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Last active August 22, 2023 21:11
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Sometimes I wish this was in every company’s Wiki

Support Etiquette

# In this situation Don’t say this Because…
1 On a ticket whose status is New and with 0 comments Has anyone started looking into this? You can already see that the answer is ‘no’— this comment really is a rhetorical tactic to jump the queue, which is very disrespectful to everyone affected by other ongoing issues.
2 On an active ticket Can we bump the priority on this? The answer is always ‘no’— you’re talking to people, not the render farm; an issue is either active or it isn’t, and you can see its status. By saying this, you’re implying that the people working on it aren’t giving their 100% at work, which is disrespectful.
3 When a problem occurs This is really inconvenient / This isn’t an optimal situation to be in Comments like these are demoralising for everyone and don’t provide any helpful information.
4 When a problem occurs This shouldn’t take long for you to fix You’re implying that you know better about a technical issue, than the technical department you’re contacting to fix it. This is extremely disrespectful.
5 When an issue prevents you from working I need to do this and that by this hour, but now I’m going to be late It’s absolutely not your fault— everyone understands that you can only be on schedule if you have the tools you need. This attitude doesn’t help anyone.
6 When learning about other tasks the Support teams are busy with, after you complained about your issue not being looked at Your workload isn’t the topic of this conversation / None of those are my priority Sorry, I’m not going to spend any energy trying to explain this. If you think this kind of answer is acceptable in any situation, I invite you to quit.
7 When something starts failing This used to work before Are you really implying that someone designed part of our infrastructure for it not to work? What does this even mean?
8 When something still needs to be fixed Person Name really needs this to work You’re implying that we favour some people over others. This is very unprofessional and disrespectful.
9 When a tool doesn’t work the way you’d like it to This tool is failing; can you fix it so that it works the way I want? You’re disguising a feature request as a bug, thus making your ticket seem more critical to try and jump the queue, which is very disrespectful to everyone affected by other ongoing issues.
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