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Created December 13, 2020 04:58
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var YFC = function() {
'use strict';
var Util = function() {};
* 謨ー蛟、繧�3譯∝玄蛻�j縺ォ繧ォ繝ウ繝槭r謇薙▲縺ヲ霑斐☆
Util.prototype.toThreeDigitNum = function(num) {
if (isNaN(num)) {
console.error(num + ' is not a Number');
num = String(num);
var len = num.length;
if (len > 3) {
// 蜑榊濠繧貞シ墓焚縺ォ蜀榊クー蜻シ縺ウ蜃コ縺� + 蠕悟濠3譯�
return this.toThreeDigitNum(num.substring(0, len - 3)) + ',' + num.substring(len - 3);
} else {
return num;
* 3譯∝玄蛻�j謨ー蛟、縺九i繧ォ繝ウ繝槭r縺ッ縺壹☆
Util.prototype.parseThreeDigitNum = function(numStr) {
if (typeof numStr !== 'string') {
console.error(numStr + ' is not string');
var retVal = Number(numStr.replace(/,/g, ''));
if (isNaN(retVal)) {
console.error('"' + numStr + '" cannot convert to Number');
return retVal;
Util.prototype.sum = function(arr) {
if (!arr instanceof Array) {
console.error(arr + ' is not Array');
var retVal = 0;
arr.forEach(function(obj) {
if (isNaN(obj)) {
console.error(obj + ' is not a Number');
return false;
retVal += obj;
return retVal;
this.util = new Util();
var yfc = new YFC();
var imgSlide = function(target) {
"use strict";
var W = 1280,
H = 440,
BGCOLOR = 'transparent',
FTCOLOR = 'transparent',
NEXTIMG = '&lt;',
PREVIMG = '&gt;',
DIRECTION = 'reverse',
var targetid = target;
var targetli = '.' + target + ' ul.main-image-sliders li';
var thumid = '.main-image-indicator';
var $setMainId = $('.' + targetid);
var $setThumbId = $(thumid);
var w = $'width') ? $'width') : W;
var h = $'height') ? $'height') : H;
var bgcolor = $'bgcolor') ? $'bgcolor') : BGCOLOR;
var ftcolor = $'ftcolor') ? $'ftcolor') : FTCOLOR;
var ww = $setMainId.parent().width();
var direction = $'direction') ? $'direction') : DIRECTION;
var widthBreak = $'widthbreak') ? $'widthbreak') : WIDTHLIMIT;
var offsetL = 0;
if(widthBreak == 'off'){
offsetL = ww-w > 0 ? ( ww-w )/2 : 0;
if (ww > w) {
ww = w;
var hh = h / (w / ww);
var scrollSpeed = $'scrollspeed') ? $'scrollspeed') : SCROLLSPEED,
changeSpeed = $'changespeed') ? $'changespeed') : CHANGESPEED;
var nextImg = $'nextimg') ? $'nextimg') : NEXTIMG,
prevImg = $'previmg') ? $'previmg') : PREVIMG;
var ssflg = true;
var moveflg = false;
var roop = true;
var $setMainUl = $setMainId.children('ul'),
$setThumbUl = $setThumbId.children('ul'),
listWidth = ww,
listCount = $setMainUl.children('li').length,
leftMax = offsetL - ((listWidth) * ((listCount) - 1));
if (listCount < 2) {
roop = false;
var $next = $('.main-image-next a');
var $prev = $('.main-image-prev a');
if($next.html() == '') {
if($prev.html() == '') {
$next.css('color', ftcolor);
$prev.css('color', ftcolor);
var ind = '<li class="indicator" style="border-color:' + ftcolor + ';"></li>';
for (var i = 0; i < listCount; i++) {
var $setThumbLi = $setThumbUl.children('li');
var $setThumbLiFirst = $setThumbUl.children('li:first');
$(targetli + ' img').css({
maxWidth: ww,
maxHeight: hh
if(widthBreak == 'off') {
$setMainId.css({height: hh});
} else {
$setMainId.css({width: ww,height: hh});
backgroundColor: bgcolor
$setMainUl.each(function() {
width: (listWidth) * (listCount + 1),
height: hh
width: ww,
height: hh
var firstClone = $(targetli + ':first').clone(false);
var lastCloneAdd = function() {
var lastClone = $(targetli + ':nth-last-child(2)').clone(false);
$setMainUl.prepend(lastClone).css({left: offsetL - listWidth * 2});
var firstCloneAdd = function() {
firstClone = $(targetli + ':nth-child(2)').clone(false);
if (roop) {
$setMainUl.each(function() {
var ulw = parseInt($(this).css("width")) + listWidth * 2;
width: ulw,
left: offsetL - listWidth
$(targetli + ':last').remove();
$setThumbLiFirst.addClass('active').css("background-color", ftcolor);
var autoPlayInterval;
function goNextPage() {
if (moveflg) {
return false;
moveflg = true;
var index = $setThumbUl.children("").index();
var i = index + 1;
if (listCount <= i) {
i = 0;
$setThumbLi.css("background-color", "transparent").removeClass('active');
$setThumbLi.eq(i).addClass('active').css("background-color", ftcolor);
var leftp = -(listWidth) * (i);
if (roop) {
leftp = parseInt($setMainUl.css("left")) - listWidth;
$setMainUl.each(function() {
var ulw = parseInt($(this).css("width")) + listWidth * 2;
width: ulw
left: leftp
}, scrollSpeed, function() {
if (roop) {
$(targetli + ':first').remove();
$setMainUl.each(function() {
width: (listWidth) * (listCount + 1),
left: offsetL - listWidth
moveflg = false;
function goPrevPage() {
if (moveflg) {
return false;
moveflg = true;
var index = $setThumbUl.children("").index();
var i = index - 1;
if (i < 0) {
i = listCount - 1;
$setThumbLi.css("background-color", "transparent").removeClass('active');
$setThumbLi.eq(i).addClass('active').css("background-color", ftcolor);
var leftp = -(listWidth) * (i);
if (roop) {
leftp = parseInt($setMainUl.css("left")) + listWidth;
$setMainUl.each(function() {
var ulw = parseInt($(this).css("width")) + listWidth * 2;
width: ulw
left: leftp
}, scrollSpeed, function() {
if (roop) {
$(targetli + ':last').remove();
$setMainUl.each(function() {
width: (listWidth) * (listCount + 1),
left: offsetL - listWidth
moveflg = false;
$next.on("click", function() {
direction == 'natural' ? goPrevPage():goNextPage();
return false;
$prev.on("click", function() {
direction == 'natural' ? goNextPage():goPrevPage();
return false;
var autoPlay = function() {
autoPlayInterval = window.setInterval(function() {
if (!ssflg) {
}, changeSpeed);
$(window).bind("resize orientationchange", function() {
var ww = $setMainId.parent().width();
if(widthBreak == 'off'){
offsetL = ww-w > 0 ? ( ww-w )/2 : 0;
if (ww > w) {
ww = w;
var hh = h / (w / ww);
listWidth = ww;
if(widthBreak == 'off') {
$setMainId.css({height: hh});
} else {
$setMainId.css({width: ww,height: hh});
$setMainUl.each(function() {
width: (listWidth) * (listCount),
height: hh
width: ww,
height: hh
$(targetli + ' img').css({
maxWidth: ww,
maxHeight: hh
listWidth = ww;
leftMax = offsetL - ((listWidth) * ((listCount) - 1));
if (roop) {
$setMainUl.each(function() {
var ulw = parseInt($(this).css("width")) + listWidth;
width: ulw,
left: offsetL - listWidth
var imgSlideBlock = function(set) {
var l = set.t + ' ul li';
var ul = set.t + '>ul';
var lLen = $(l).length;
function ini() {
len = $(l).eq(0).width();
var myUlw = len * lLen;
$(ul).css("width", myUlw + 'px');
$(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() {
var snap = set.snap;
var overflow = set.overflow;
var touchable = false;
snap: snap,
overflow: overflow,
touchable: touchable,
duration: 1000,
onChange: function() {
var i = - 1;
if (i < 0) {
i = 0;
if ( == 1) {
$("#" + set.btn + "backbtn").css('display', 'none');
} else {
$("#" + set.btn + "backbtn").css('display', 'block');
if ( == lLen) {
$("#" + set.btn + "nextbtn").css('display', 'none');
} else {
$("#" + set.btn + "nextbtn").css('display', 'block');
var fsObj = $(set.t).flickSimple();
$("#" + set.btn + "nextbtn").off('click');
$("#" + set.btn + "nextbtn").on('click', function() {
return false;
$("#" + set.btn + "backbtn").off('click');
$("#" + set.btn + "backbtn").on('click', function() {
return false;
if ( == 1) {
$("#" + set.btn + "backbtn").css('display', 'none');
} else {
$("#" + set.btn + "backbtn").css('display', 'block');
if ( >= lLen) {
$("#" + set.btn + "nextbtn").css('display', 'none');
} else {
$("#" + set.btn + "nextbtn").css('display', 'block');
$(".item-detail-thumb-photo").click(function() {
var index = $(this).index();
fsObj.goTo(index + 1);
return false;
function changeFunc() {
if ( fsObj.startX !== null ) return;
fsObj.pageLength < ? fsObj.goTo(1) : fsObj.nextPage();
$(function() {
var btnHtml = $('.item-detail-cart-btn').html() + '<input type="submit" style="display:none;">';
// 繧ォ繝シ繝医�繧ソ繝ウ謚シ荳区凾蜃ヲ逅�
$('.raku-item-cart-action').on('click', '.raku-add-cart', function(event) {
var value = $('[name=itemQuantity]').val();
if (value == '' || isNaN(value) || Number(value) < 1 || Number(value) > 999) {
$(function() {
$('.login-btn').on('click', 'a', function(event) {
$(function() {
"use strict";
t: "#jq_item_photo_list",
btn: "jqitem-",
snap: "element",
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$(".item-detail-num-plus a").countUp();
$(".item-detail-num-minus a").countDown();
$(".item-detail-photo li").imgZoom();
$('input[type="number"]').on('input', function() {
if ($(this).val().length > $(this).attr('maxlength'))
$(this).val($(this).val().slice(0, $(this).attr('maxlength')));
$(document).ready(function() {
var cartAction = $(".raku-item-cart-action").html();
$("#btnKeyword").click(function(event) {
if (!$('input[name="searchWord"]').val()) {
if ($("#cms0002d02Form").length > 0) {
// 繝舌Μ繧ィ繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ螟画峩譎�
$("[name=variationId]").on('change', function(e) {
var variationId = $(this).val();
function refreshVariation(variationId) {
var data = {
variationId: variationId
url: '/getValiationData/',
type: 'GET',
async: false,
data: {
"data": JSON.stringify(data)
dataType: 'json',
cache: true,
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// var form = $("#cms0002d02Form");
// form.attr("action", "/timeout");
// form.submit();
success: function(data) {
if (data.timeoutError == 1) {
// var form = $("#cms0002d02Form");
// form.attr("action", "/timeout");
// form.submit();
$(".raku-item-photo-main").find("li:first").find("img").attr("src", data.mediaUrl);
$(".raku-item-thumb-photo:first").find("img").attr("src", data.mediaUrl);
if (data.mmbrPrice != null) {
} else {
if (data.normalPrice != null) {
} else {
if (data.stock != null) {
if (data.itmAttrDispTypeId == 1 || data.itmAttrDispTypeId == 2) {
} else {
if (data.stock === 0) {
$(".raku-item-cart-action").html("<div class='item-dtail-nostock'>蝨ィ蠎ォ蛻�l縺ョ縺溘a豕ィ譁�>縺溘□縺代∪縺帙s縲�</div>");
} else {
} else {
if (data.itemCd != null) {
} else {
if (data.jancode != null) {
} else {
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