers test url for file { file: 'cypress/e2e/', url: '/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/e2e/' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:controllers test url for file { file: 'cypress/support/e2e.js', url: '/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/support/e2e.js' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:controllers all files to send [ 'cypress/support/e2e.js', 'cypress/e2e/' ] +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3000', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3000', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } +1s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:controllers iframe cypress/e2e/ options { superDomain: 'localhost', title: 'cypress/e2e/', scripts: '[{"absolute":"/app/cypress/support/e2e.js","relative":"cypress/support/e2e.js","relativeUrl":"/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/support/e2e.js"},{"absolute":"/app/cypress/e2e/","relative":"cypress/e2e/","relativeUrl":"/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/e2e/"}]', privilegedChannel: '/* global window */\n' + '(({ browserFamily, isSpecBridge, key, namespace, scripts, url, win = window }) => {\n' + ' /**\n' + ' * This file is read as a string in the server and injected into the spec\n' + ' * frame in order to create a privileged channel between the server and\n' + ' * the spec frame. The values above are provided by the server, with the\n' + ' * `key` being particularly important since it is used to validate\n' + ' * any messages sent from this channel back to the server.\n' + ' *\n' + ' * This file does not get preprocessed, so it should not contain syntax that\n' + ' * our minimum supported browsers do not support.\n' + ' */\n' + '\n' + ' const Err = win.Error\n' + ' const captureStackTrace = win.Error.captureStackTrace\n' + ' const filter = win.Array.prototype.filter\n' + ' const arrayIncludes = win.Array.prototype.includes\n' + ' const map =\n' + ' const slice = win.Array.prototype.slice\n' + ' const isArray = win.Array.isArray\n' + ' const stringIncludes = win.String.prototype.includes\n' + ' const replace = win.String.prototype.replace\n' + ' const split = win.String.prototype.split\n' + ' const functionToString = win.Function.prototype.toString\n' + ' const fetch = win.fetch\n' + ' const parse = win.JSON.parse\n' + ' const stringify = win.JSON.stringify\n' + ' const charCodeAt = win.String.prototype.charCodeAt\n' + ' const imul = Math.imul\n' + '\n' + ' const queryStringRegex = /\\?.*$/\n' + '\n' + ' let hasValidCallbackContext = false\n' + '\n' + " // since this function is eval'd, the scripts are included as stringified JSON\n" + ' if (scripts) {\n' + ' scripts = parse(scripts)\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' // when privileged commands are called within the cy.origin() callback,\n' + " // since the callback is eval'd in the spec bridge instead of being run\n" + ' // directly in the spec frame, we need to use different criteria, namely\n' + ' // that the stack includes the function where we eval the callback\n' + ' const hasSpecBridgeInvocation = (err) => {\n' + ' switch (browserFamily) {\n' + " case 'chromium':\n" + " return, 'at invokeOriginFn')\n" + " case 'firefox':\n" + " return, 'invokeOriginFn@')\n" + " // currently, this won't run in webkit since it doesn't\n" + ' // support cy.origin()\n' + ' default:\n' + ' return false\n' + ' }\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' // in chromium, stacks only include lines from the frame where the error is\n' + ' // created, so to validate a function call was from the spec frame, we strip\n' + ' // message lines and any eval calls (since they could be invoked from outside\n' + ' // the spec frame) and if there are lines left, they must have been from\n' + ' // the spec frame itself\n' + ' const hasSpecFrameStackLines = (err) => {\n' + " const stackLines =, '\\n')\n" + ' const filteredLines =, (line) => {\n' + ' return (\n' + ' !, err.message)\n' + " && !, 'eval at <anonymous>')\n" + ' )\n' + ' })\n' + '\n' + ' return filteredLines.length > 0\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' const isInCallback = (err) => {\n' + " return, 'thenFn@') ||, 'withinFn@')\n" + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' const hasCallbackInsideEval = (err) => {\n' + " if (browserFamily === 'webkit') {\n" + ' return isInCallback(err) && hasValidCallbackContext\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + " return isInCallback(err) &&, '> eval line')\n" + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' // in non-chromium browsers, the stack will include either the spec file url\n' + ' // or the support file\n' + ' const hasStackLinesFromSpecOrSupportFile = (err) => {\n' + ' return, (script) => {\n' + ' // in webkit, stack line might not include the query string\n' + " if (browserFamily === 'webkit') {\n" + " script =, queryStringRegex, '')\n" + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' return, script)\n' + ' }).length > 0\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' // privileged commands are commands that should only be called from the spec\n' + ' // because they escape the browser sandbox and (generally) have access to node\n' + ' const privilegedCommands = [\n' + " 'exec',\n" + " // cy.origin() doesn't directly access node, but is a pathway for other\n" + ' // commands to do so\n' + " 'origin',\n" + " 'readFile',\n" + ' // cy.selectFile() accesses node when using the path argument to read a file\n' + " 'selectFile',\n" + " 'writeFile',\n" + " 'task',\n" + ' ]\n' + '\n' + ' const callbackCommands = [\n' + " 'each',\n" + " 'then',\n" + " 'within',\n" + ' ]\n' + '\n' + ' function stackIsFromSpecFrame (err) {\n' + ' if (isSpecBridge) {\n' + ' return hasSpecBridgeInvocation(err)\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + " if (browserFamily === 'chromium') {\n" + ' return hasStackLinesFromSpecOrSupportFile(err) || hasSpecFrameStackLines(err)\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' return hasCallbackInsideEval(err) || hasStackLinesFromSpecOrSupportFile(err)\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' // source:\n' + ' function hash (str) {\n' + ' const seed = 0\n' + ' let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed\n' + ' let h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed\n' + '\n' + ' for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) {\n' + ' ch =, i)\n' + ' h1 = imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761)\n' + ' h2 = imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677)\n' + ' }\n' + ' h1 = imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 16), 2246822507)\n' + ' h1 ^= imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 13), 3266489909)\n' + ' h2 = imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 16), 2246822507)\n' + ' h2 ^= imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 13), 3266489909)\n' + '\n' + ' return `${4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1 >>> 0)}`\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' // removes trailing undefined args\n' + ' function dropRightUndefined (array) {\n' + ' if (!isArray(array)) return []\n' + '\n' + ' let index = array.length\n' + '\n' + ' // find index of last non-undefined arg\n' + ' // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\n' + ' while (index-- && array[index] === undefined) {}\n' + '\n' + ' return, 0, index + 1)\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' function onCommandInvocation (command) {\n' + " // message doesn't really matter since we're only interested in the stack\n" + " const err = new Err('command stack error')\n" + '\n' + ' // strips the stack for this function itself, so we get a more accurate\n' + ' // look at where the command was called from\n' + ' if (captureStackTrace) {\n' + ', err, onCommandInvocation)\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' if (, {\n' + ' hasValidCallbackContext = stackIsFromSpecFrame(err)\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' if (!, return\n' + '\n' + " // if stack is not validated as being from the spec frame, don't add\n" + ' // it as a verified command\n' + ' if (!stackIsFromSpecFrame(err)) return\n' + '\n' + ' // hash the args to avoid `413 Request Entity Too Large` error from express.\n' + ' // see and\n' + ' //\n' + ' const args =[...(command.args || [])]), (arg) => {\n' + ' if (arg === undefined) {\n' + ' arg = null\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + " if (typeof arg === 'function') {\n" + ' arg =\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' return hash(stringify(arg))\n' + ' })\n' + '\n' + ' // if we verify a privileged command was invoked from the spec frame, we\n' + " // send it to the server, where it's stored in state. when the command is\n" + ' // run and it sends its message to the server via websocket, we check\n' + ' // that verified status before allowing the command to continue running\n' + ' //\n' + ' // needs to use the fully-qualified url or else when the baseUrl includes\n' + ' // basic auth, the fetch fails with a security error\n' + ' // see\n' + ' const promise = fetch(`${win.location.origin}/${namespace}/add-verified-command`, {\n' + ' body: stringify({\n' + ' args,\n' + ' name:,\n' + ' key,\n' + ' url,\n' + ' }),\n' + ' headers: {\n' + " 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n" + ' },\n' + " method: 'POST',\n" + ' }).catch(() => {\n' + " // this erroring is unlikely, but it's fine to ignore. if adding the\n" + ' // verified command failed, the default behavior is NOT to allow\n' + ' // the privileged command to run\n' + ' })\n' + '\n' + ' return {\n' + ' args,\n' + ' promise,\n' + ' }\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + " win.Cypress.on('command:invocation', onCommandInvocation)\n" + '\n' + ' // returned for testing purposes only\n' + ' return {\n' + ' dropRightUndefined,\n' + ' onCommandInvocation,\n' + ' }\n' + '})\n' + '({\n' + " browserFamily: 'chromium',\n" + ' isSpecBridge: false,\n' + " key: '38b76351-acab-48d3-9d86-a3efc31eae46',\n" + " namespace: '__cypress',\n" + ` scripts: '["/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/support/e2e.js","/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/e2e/"]',\n` + " url: 'http://localhost:3000/__cypress/iframes/'\n" + ' })' } +6ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client encountered closed websocket on send { command: 'Runtime.evaluate', params: { expression: '\n' + " if (window['cypressSocket-/__socket/default'] && window['cypressSocket-/__socket/default'].send) {\n" + ` window['cypressSocket-/__socket/default'].send('"42/__socket/default,[[\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"2\\\\",\\\\"3\\\\"],\\\\"request:event\\\\",\\\\"546304c2-69b4-419c-ab17-fe0a4efe830d\\\\",[\\\\"4\\\\",\\\\"5\\\\"],\\\\"response:received\\\\",{\\\\"requestId\\\\":\\\\"6\\\\",\\\\"status\\\\":200,\\\\"headers\\\\":\\\\"7\\\\"},\\\\"5D0A71DBF5286381404E579587644213\\\\",{\\\\"Connection\\\\":\\\\"8\\\\",\\\\"Content-Encoding\\\\":\\\\"9\\\\",\\\\"Content-Type\\\\":\\\\"10\\\\",\\\\"Date\\\\":\\\\"11\\\\",\\\\"ETag\\\\":\\\\"12\\\\",\\\\"Keep-Alive\\\\":\\\\"13\\\\",\\\\"Origin-Agent-Cluster\\\\":\\\\"14\\\\",\\\\"Transfer-Encoding\\\\":\\\\"15\\\\",\\\\"Vary\\\\":\\\\"16\\\\"},\\\\"keep-alive\\\\",\\\\"gzip\\\\",\\\\"text/html; charset=utf-8\\\\",\\\\"Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:19:39 GMT\\\\",\\\\"W/\\\\\\\\\\\\"23b6-0YLrmGb5H30aEYKx0t/TktXlK3g\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\",\\\\"timeout=5\\\\",\\\\"?0\\\\",\\\\"chunked\\\\",\\\\"Accept-Encoding\\\\"]"')\n` + ' }\n' + ' ', contextId: 3 }, sessionId: undefined, err: Error: WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED) at O (<embedded>:2466:564310) at A.send (<embedded>:2466:559636) at _._enqueueCommand (<embedded>:2466:580382) at <embedded>:2466:577627 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at _.send (<embedded>:2466:577601) at T.send (<embedded>:4432:49472) at <embedded>:4457:25889  at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) } +39ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client enqueueing command {
Step #1 - "Test": command: 'Runtime.evaluate',
Step #1 - "Test": params: {
Step #1 - "Test": expression: '\n' +
Step #1 - "Test": " if (window['cypressSocket-/__socket/default'] && window['cypressSocket-/__socket/default'].send) {\n" +
Step #1 - "Test": ` window['cypressSocket-/__socket/default'].send('"42/__socket/default,[[\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"2\\\\",\\\\"3\\\\"],\\\\"request:event\\\\",\\\\"546304c2-69b4-419c-ab17-fe0a4efe830d\\\\",[\\\\"4\\\\",\\\\"5\\\\"],\\\\"response:received\\\\",{\\\\"requestId\\\\":\\\\"6\\\\",\\\\"status\\\\":200,\\\\"headers\\\\":\\\\"7\\\\"},\\\\"5D0A71DBF5286381404E579587644213\\\\",{\\\\"Connection\\\\":\\\\"8\\\\",\\\\"Content-Encoding\\\\":\\\\"9\\\\",\\\\"Content-Type\\\\":\\\\"10\\\\",\\\\"Date\\\\":\\\\"11\\\\",\\\\"ETag\\\\":\\\\"12\\\\",\\\\"Keep-Alive\\\\":\\\\"13\\\\",\\\\"Origin-Agent-Cluster\\\\":\\\\"14\\\\",\\\\"Transfer-Encoding\\\\":\\\\"15\\\\",\\\\"Vary\\\\":\\\\"16\\\\"},\\\\"keep-alive\\\\",\\\\"gzip\\\\",\\\\"text/html; charset=utf-8\\\\",\\\\"Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:19:39 GMT\\\\",\\\\"W/\\\\\\\\\\\\"23b6-0YLrmGb5H30aEYKx0t/TktXlK3g\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\",\\\\"timeout=5\\\\",\\\\"?0\\\\",\\\\"chunked\\\\",\\\\"Accept-Encoding\\\\"]"')\n` +
Step #1 - "Test": ' }\n' +
Step #1 - "Test": ' ',
Step #1 - "Test": contextId: 3
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client disconnected, starting retries to reconnect... { closed: true, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client disconnected, not reconnecting because client is closed { closed: true, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connection was closed was trying to reconnect +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:controllers:spec request for { spec: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:preprocessor getting file cypress/support/e2e.js +204ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:preprocessor getFile /app/cypress/support/e2e.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/support/e2e.js +204ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar execute plugin event 'file:preprocessor' Node 'v18.15.0' with args: EventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype] { rerun: [Function (anonymous)] }, _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, filePath: '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js', shouldWatch: false, outputPath: '/root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/support/e2e.js', [Symbol(kCapture)]: false } undefined undefined +88ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager call event file:preprocessor for invocation id inv2 +203ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:controllers:spec request for { spec: 'cypress/e2e/' } +3ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:preprocessor getting file cypress/e2e/ +3ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:preprocessor getFile /app/cypress/e2e/ +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:server:preprocessor headless and already processed +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cypress exiting with err TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getWebSocketDebuggerUrl')
Step #1 - "Test": at (<embedded>:4432:117175)
Step #1 - "Test": at async (<embedded>:4438:27363)
Step #1 - "Test": at async v.relaunchBrowser (<embedded>:4504:37721) +1m
Step #1 - "Test": Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getWebSocketDebuggerUrl')
Step #1 - "Test": TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getWebSocketDebuggerUrl')
Step #1 - "Test":  at (<embedded>:4432:117175)
Step #1 - "Test":  at async (<embedded>:4438:27363)
Step #1 - "Test":  at async v.relaunchBrowser (<embedded>:4504:37721)
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cloud:api request to url: POST with params: {"body":{"err":{"name":"TypeError","message":"Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getWebSocketDebuggerUrl')","stack":"TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getWebSocketDebuggerUrl')\n at (<embedded>:4432:117175)\n at async (<embedded>:4438:27363)\n at async v.relaunchBrowser (<embedded>:4504:37721)"},"version":"13.6.3","osName":"linux","osVersion":"Debian - ","osCpus":[{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":242180,"nice":0,"sys":155870,"idle":427410,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":242860,"nice":0,"sys":158300,"idle":424120,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":259100,"nice":20,"sys":152170,"idle":414300,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":245150,"nice":0,"sys":169340,"idle":413140,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":251710,"nice":0,"sys":161000,"idle":415030,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":232450,"nice":0,"sys":168530,"idle":423510,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":253330,"nice":0,"sys":161020,"idle":414870,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2200,"times":{"user":281440,"nice":210,"sys":163550,"idle":360660,"irq":0}}],"osMemory":{"free":6358339584,"total":8341721088}},"headers":{"x-os-name":"linux","x-cypress-version":"13.6.3"}} and token: undefined +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +2s
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cypress calling exit 1 +12ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:cypress about to exit with code 1 +1ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2606:4700:10::ac43:19fa', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700:10::6816:bef', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700:10::6816:aef', family: 6 } ] } +11ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +18ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:689 execute plugin event: file:preprocessor ({ invocationId: 'inv2', eventId: 3 }) +839ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack user options: { typescript: '/app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js', webpackOptions: { mode: 'development', node: { global: true, __filename: true, __dirname: true }, module: { rules: [Array] }, plugins: [ [ProvidePlugin], [LimitChunkCountPlugin] ], resolve: { extensions: [Array], fallback: [Object], plugins: [Array] }, entry: [ '/app/cypress/e2e/' ], output: { publicPath: '', path: '/root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/e2e', filename: '' }, devtool: 'inline-source-map' }, __typescriptSupportAdded: true } +756ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack get /app/cypress/support/e2e.js +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack load default options +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack setting devtool to inline-source-map +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack typescript found, overriding typescript.createProgram() +793ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack typescript not found +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack Limiting number of chunks to 1 +2ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:webpack webpackOptions: { mode: 'development', node: { global: true, __filename: true, __dirname: true }, module: { rules: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, plugins: [ ProvidePlugin { definitions: [Object] }, LimitChunkCountPlugin { options: [Object] }, LimitChunkCountPlugin { options: [Object] } ], resolve: { extensions: [ '.js', '.json', '.jsx', '.mjs', '.coffee', '.ts', '.tsx' ], fallback: { assert: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/assert/build/assert.js', buffer: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/buffer/index.js', child_process: false, cluster: false, console: false, constants: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/constants-browserify/constants.json', crypto: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/crypto-browserify/index.js', dgram: false, dns: false, domain: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/domain-browser/source/index.js', events: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/events/events.js', fs: false, http: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/stream-http/index.js', https: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/https-browserify/index.js', http2: false, inspector: false, module: false, net: false, os: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/os-browserify/browser.js', path: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/path-browserify/index.js', perf_hooks: false, punycode: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/punycode/punycode.js', process: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/process/browser.js', querystring: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/querystring-es3/index.js', readline: false, repl: false, stream: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/stream-browserify/index.js', string_decoder: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/string_decoder/lib/string_decoder.js', sys: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/util/util.js', timers: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js', tls: false, tty: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/tty-browserify/index.js', url: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/url/url.js', util: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/util/util.js', vm: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/vm-browserify/index.js', zlib: '/root/.cache/Cypress/13.6.3/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/browserify-zlib/lib/index.js' }, plugins: [ [TsconfigPathsPlugin] ] }, entry: [ '/app/cypress/support/e2e.js' ], output: { publicPath: '', path: '/root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/support', filename: 'e2e.js' }, devtool: 'inline-source-map' } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack watchOptions: {} +1ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack typescript: /app/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack input: /app/cypress/support/e2e.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test": cypress:webpack output: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/app-8c069df52082beee3c95ca17836fb8e2/bundles/cypress/support/e2e.js +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:electron closed event fired +738ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:windows error removing all extensions { err: TypeError: Object has been destroyed at Object.f (<embedded>:4432:103221) at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (<embedded>:4432:116794)  at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)  at BrowserWindow.emit (node:events:525:35) at b (<embedded>:4511:2271)  at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5), extensions: undefined } +737ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +738ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:proxy:http:util:prerequests metrics: { browserPreRequestsReceived: 39, proxyRequestsReceived: 0, immediatelyMatchedRequests: 0, unmatchedRequests: 0, unmatchedPreRequests: 0 } +0ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Target.targetDestroyed { event: { targetId: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' }, closing: false, closed: false, resettingBrowserTargets: false } +735ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closing cri client { closed: false, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +694ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closed cri client { closed: true, target: '5CF5B7DE5262708EB8D79991A162D0D4' } +9ms
Step #1 - "Test":  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 44082 } +733ms
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:19:40.339Z cypress:cli child event fired { event: 'exit', code: 1, signal: null }
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:19:40.339Z cypress:cli Stopping Xvfb
Step #1 - "Test": 2024-01-22T14:19:40.341Z cypress:cli child event fired { event: 'close', code: 1, signal: null }
Step #1 - "Test": Error: Command failed with exit code 1: yarn cy:run
Step #1 - "Test": at makeError (/app/node_modules/start-server-and-test/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:60:11)
Step #1 - "Test": at handlePromise (/app/node_modules/start-server-and-test/node_modules/execa/index.js:118:26)
Step #1 - "Test": at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
Step #1 - "Test": shortMessage: 'Command failed with exit code 1: yarn cy:run',
Step #1 - "Test": command: 'yarn cy:run',
Step #1 - "Test": escapedCommand: '"yarn cy:run"',
Step #1 - "Test": exitCode: 1,
Step #1 - "Test": signal: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": signalDescription: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": stdout: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": stderr: undefined,
Step #1 - "Test": failed: true,
Step #1 - "Test": timedOut: false,
Step #1 - "Test": isCanceled: false,
Step #1 - "Test": killed: false
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": starting upload
Step #1 - "Test": [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir './cypress/videos'] {
Step #1 - "Test": errno: -2,
Step #1 - "Test": code: 'ENOENT',
Step #1 - "Test": syscall: 'scandir',
Step #1 - "Test": path: './cypress/videos'
Step #1 - "Test": }
Step #1 - "Test": The command '/bin/sh -c node ./scripts/testsWithArtifactsUpload.js' returned a non-zero code: 1
Finished Step #1 - "Test"
ERROR: build step 1 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
Step #1 - "Test": 
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