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Created November 27, 2023 13:03
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Expense Tracker

Create an expense tracking up that allows a user to enter daily, weekly and monthly expenses and show an expense total for the month.

  • Monthly * 1
  • Weekly * 4
  • Weekday * 4
  • Weekend * 2
  • Once-off * 1
  • Daily * 30

Screens to build

Ensure your web app have screens for the following:

  • A new client can register and get a login code

  • A client can login using their login code

  • A logged in client can make product suggestions for a selected area. They can select the area to add a suggestion for. A blank suggestion should not be allowed.

  • A client should see all the suggestions that they have made and the area it was made for.

  • A Spaza shop owner can create an account linked to one area and get a login code.

  • Login using the spaza shop code and display all the suggestions for the area of the spaza shop

  • Allow a spaza shop owner to accept any of the suggestions made.

  • Show all the accepted suggestions for the logged in spaza shop.

Tip: store the logged in client or spaza shop details in the Http Session for easy access. Use something like session.client and for example - one of these 2 entries should be in the session at any given time.


Create paper prototypes of the screens (draw them on paper) that you are planning to create and get them reviewed by a mentor before your start coding. If you are remote get your prototypes reviewed view zoom call/email.

Create a Kanban board and share your planning with us at

We will email you a feedback request form where you should submit your source and deployed app.

Any other planning instructions will be communicated with your on the day of the assessment.

Use the supplied Factory Function

Fork this repo into your GitHub acount.

Then clone your own version of this repo into your local project folder.

Use the supplied factory function in spaza-suggest.js in your ExpressJS app.

Create a PostgreSQL database called spaza_suggest use the script in 001.db.sql or do your own database setup.

Run the 002.tables.sql and 003.areas.sql scripts to create the tables and to populate the areas in the database. You can add your own areas if you want. Just don't remove the areas that is already in 003.areas.sql the unit tests are depening on them.

Run these commands to install all dependencies & to run the tests

npm install
npm test

All the tests should pass if you ran the db scripts correctly.

Don't start creating the web app if your tests are not passing. Get assistance & clarification if needed from the before potentially blindly proceeding.

Create an index.js file for your ExpressJS web app.

Factory function methods to use

Use the supplied factory function in the spaza-suggest.js to build the screens above. Note that it is an es6 module.

Spaza client methods

The spaza-suggest factory function has these methods for spaza shop clients.

Method name Description of method
registerClient(username) create a spaza_client in the database and returns a login code
clientLogin(code) returns the spaza_client info if it's a valid code
suggestProduct(areaId, clientId) suggest a product
suggestions(clientId) show all the suggestions made by a client - also returns the area_name & area_id.

Spaza owner methods

The spaza-suggest factory function has these methods for spaza shops.

Method name Description of method
registerSpaza(name, areaId) create the spaza shop and return a login code
spazaLogin(code) return the spaza name & id and areaId for the spaza shop
suggestionsForArea(areaId) show all the suggestions for a given area
acceptSuggestion(suggestionId, spazaId) accept a suggestion for a specific spaza shop
acceptedSuggestions(spazaId) return all the accepted suggestions for the spazaId provided

General methods

There are some methods in the Factory function that is not specific to a client or spaza shop

Method name Description of method
productsForArea(areaId) products suggested for an area
areas() return all areas
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