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Last active January 12, 2017 20:47
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Microsoft KB Hunter - Searches installed Windows Updates and the list of Quick Fix Engineering items.
# Quick and dirty Hotfix and Windows Updates
# UmbrielSecurity
Function Get-MSHotfix
$outputs = Invoke-Expression "wmic qfe list"
$Session = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session"
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$historyCount = $Searcher.GetTotalHistoryCount()
$other_outputs = $Searcher.QueryHistory(0, $historyCount) | Select-Object Title | ForEach-Object {$_ -match "^.*\((KB[0-9]+)\).*$" > $null; $matches[1] }
$outputs = $outputs[1..($outputs.length)]
foreach ($output in $Outputs) {
if ($output) {
$output = $output -replace 'y U','y-U'
$output = $output -replace 'NT A','NT-A'
$output = $output -replace '\s+',' '
$parts = $output -split ' '
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
KBArticle = [string]$parts[0]
Computername = [string]$parts[1]
Description = [string]$parts[2]
FixComments = [string]$parts[6]
HotFixID = [string]$parts[3]
InstalledBy = [string]$parts[4]
InstallDate = [string]$parts[7]
Name = [string]$parts[8]
ServicePackInEffect = [string]$parts[9]
Status = [string]$parts[10]
foreach ($other_output in $other_outputs) {
if ($other_output) {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
KBArticle = [string]"foo"
Computername = [string]"foo"
Description = [string]"foo"
FixComments = [string]"foo"
HotFixID = [string]$other_output
InstalledBy = [string]"foo"
InstallDate = [string]"foo"
Name = [string]"foo"
ServicePackInEffect = [string]"foo"
Status = [string]"foo"
# This is is where you put the list of KBs to look for.
$TargetKBs=@("KB3154132", "KB3145739", "KB3148198", "KB3145739", "KB3146963", "KB3148198", "KB3114960", "KB3114944", "KB3147461", "KB3154132", "KB3147458", "KB3146963", "KB3154132", "KB3144427", "KB3142045", "KB3154132", "KB3147461", "KB3114994", "KB3114987", "KB3114990", "KB3114990", "KB3144427", "KB3114982", "KB3145739", "KB3114960", "KB3114993", "KB3114993", "KB3114944", "KB3114937", "KB3148198", "KB3154132", "KB3146963", "KB3145739", "KB3114983", "KB3148198", "KB3146963", "KB3147458", "KB3142042", "KB3144429", "KB3114937", "KB3154132", "KB3142042", "KB3142045", "KB3146706", "KB3135456", "KB3114566", "KB3143693", "KB3149090", "KB3146723", "KB3114985", "KB3146706", "KB3143693", "KB3114947", "KB3114947", "KB3114542", "KB3114566", "KB3143693", "KB3146723", "KB3149090", "KB3114964", "KB3146706", "KB3114898", "KB3146706", "KB3143693", "KB3114964", "KB3114895", "KB3149090", "KB3149090", "KB3114892", "KB3114888", "KB3114888", "KB3139219", "KB3148851", "KB3147071", "KB3136019", "KB3138901", "KB3140250", "KB3139165", "KB3140219", "KB3114999", "KB3148851", "KB3114958", "KB3114965", "KB3139923", "KB3139923", "KB3114953", "KB3147071", "KB3140185", "KB3141074", "KB3114989", "KB3114969", "KB3140222", "KB3137725", "KB3139219", "KB3139923", "KB3148851", "KB3114961", "KB3138602", "KB3141074", "KB3133690", "KB3140741", "KB3140250", "KB3148851", "KB3137725", "KB3140786", "KB3147071", "KB3140185", "KB3137061", "KB3139923", "KB3114954", "KB3140219", "KB3140234", "KB3140786", "KB3140741", "KB3139165", "KB3133977", "KB3147071", "KB3139896", "KB3140234", "KB3137061", "KB3114860", "KB3085587", "KB3114903", "KB3114969", "KB3114959", "KB3114712", "KB3114941", "KB3114694", "KB2920720", "KB3109976", "KB3114815", "KB3114954", "KB3114972", "KB3114970", "KB3114864", "KB3114859", "KB3114970", "KB3114928", "KB3114958", "KB3114973", "KB3114860", "KB3114535", "KB3114972", "KB3115224", "KB2977759", "KB3114854", "KB3114903", "KB3039756", "KB2976978", "KB3039793", "KB2977759", "KB2976978", "KB2952664", "KB3039756", "KB3114694", "KB2976978", "KB3114942", "KB3114932", "KB3114942", "KB3114996", "KB3114996", "KB3114856", "KB2976978", "KB3114856", "KB3114854", "KB2920720", "KB2952664", "KB3114957", "KB3114867", "KB3114867", "KB3115224", "KB3114961", "KB915597", "KB3138901", "KB3114973", "KB3114971", "KB3137061", "KB3114999", "KB3137728", "KB3085587", "KB3133681", "KB3114928", "KB3114712", "KB3140222", "KB3137061", "KB3134785", "KB3114859", "KB3114535", "KB2267602", "KB3133681", "KB3114979", "KB3114825", "KB3125217", "KB3100473", "KB3114864", "KB3114968", "KB3114953", "KB3100473", "KB3137728", "KB3114971", "KB3114959", "KB3114989", "KB3136019", "KB3133977", "KB3134785", "KB3125217", "KB3109976", "KB3114815", "KB3114968", "KB3138602", "KB3114941", "KB3114932", "KB3114825", "KB3114965", "KB3114957", "KB3106932")
Write-Host "Looking for" $TargetKBs.count "KBs..."
Foreach ($TargetKB in $TargetKBs) {
Foreach ($InstalledHotfix in $Hotfixes.HotFixId) {
if ($TargetKB -eq $InstalledHotfix) {
if ($found -eq 1) {
Write-Host " $TargetKB is installed."
} else {
Write-Host " $TargetKB is not installed."
Write-Host "Searched for :" $TargetKBs.count "KBs"
Write-Host " :" $found_counter "KBs are installed."
$not_found_counter = $TargetKBs.count - $found_counter
Write-Host " :" $not_found_counter "KBs are NOT installed."
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