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Last active May 23, 2019 14:28
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'use strict'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { Table, Menu, Icon, Segment, Input } from 'semantic-ui-react'
import capitalize from 'lodash/capitalize'
import flatten from 'lodash/flatten'
import orderBy from 'lodash/orderBy'
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'
const dataParser = (obj) => {
if(!obj) return [{}]
const nativeDefaults = {
string: '',
date: new Date(),
number: 0,
boolean: false,
const headerObject = (key, display, type, def) => ({ key, type, display, defaults: def })
const supportedNativeTypes = [String, Date, Number, Boolean]
const parsedHeaders = {}
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
supportedNativeTypes.forEach(type => {
if (obj[key] && obj[key].constructor === type) {
const typeName =
parsedHeaders[key] = headerObject(key, capitalize(key), typeName, nativeDefaults[typeName])
return parsedHeaders
* Semantic-UI DataTable
* --- Options ---
* columns: This is the table definition. The default behavior (if no columns option is defined) tries to parse the data,
* figure out what type of fields are in it and format it to the correct "schema".
* Example Schema:[{
* key: 'name', // the key of the object
* type: 'string', // native type of the data
* display: 'Name' // the column header
* defaults: 'N/A' // if a value is not found what should we show? Can be anything but needs to be a resolved value
* accessor: (fullObject, key) => {} // optional: if theirs some special way to access the data or if it's nested use an accessor function
* decorator: (value) => {} // optional: after a value has been retrieved (either by the default object[key] or with an accessor) it'll be passed to this function, i.e. formating time stamps with MomentJS
* }, {...}, {...}]
* renderHeaderRow: The function called to render the header row with the data provided by the columns schema. A default is provided but if you want to change the headers or nest them.
* The function is passed 3 params, the columns array, the onClick handler for handling the sorting logic and the classNameGenerator for adding the ascending/descending header class.
* Note: It's possible to override the onClick handler but make sure to call it after your own logic if you want the default sorting to work.
* renderBodyRow: This is the function your probably going to want to override. The default function thakes the column and renders the data.
* First, if there is a accessor function it uses that to grab the data (use column schema definition above) if theres not then it's a simple (data[key] || defaults)
* Second, if there's a decorator, it... decorates...
* Lastly, it renders the Table.Cell with the value
* pageLimit: How many results per page do you want to show? default is 15
* Overall this is a good starting point, needs some extra stuff, but it'll work for now.
class DataTable extends Component {
defaultPageLimit = 15
constructor(props) {
super(props) =
this.renderRow = props.renderBodyRow || this.defaultRenderBodyRow
this.renderHeader = props.renderHeaderRow || this.defaultRenderHeaderRow
this.columns = props.columns || dataParser(( || []).pop())
this.paginationLimit = props.pageLimit || this.defaultPageLimit
const data = this.paginate(
this.orignalPagedData = data
this.pagedData = data
this.state = {
index: 0,
sort: {},
data: data[0]
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { =
this.renderRow = newProps.renderBodyRow || this.defaultRenderBodyRow
this.renderHeader = newProps.renderHeaderRow || this.defaultRenderHeaderRow
this.columns = newProps.columns || dataParser(( || []).pop())
this.paginationLimit = newProps.pageLimit || this.defaultPageLimit
const data = this.paginate(
this.orignalPagedData = data
this.pagedData = data
index: 0,
sort: {},
data: data[this.state.index]
static propTypes = {
data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired,
renderBodyRow: PropTypes.func,
renderHeaderRow: PropTypes.func,
pageLimit: PropTypes.number,
columns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
key: PropTypes.string,
type: PropTypes.string,
display: PropTypes.string,
defaults: PropTypes.any,
accessor: PropTypes.func,
decorator: PropTypes.func,
defaultRenderHeaderRow = (columns, onClick, classNameGenerator) => {
return (
{, index) => (
<Table.HeaderCell onClick={() => onClick(column)} className={classNameGenerator(column.key)} key={index}>
defaultRenderBodyRow = (data, index) =>
(<Table.Row key={index}>
{{ key, defaults, accessor, decorator }, idx) => {
if(!data) return <Table.Cell key={idx} />
let value = (accessor) ? accessor(data, key) : (data[key] || defaults)
if(decorator) value = decorator(value)
return (<Table.Cell key={idx}>{value}</Table.Cell>)
pageChange = index => {
let newIndex = this.state.index
if (index === newIndex) return null
else if (index === 'next') newIndex++
else if (index === 'back') newIndex--
else newIndex = index
this.setState({ data: this.pagedData[newIndex], index: newIndex })
sort = (sort, key, data) => {
let newSort = false
if(!sort[key]) {
sort[key] = 'ascending'
newSort = true
if (sort[key] === 'ascending' && !newSort) {
sort[key] = 'descending'
} else if(sort[key] === 'descending'){
delete sort[key]
let sortedData = flatten(this.orignalPagedData)
const sortKeys = Object.keys(sort)
if(sortKeys.length > 0){
sortedData = flatten(data)
const direction = Object.values(sort).map(direction => direction === 'ascending' ? 'asc' : 'desc')
return {
sortedData: orderBy(sortedData, sortKeys, direction)
return ({
onSort = ({ key }) => {
const {sort, sortedData} = this.sort(this.state.sort, key, this.pagedData)
this.setState(Object.assign(this.state, {sort}))
return, this.state.query)
search = (data, query) => {
let searchedData = data
if(data && Array.isArray(data) && query && query !== ''){
const regex = new RegExp(query, 'i')
searchedData = data.filter(row => Object.values(row).some(prop => regex.test(prop)))
} else {
searchedData =
return this.setPagedData(searchedData)
paginate = (data) => {
const dataCopy = []
const pages = []
while (dataCopy.length) pages.push(dataCopy.splice(0, this.paginationLimit))
return pages
setPagedData = (data) => {
data = this.paginate(data)
this.pagedData = data
this.setState(Object.assign(this.state, { data: this.pagedData[this.state.index] }))
return data
headerClass = key => this.state.sort[key] ? `sorted ${this.state.sort[key]}` : ''
debouncedSearch = debounce((data, query) => (, query)), 250)
onSearch = (event, term) => {
this.setState(Object.assign(this.state, {query: term.value}))
this.debouncedSearch(flatten(this.pagedData), this.state.query)
render() {
return (
<Segment attached='top' floated="right">
<Input icon='search' value={this.state.query || ''} onChange={this.onSearch} placeholder='Search...' />
<Table celled attached className='sortable'>
{this.columns && this.renderHeader(this.columns, this.onSort, this.headerClass)}
{ &&, idx) => this.renderRow(item, idx))}
{this.pagedData.length > 1 &&
<Table.HeaderCell colSpan={this.columns.length}>
<Menu floated='right' pagination>
{this.state.index !== 0 && this.pagedData.length > 1 &&
<Menu.Item onClick={() => this.pageChange('back')} as='a' icon>
<Icon name='left chevron' />
{, index) => {
const active = index === this.state.index
return (
<Menu.Item key={index} active={active} onClick={() => this.pageChange(index)} as='a'>
{index + 1}
{this.state.index + 1 < this.pagedData.length &&
<Menu.Item onClick={() => this.pageChange('next')} as='a' icon>
<Icon name='right chevron' />
export default DataTable
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ka05 commented Feb 20, 2018

Is there any chance you could make another gist that show example usage of this?

How does it plug into the Semantic UITable in the render function?
How does the webservice call plug into this to feed it paged data?

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b3tts32 commented Mar 20, 2018

I'd be interested to see usage example as well

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