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Created June 13, 2022 11:32
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Solution to @effectfully's RecN challenge
-- Challenge:
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-} -- Just for convenience, not essential.
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Nat.Base
coerce : ∀ {A B} -> A ≡ B -> A -> B
coerce refl = id
record KitRecN : Set where
RecN : ℕ -> Set
recN : ∀ n -> RecN n
: RecN 0
≡ ∀ {R} -> (∀ {Q} -> Q -> Q) -> R -> R
: RecN 1
≡ ∀ {A R} -> (∀ {Q} -> (A -> Q) -> Q) -> (A -> R) -> R
: RecN 2
≡ ∀ {A B R} -> (∀ {Q} -> (A -> B -> Q) -> Q) -> (A -> B -> R) -> R
: RecN 3
≡ ∀ {A B C R} -> (∀ {Q} -> (A -> B -> C -> Q) -> Q) -> (A -> B -> C -> R) -> R
: (λ {R} -> coerce Rec0-correct (recN 0) {R})
≡ λ k f -> f
: (λ {A R} -> coerce Rec1-correct (recN 1) {A} {R})
≡ λ k f -> f (k λ x -> x)
: (λ {A B R} -> coerce Rec2-correct (recN 2) {A} {B} {R})
≡ λ k f -> f (k λ x y -> x) (k λ x y -> y)
: (λ {A B C R} -> coerce Rec3-correct (recN 3) {A} {B} {C} {R})
≡ λ k f -> f (k λ x y z -> x) (k λ x y z -> y) (k λ x y z -> z)
open KitRecN
-- forallN n K = ∀ {A₁ .. An} → K (λ R → A₁ → .. → An → R) (λ x a₁ .. an → x)
forallN : ℕ → ((F : Set → Set) → (∀ {R} → R → F R) → Set) → Set
forallN zero K = K (λ Q → Q) (λ x → x)
forallN (suc n) K = ∀ {A} → forallN n λ BC=> const → K (λ Q → A → BC=> Q) λ r x → const r
mapForallN : ∀ {K H} → (n : ℕ) →
(∀ {F} {const : ∀ {R} → R → F R} → K F const → H F const) →
forallN n K → forallN n H
mapForallN zero f g = f g
mapForallN (suc n) f g = mapForallN n f g
kitRecN : KitRecN
kitRecN .RecN n = forallN n λ ABC=> _ → ∀ {R} → (∀ {Q} → ABC=> Q → Q) → ABC=> R → R
kitRecN .recN zero = λ _ z → z
kitRecN .recN (suc n) = mapForallN n (λ {BC=>} {const} rec {R} k f →
rec (λ selᵢ → k λ _ → selᵢ)
(f (k λ x → const x)))
(kitRecN .recN n)
kitRecN .Rec0-correct = refl
kitRecN .Rec1-correct = refl
kitRecN .Rec2-correct = refl
kitRecN .Rec3-correct = refl
kitRecN .rec0-correct = refl
kitRecN .rec1-correct = refl
kitRecN .rec2-correct = refl
kitRecN .rec3-correct = refl
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