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Created April 27, 2018 11:04
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Challenge 3 of the Great Theorem Prover Showdown
-- Problem 3 of @Hillelogram's Great Theorem Prover Showdown.
-- Implemented using current stable-2.5 branch of Agda
-- ( and the agda-prelude
-- library (
module Fulcrum where
open import Prelude hiding (_≤?_)
open import Prelude.Int.Properties
open import Container.List renaming (forgetAny to ixToNat)
open import Container.List.Properties
open import Tactic.Nat
open import Tactic.Cong
-- Refinement type. Σ with irrelevant second component. We could use Σ-types
-- but there would be more work making sure that the proofs don't get in the
-- way of performance. With this type the second component is completely
-- erased at runtime.
syntax Refine A (λ x → B) = [ x ∈ A ∣ B ] -- let's have some nice syntax
record Refine {a b} (A : Set a) (B : A → Set b) : Set (a ⊔ b) where
constructor _,_
field value : A
.proof : B value
open Refine using (value)
-- The library compare gives you strict inequalities, but for our purposes
-- it's more convenient to work with ≤.
_≤?_ : (a b : Nat) → Either (a ≤ b) (b ≤ a)
a ≤? b with compare a b
... | less lt = left (lt-to-leq {A = Nat} lt)
... | equal eq = left (eq-to-leq eq)
... | greater gt = right (lt-to-leq {A = Nat} gt)
-- A bunch of lemmas about lists that really ought to go in a library somewhere.
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
Nonempty : List A → Set
Nonempty [] = ⊥
Nonempty (_ ∷ _) = ⊤
nonempty? : (xs : List A) → Dec (Nonempty xs)
nonempty? [] = no λ()
nonempty? (_ ∷ _) = yes _
drop-suc : ∀ (xs : List A) {y ys} i → drop i xs ≡ y ∷ ys → drop (suc i) xs ≡ ys
drop-suc [] zero ()
drop-suc [] (suc i) ()
drop-suc (x ∷ xs) zero refl = refl
drop-suc (x ∷ xs) (suc i) eq = drop-suc xs i eq
take-suc : ∀ (xs : List A) {y ys} i → drop i xs ≡ y ∷ ys → take (suc i) xs ≡ take i xs ++ [ y ]
take-suc [] zero ()
take-suc [] (suc i) ()
take-suc (x ∷ xs) zero refl = refl
take-suc (x ∷ xs) (suc i) eq = x ∷_ $≡ take-suc xs i eq
take-all : ∀ (xs : List A) i → i ≥ length xs → take i xs ≡ xs
take-all [] zero _ = refl
take-all [] (suc i) _ = refl
take-all (x ∷ xs) zero geq = refute geq
take-all (x ∷ xs) (suc i) geq = x ∷_ $≡ take-all xs i (by geq)
drop-all : ∀ (xs : List A) i → i ≥ length xs → drop i xs ≡ []
drop-all [] zero _ = refl
drop-all [] (suc i) _ = refl
drop-all (x ∷ xs) zero geq = refute geq
drop-all (x ∷ xs) (suc i) geq = drop-all xs i (by geq)
append-assoc : ∀ (xs : List A) {ys zs} → (xs ++ ys) ++ zs ≡ xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
append-assoc [] = refl
append-assoc (x ∷ xs) = x ∷_ $≡ append-assoc xs
sum-append : ∀ (xs : List Int) {ys} → sumR (xs ++ ys) ≡ sumR xs + sumR ys
sum-append [] = sym (addInt-zero-l _)
sum-append (x ∷ xs) = x +_ $≡ sum-append xs ⟨≡⟩ addInt-assoc x _ _
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
-- Packing up an element of a list with its index (proof that it's in the list).
Elem : List A → Set a
Elem xs = Σ A (_∈ xs)
-- We can look up an element using a number if it's small enough. Returns
-- - the element and its well-typed index as an Elem xs
-- - a proof that the index is the number we started with
getElem : (xs : List A) (i : Nat) → i < length xs → Σ (Elem xs) λ e → ixToNat (snd e) ≡ i
getElem [] i lt = refute lt
getElem (x ∷ xs) zero lt = (x , zero!) , refl
getElem (x ∷ xs) (suc i) lt with getElem xs i (by lt)
... | (z , ix) , ix=i = (z , suc ix) , (suc $≡ ix=i)
-- Being the smallest value of a type wrt to some measure.
Minimal : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → (A → Nat) → A → Set a
Minimal μ x = ∀ y → μ x ≤ μ y
-- Given a nonempty list and a measure we can find its minimal Elem.
module _ {a} {A : Set a} (μ : A → Nat) where
-- It's hard to get the certified findMin to run without performance
-- penalties. For efficiency the best thing to do would be to define
-- a simply typed findMin and prove it correct separately, but that
-- means duplicating the logic, so we'll just take the performance hit.
-- (around +20%).
findMin : (xs : List A) ⦃ _ : Nonempty xs ⦄ → [ e ∈ Elem xs ∣ Minimal (μ ∘ fst) e ]
findMin [] ⦃()⦄
findMin xs@(x ∷ xs′) = go x xs′ zero! suc λ where
w zero! → left (diff! 0)
w (suc i) → right i
-- As we traverse the list, z is the best value so far and ys is the
-- part of the list we haven't looked at yet. We also keep track of
-- three invariants:
-- (1) z is in the original list xs
-- (2) ys is a sublist of xs, needed for (1) when we find a new minimum
-- (3) any element in the original list falls either in the part we've
-- already looked at, in which case it's bigger than the current
-- minimum, or it's in ys. This is needed to establish minimality at
-- the end.
go : ∀ z ys →
z ∈ xs → -- (1)
(∀ {y} → y ∈ ys → y ∈ xs) → -- (2)
(∀ w → w ∈ xs → Either (μ z ≤ μ w) (w ∈ ys)) → -- (3)
[ e ∈ Elem xs ∣ Minimal (μ ∘ fst) e ]
go z [] z∈xs emb split = (z , z∈xs) , λ w →
case uncurry split w of λ where
(left z≤w) → z≤w
(right ())
go z (y ∷ ys) z∈xs emb split with μ z ≤? μ y
... | left z≤y = go z ys z∈xs (emb ∘ suc) λ w iw →
case split w iw of λ where
(left z≤w) → left z≤w
(right zero!) → left z≤y
(right (suc i)) → right i
... | right y≤z = go y ys (emb zero!) (emb ∘ suc) λ w iw →
case split w iw of λ where
(left z≤w) → left (leq-trans {A = Nat} y≤z z≤w)
(right zero!) → left (diff! 0)
(right (suc i)) → right i
-- Up to this point we've done nothing specific to the problem at hand. All of that could
-- conceivably go in a library. Now it's fulcrum time!
-- The fulcrum value to minimize. This is part of the specification and won't execute at
-- runtime, so we use sumR = foldr _+_ 0. This is easier to reason about, but has a bad
-- space leak.
fv : List Int → Nat → Nat
fv xs i = abs (sumR (take i xs) - sumR (drop i xs))
-- To build fulcrum values incrementally we need to keep track of the left and right sums.
record State (xs : List Int) : Set where
constructor mkState
i : Nat
leftSum : Int
rightSum : Int
leftPrf : leftSum ≡ sumR (take i xs)
rightPrf : rightSum ≡ sumR (drop i xs)
-- It's easy to compute the fulcrum value from a state.
fvFromState : ∀ {xs} → State xs → Nat
fvFromState (mkState _ l r _ _) = abs (l - r)
sumR=sum : (xs : List Int) → sum xs ≡ sumR xs
sumR=sum xs = foldl!-foldl _+_ 0 xs ⟨≡⟩
foldl-foldr _+_ 0 addInt-assoc addInt-zero-l addInt-zero-r xs
-- The starting state. We actually need to evaluate this sum at runtime, so we
-- use the strict foldl sum instead of the easier-to-reason-about sumR.
zeroState : ∀ {xs} → State xs
zeroState {xs} = mkState 0 0 (sum xs) refl (sumR=sum xs)
-- In the main loop we recurse over the list, so we'll keep track of the
-- invariant that the state and the current tail match up.
HasTail : ∀ {xs} → List Int → State xs → Set
HasTail {xs} tl s = drop (State.i s) xs ≡ tl
-- The step function for the state. Some boring work to prove that the
-- invariants are maintained.
sucState : ∀ {x xs tl} → Σ (State xs) (HasTail (x ∷ tl)) → Σ (State xs) (HasTail tl)
sucState {x} {xs} {tl} (mkState i l r lprf rprf , tlprf) =
mkState (suc i) (l + x) (r - x) lprf′ rprf′ , drop-suc xs i tlprf
lprf′ : l + x ≡ sumR (take (suc i) xs)
lprf′ rewrite take-suc xs i tlprf | lprf = sym $
sumR (take i xs ++ [ x ]) ≡⟨ sum-append (take i xs) ⟩
sumR (take i xs) + sumR [ x ] ≡⟨ by-cong (addInt-zero-r x) ⟩
sumR (take i xs) + x ∎
rprf′ : r - x ≡ sumR (drop (suc i) xs)
rprf′ rewrite drop-suc xs i tlprf | rprf | tlprf =
x + sumR tl - x ≡⟨ addInt-assoc x _ _ ⟩ʳ
x + (sumR tl - x) ≡⟨ x +_ $≡ addInt-commute (sumR tl) _ ⟩
x + (negate x + sumR tl) ≡⟨ addInt-assoc x _ _ ⟩
x - x + sumR tl ≡⟨ _+ sumR tl $≡ subInt-equal x x refl ⟩
0 + sumR tl ≡⟨ addInt-zero-l _ ⟩
sumR tl ∎ -- TODO: integer tactics!!!
-- We split the algorithm in two parts:
-- - computing the list of all fulcrum states,
-- - and finding the minimal one
-- Computing the list of fulcrum states is straight-forward using the step
-- function above. Note that we iterate over a state whose index matches up
-- with the current tail.
fulcrums′ : ∀ {xs} tl → Σ (State xs) (HasTail tl) → List (State xs)
fulcrums′ [] s = fst s ∷ []
fulcrums′ (x ∷ tl) s = fst s ∷ fulcrums′ tl (sucState s)
fulcrums : ∀ xs → List (State xs)
fulcrums xs = fulcrums′ xs (zeroState , refl)
nonemptyFulcrums : ∀ {xs} → Nonempty (fulcrums xs)
nonemptyFulcrums {[]} = _
nonemptyFulcrums {x ∷ xs} = _
-- Now, we can easily find the minimal state in the list, but that's
-- not enough for two reasons:
-- - there might be smaller values not in the list
-- - we haven't proved that fvFromState is the same as fv
-- This is the mainLemma below.
fulcrum′ : (xs : List Int) → [ e ∈ Elem (fulcrums xs) ∣ Minimal (fvFromState ∘ fst) e ]
fulcrum′ xs = findMin fvFromState (fulcrums xs)
-- First let's prove that the only thing interesting about the fulcrum
-- state is the index:
fulcrum-state : ∀ {xs} → Nat → State xs
fulcrum-state {xs} i = mkState i (sumR (take i xs)) (sumR (drop i xs)) refl refl
unique-state : ∀ {xs} (s : State xs) i → State.i s ≡ i → s ≡ fulcrum-state i
unique-state (mkState i l r refl refl) i refl = refl
-- The ith element in fulcrums xs is fulcrum-state i.
fulcrums-spec : ∀ {xs s} (ix : s ∈ fulcrums xs) i → ixToNat ix ≡ i → s ≡ fulcrum-state i
fulcrums-spec {xs} {s} ix i refl = unique-state s i (by (go xs (zeroState , refl) ix))
where go : ∀ tl (s₀ : Σ (State xs) (HasTail tl)) (ix : s ∈ fulcrums′ tl s₀) →
State.i s ≡ ixToNat ix + State.i (fst s₀)
go [] _ zero! = refl
go (x ∷ tl) _ zero! = refl
go [] _ (suc ())
go (x ∷ tl) s (suc i) = by (go tl (sucState s) i)
-- We're also going to need a boring lemma about the number of fulcrums states.
fulcrums-length : ∀ xs → suc (length xs) ≡ length (fulcrums xs)
fulcrums-length xs = go xs (zeroState , refl)
where go : ∀ tl s → suc (length tl) ≡ length (fulcrums′ {xs} tl s)
go [] s = refl
go (x ∷ tl) s = suc $≡ go tl (sucState s)
-- The specification says we only need to minimize over indices (0 .. length xs), but
-- the take/drop specification works for any natural:
fv-out-of-bounds : ∀ xs j → j ≥ length xs → fv xs j ≡ fv xs (length xs)
fv-out-of-bounds xs j geq rewrite take-all xs j geq | drop-all xs j geq
| take-all xs (length xs) (diff! 0)
| drop-all xs (length xs) (diff! 0) = refl
-- Finally we can show the main lemma: the minimal element in our list of
-- fulcrum states has the minimal index with respect to `fv`.
mainLemma : ∀ {xs} (e : Elem (fulcrums xs)) i → State.i (fst e) ≡ i →
Minimal (fvFromState ∘ fst) e → Minimal (fv xs) i
mainLemma {xs} (s , ix) i ix=i isMin j rewrite unique-state s i ix=i =
either (in-bounds j) (out-of-bounds j) (j ≤? length xs)
in-bounds : ∀ j → j ≤ length xs → fv xs i ≤ fv xs j
in-bounds j leq rewrite fulcrums-length xs with getElem (fulcrums xs) j leq
... | (js , jx) , js=j =
case fulcrums-spec jx j js=j of λ { refl → isMin (fulcrum-state j , jx) }
out-of-bounds : ∀ j → j ≥ length xs → fv xs i ≤ fv xs j
out-of-bounds j geq rewrite fv-out-of-bounds xs j geq =
in-bounds (length xs) (diff! 0)
-- Using the main lemma we can patch up the result of fulcrum′ to get the final
-- result. Here spending the extra effort of proving the out-of-bounds case pays
-- off in a very clean specification:
-- you get the `i ∈ Nat` that minimizes `fv xs i`
fulcrum : (xs : List Int) → [ i ∈ Nat ∣ Minimal (fv xs) i ]
fulcrum xs = case fulcrum′ xs of λ where
(e , isMin) → State.i (fst e) , mainLemma e _ refl isMin
-- Performance testing ------
-- We should probably make sure that it does indeed run in O(n) time and space...
-- Let's have some random numbers
blumBlumShub : (x₀ M len : Nat) ⦃ _ : NonZero M ⦄ → List Int
blumBlumShub x₀ M len = go (step x₀) len
where offs = fromNat (M div 2)
step = λ x → x * x mod M
mkInt = λ x → fromNat x - offs
go : Nat → Nat → List Int
go x zero = mkInt x ∷ []
go x (suc n) = mkInt x ∷ go (step x) n
input : Nat → List Int
input n = blumBlumShub 3 209 n
test : Nat → Nat
test n = value (fulcrum (input n))
inputLength : IO Nat
inputLength = getArgs >>= λ where
[] → pure 10
(s ∷ _) → pure $ maybe 10 id (parseNat s)
main : IO ⊤
main = do
n ← inputLength
print (test n)
-- Benchmarks on my machine (2013 MacBook Pro)
-- n time memory
-- 1,000,000 0.5s 40M
-- 2,000,000 1.0s 80M
-- 4,000,000 2.1s 160M
-- 8,000,000 4.3s 320M
-- That certainly looks like O(n).
-- For reference the (insultingly short) unverified Haskell version:
-- index (i, _, _) = i
-- fv (_, l, r) = abs (l - r)
-- fulcrums xs = go xs (0, 0, sum xs)
-- where go [] s = [s]
-- go (x : xs) s@(i, l, r) = s : go xs (i + 1, l + x, r - x)
-- fulcrum = index . minimumBy (compare `on` fv) . fulcrums
-- performs as follows
-- n time memory
-- 1,000,000 0.4s 39M
-- 2,000,000 0.8s 80M
-- 4,000,000 1.6s 148M
-- 8,000,000 3.1s 306M
-- So, for the small price of 250 lines of code, a few hours of dependently
-- typed fun, and a 40% performance hit we get a fully verified fulcrum
-- implementation!
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