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Last active September 4, 2023 05:48
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  • Save UnaiM/15a204f3dd579f1b1208890982dc0db9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save UnaiM/15a204f3dd579f1b1208890982dc0db9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ZScript for Windows that loads any ZScript inside the folders defined in the ZBRUSH_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable.
[VarDef, crlf, [StrMerge, [StrFromAsc, 13], [StrFromAsc, 10]]]
[VarDef, quot, [StrFromAsc, 34]]
[VarDef, temp, [FileNameResolvePath, "_deleteme"]]
[VarDef, bat, [StrMerge, temp, ".bat"]]
[VarDef, txt, [StrMerge, temp, ".txt"]]
[VarSet, offset, 0]
[RoutineDef, write,
[VarAdd, offset, [MemWriteString, externalPlugins,
[StrMerge, text, crlf], offset, 0]
, text]
[If, [MemGetSize, externalPlugins],
[MemDelete, externalPlugins]
[MemCreate, externalPlugins, 1000]
[RoutineCall, write, "@echo off"]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, "set ", quot, "_OUT=", txt, quot]]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, "if exist ", quot, "%_OUT%", quot, " del ", quot, "%_OUT%", quot]]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, "set ", quot, "_BUFFER=%ZBRUSH_PLUGIN_PATH%", quot]]
[RoutineCall, write, ":loop"]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, "for /f ", quot, "delims=; tokens=1,*", quot, " %%G in (", quot, "%_BUFFER%", quot, ") do ("]]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " set ", quot, "_BUFFER=%%~H", quot, ""]]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " if exist ", quot, "%%~G", quot, " ("]]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " for /f ", quot, "tokens=*", quot, " %%I in ('dir /b ", quot, "%%~G", quot, "') do ("]]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " call :validate ", quot, "%%~G\%%~I", quot]]
[RoutineCall, write, " )"]
[RoutineCall, write, " )"]
[RoutineCall, write, " goto loop"]
[RoutineCall, write, ")"]
[RoutineCall, write, "goto :eof"]
[RoutineCall, write, ":validate"]
[RoutineCall, write, "set _DONE=0"]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, "echo %~x1| findstr /irxc:", quot, ".zsc", quot, " > nul && ("]]
[RoutineCall, write, " set _DONE=1"]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " if exist ", quot, "%~dpn1.zs", quot, " goto :eof"]]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " if exist ", quot, "%~dpn1.txt", quot, " goto :eof"]]
[RoutineCall, write, ")"]
[RoutineCall, write, "if %_DONE% == 0 ("]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " echo %~x1| findstr /irxc:", quot, ".txt", quot, " > nul && ("]]
[RoutineCall, write, " set _DONE=1"]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " if exist ", quot, "%~dpn1.zs", quot, " goto :eof"]]
[RoutineCall, write, " )"]
[RoutineCall, write, ")"]
[RoutineCall, write, "if %_DONE% == 0 ("]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, " echo %~x1| findstr /irxc:", quot, ".zs", quot, " > nul || goto :eof"]]
[RoutineCall, write, ")"]
[RoutineCall, write, [StrMerge, "echo %~1>> ", quot, "%_OUT%", quot]]
[MemResize, externalPlugins, offset]
[If, [MemSaveToFile, externalPlugins, bat, 1] < 1,
[Note, "Error preparing ZBrush for external plugins."]
[VarDef, file, ""]
[VarSet, offset, 0]
[MemDelete, externalPlugins]
[ShellExecute, [StrMerge, quot, bat, quot]]
[FileDelete, bat]
[MemCreateFromFile, externalPlugins, txt]
[FileDelete, txt]
[Loop, 10000,
[VarSet, bytes, [MemReadString, externalPlugins, file, offset, 1]]
[If, bytes,
[VarAdd, offset, bytes]
[FileNameSetNext, file]
[IPress, "Zscript:Load"]
[MemDelete, externalPlugins]
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This is amazing! Thanks a lot for writing it, mate!!!

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UnaiM commented Sep 4, 2023

Thanks for the kind words! 😊

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