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Last active January 16, 2021 07:49
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Save Ultra-Instinct-05/2e6b87aa9d8cdf0d34d24e6008803796 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A ST plugin that colorizes selected code blocks.
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import random
import string
def plugin_loaded():
""" When the plugin is loaded, this function is executed. We load the Code
Block colorer settings here. The settings file is mainly to store data
regarding the colored code block state.
code_block_colorer.obj = sublime.load_settings("code_block_colorer.sublime-settings")
code_block_colorer.default = {
"data": []
def code_block_colorer(key):
""" Given a key, get's the value of that setting from the user settings file.
key (str): The key.
value (any): The value of that key as per user's settings file.
default = code_block_colorer.default.get(key, None)
return code_block_colorer.obj.get(key, default)
def save_colored_region_info(colored_data):
""" Saves the colored state in the settings file.
colored_data (dict|list(dict)): The data that needs to be stored in the
user settings.
current_data = code_block_colorer("data")
if isinstance(colored_data, dict):
"key": colored_data["key"],
"region": colored_data["region"],
"file_name": colored_data["file_name"],
"color": colored_data["color"]
code_block_colorer.obj.set("data", current_data)
class CodeBlockColorerCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
""" Implements a code_block_colorer command that is used to apply a
background color to the selected code block using the generated 'ish' colors.
def run(self, edit, color = "region.pinkish"):
selection = self.view.sel()
file_name = self.view.file_name()
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
for s in selection:
rand = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(10))
key = "code_block_colorer_{}".format(rand)
"key": key,
"region": [s.begin(), s.end()],
"file_name": file_name,
"color": color
key = key,
regions = [s for s in selection],
scope = color,
flags = sublime.PERSISTENT
def is_enabled(self):
""" If there are empty selections in the buffer or the file doesn't
exist on disk, don't allow the user to pick a color.
return (
self.view.file_name() and
class CodeBlockColorerClearCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
""" Implements a code_block_colorer_clear command that clears off the
applied background color on a given code block.
The user can either clear of individual colored code blocks or clear them
all in a single swoop.
def __init__(self, view):
self.view = view
self.file_name = self.view.file_name()
def run(self, edit, clear_all = False):
cur = self.view.sel()[0].begin()
colored_regions = code_block_colorer("data")
for i, r in enumerate(colored_regions):
if not clear_all:
if (
self.file_name == r["file_name"] and
sublime.Region(r["region"][0], r["region"][1]).contains(cur)
if (
self.file_name == r["file_name"]
def is_enabled(self):
""" If there are no colored region data in settings for the active file,
why bother enabling this command ?
return (
len(code_block_colorer("data")) > 0 and
any([d for d in code_block_colorer("data") if d["file_name"] == self.file_name])
class CodeBlockColorerListener(sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener):
""" A Listener to listen when files are loaded. By default, when a region
is 'marked', they aren't persistent. There is the sublime.PERSISTENT flag,
but it only apparently works for open files and doesn't persist regions when
a file is closed. Hence, we get the data stored in the settings file to
color back the regions appropriately when the right file is loaded.
def __init__(self, view):
self.view = view
def on_load_async(self):
file_name = self.view.file_name()
colored_regions = code_block_colorer("data")
for i, r in enumerate(colored_regions):
if r["file_name"] == file_name:
key = r["key"],
regions = [sublime.Region(r["region"][0], r["region"][1])],
scope = r["color"],
flags = sublime.PERSISTENT
"caption": "Code Block Colorer",
"children": [
{ "caption": "Redish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.redish" }, },
{ "caption": "Pinkish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.pinkish" }, },
{ "caption": "Orangish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.orangish" }, },
{ "caption": "Yellowish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.yellowish" }, },
{ "caption": "Greenish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.greenish" }, },
{ "caption": "Cyanish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.cyanish" }, },
{ "caption": "Bluish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.bluish" }, },
{ "caption": "Purplish", "command": "code_block_colorer", "args": { "color": "region.purplish" }, },
{ "caption": "Code Block Colorer (Clear at cursor)", "command": "code_block_colorer_clear", "args": { "clear_all": false }, },
{ "caption": "Code Block Colorer (Clear all)", "command": "code_block_colorer_clear", "args": { "clear_all": true }, },
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Code Block Colorer

This plugin allows a user to color blocks of code or text.


The plugin allows the user to

  • Select a block of code/text and assign an 'ish' color to it.
  • Clear off any colored code/text blocks.
  • Clear off all of the colored code/text blocks.
  • Persists the information so that when you close the file, the colored code/text blocks are restored when you reopen the file.

How to use it.

Copy all of the files in this gist to a folder called CodeBlockColorer (create the folder) in Packages (from the main menu, go to Preferences -> Browse Packages ...). You should be good to go.

This plugin usage is mainly driven through the context menu. Select any block of text and use the context menu to colorise it.

Current shortcomings

I am not sure why the Code Block Colorer (Clear all) doesn't work properly. Currently, it clears the colored text blocks one by one.

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