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Forked from revmischa/
Created August 4, 2017 08:49
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Convert raw ANSI to IRC or HTML
# 4/18/2007
# convert an ANSI file to unicode, suitable for display in irssi/mirc or html
# usage: inputfile [-tc] [-o outputmode] [outputfile]
# -t = terminal output, no color
# -o = output mode, currently only html and irc supported, default is irc
# outputfile = filename to output to if html specified
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode qw (from_to encode _utf8_on _utf8_off);
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
my $COLS = 80;
my $esc = "\x1b";
*color2mirc_bg = \&color2mirc_fg;
my %ans2mircmap = (
30 => 1,
31 => 4,
32 => 9,
33 => 8,
34 => 12,
35 => 13,
36 => 11,
37 => 15,
40 => 1,
41 => 5,
42 => 3,
43 => 7,
44 => 2,
45 => 6,
46 => 10,
47 => 14,
# generate background colors
$ans2mircmap{49} = 1; # default is black not white for background color
my %mirc2colormap = (
0 => 'white',
1 => 'black',
2 => 'navy',
3 => 'green',
4 => 'red',
5 => 'brown',
6 => 'purple',
7 => 'olive',
8 => 'yellow', # dark yellow
9 => 'lime', # ltgreen
10 => 'teal',
11 => 'cyan',
12 => 'blue', # ltblue,
13 => 'fuchsia', # pink
14 => 'grey',
15 => 'lightgrey',
# extra mappings for high intensity colors to mirc
# normal -> high intensity colors (for ANSI 'bold')
my %color2mircmap;
@color2mircmap{values %mirc2colormap} = keys %mirc2colormap;
my $termout = 0;
my $output;
"termout|t" => \$termout,
"cols|c=i" => \$COLS,
"output|o=s" => \$output,
my $infilename = shift @ARGV;
die "Input filename required\n" unless $infilename;
my $infh;
open($infh, $infilename) or die "Could not open $infilename: $!\n";
my @map = ();
my @colormap = ();
my $row = 1;
my $col = 1;
my $temp_row = 1;
my $temp_col = 1;
my $linewrap;
while (my $ln = <$infh>) {
next unless $ln;
# filter out stuff we don't care about
$linewrap ||= $ln =~ s/$esc\[.?7h//g; # enable linewrap
# go through each character
my $idx = 0;
while ($ln) {
last if $idx >= length $ln;
my $c = substr($ln, $idx, 1);
if ($c eq $esc) {
# escape sequence, oh noes!
my $seq = substr($ln, $idx);
if ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d+)?C//) {
# move forward
$col += $1 || 1;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d+)?D//) {
# move back
if ($1 && $1 > 254) {
$col = 1;
} else {
$col -= $1 || 1;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d+)?A//) {
# move up
$row -= $1 || 1;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d+)?B//) {
# move down
$row += $1 || 1;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d+)?H//) {
# move to specific row
$row = $1;
$col = 1;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d+);(\d+)?H//) {
$row = $1;
$col = $2;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d+)m//) {
if ($1 == 0) {
# reset
$colormap[$row][$col] = {fgcolor => 'white', bgcolor => 'black'};
} elsif ($1 < 30) {
# ignore font/color attribute for now
} elsif ($1 >= 30 && $1 < 40) {
$colormap[$row][$col] = {fgcolor => ans2color($1)};
} elsif ($1 >= 40 && $1 < 50) {
$colormap[$row][$col] = {bgcolor => ans2color($1)};
} else {
print STDERR "Unknown ANSI color code: $1\n";
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d*);(\d*);?(\d*)m//) {
my $color_info = {};
my @attrs = ($1, $2, $3);
while (@attrs) {
my $attr = shift @attrs;
next if ! defined $attr || $attr eq '';
if ($attr == 0) {
# reset
$color_info = {fgcolor => 'white', bgcolor => 'black'};
} elsif ($attr < 30) {
if ($attr == 1) {
$color_info->{bold} = 1;
} elsif ($attr == 5) {
#print STDERR "Unhandled attribute $attr\n";
$color_info->{bgcolor} = 'grey';
# other color/text attribute. ignore for now.
} elsif ($attr < 40) {
# fg
if($1 == 5){
# blinking
$color_info->{bgcolor} = ans2color(47);
$color_info->{fgcolor} = ans2color($attr);
} elsif ($attr < 50) {
if($1 == 5){
# blinking
$color_info->{bgcolor} = ans2color(47);
$color_info->{bgcolor} = ans2color($attr);
} else {
print STDERR "Unrecognized ANSI color code: $attr\n";
# don't allow white on white text
$colormap[$row][$col] = $color_info;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[(\d*);(\d*);(\d*);?(\d*)m//) {
my $color_info = {};
my @attrs = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
my $force;
while (@attrs) {
my $attr = shift @attrs;
next if ! defined $attr || $attr eq '';
if ($attr == 0) {
# reset
$color_info = {fgcolor => 'white', bgcolor => 'black'};
} elsif ($attr < 30) {
if ($attr == 1) {
$color_info->{bold} = 1;
} elsif ($attr == 5) {
#print STDERR "Unhandled attribute $attr\n";
## $color_info->{bgcolor} = 'grey';
# other color/text attribute. ignore for now.
} elsif ($attr < 40) {
# fg
$color_info->{fgcolor} = ans2color($attr);
} elsif ($attr < 50) {
$color_info->{bgcolor} = ans2color($attr);
} elsif (! $force) {
print STDERR "Unrecognized ANSI color code: $attr\n";
# don't allow white on white text
$colormap[$row][$col] = $color_info;
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[2J//) {
# erase display and reset cursor... okay
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[u//) {
} elsif ($seq =~ s/^\[s//) {
$col = 1;
} else {
print STDERR "Unrecognized ANSI escape sequence, chunk='" .
substr($seq, 0, 7) . "'\n";
# change the rest of $ln past $idx to $seq
substr($ln, $idx) = $seq;
} elsif ($c eq "\n") {
#print "line break\n";
$col = 1;
} elsif ($c eq "\r") {
#$col = 1;
$col = 1;
} else {
# otherwise it's a normal char
# print "Char: " . ord($c) ." ";
cp437_to_unicode(\$c) if ord($c) > 127;
$map[$row][$col] = $c;
if ($col >= $COLS) {
# linewrap
$col = $col % $COLS;
close $infh;
############ OUTPUT ##############
my $outfilename = shift @ARGV;
my $output_fh;
if ($outfilename) {
open($output_fh, ">$outfilename") or die "Could not write to file $outfilename: $!\n";
} else {
open($output_fh, ">&=", STDOUT);
if ($output && $output eq 'html') {
} elsif (! $output || $output eq 'irc') {
# default
close $output_fh;
sub html_output {
print $output_fh qq {<table style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 11px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">} . "\n";
my $rows = $row;
my $last_style = '';
my ($fgcolor, $bgcolor);
my $color_info = {fgcolor => 'white', bgcolor => 'black'};
for ($row = 0; $row <= $rows; $row++) {
print $output_fh '<tr bgcolor="black">';
for ($col = 0; $col < $COLS; $col++) {
my $c = $map[$row][$col];
if ($colormap[$row][$col]) {
foreach my $attr (qw/ fgcolor bgcolor bold /) {
next unless my $newattr = $colormap[$row][$col]->{$attr};
$color_info->{$attr} = $newattr;
$fgcolor = $color_info->{fgcolor} if $color_info->{fgcolor};
$bgcolor = $color_info->{bgcolor} if $color_info->{bgcolor};
if ($color_info->{bold}) {
# bold really doesn't mean bold, it means use the high-intensity version of the color
$fgcolor = color_hi($fgcolor);
my $char_uni_html = '';
my ($td_fgcolor, $td_bgcolor);
# look up $c's unicode value
if (! defined $c) {
# no char, make this a blank cell
$bgcolor = '#000';
$char_uni_html = '&nbsp;';
} elsif ($c eq ' ') {
# turn space into nbsp
$char_uni_html = '&nbsp;';
} else {
# convert char to unicode
$char_uni_html = '&#' . ord($c) . ';';
$td_fgcolor ||= qq{ style="color: $fgcolor"};
$td_bgcolor ||= qq{ bgcolor="$bgcolor"};
$td_bgcolor = '' if $bgcolor eq '#000' || $bgcolor eq 'black';
print $output_fh "<td$td_bgcolor$td_fgcolor>$char_uni_html</td>";
print $output_fh "</tr>\n";
print $output_fh "</table>\n";
sub irc_output {
my $rows = $row;
my $lastcolor;
my $ret;
my $last_c;
$ret .= colorinfo2mirc({fgcolor => "white", bgcolor => "black"});
my $color_info;
my $mirc_color;
my $last_color;
for ($row = 1; $row <= $rows; $row++) {
for ($col = 1; $col < $COLS; $col++) {
if ($colormap[$row][$col]) {
foreach my $attr (qw/ fgcolor bgcolor bold /) {
my $newattr = $colormap[$row][$col]->{$attr};
next unless defined $newattr;
$color_info->{$attr} = $newattr;
my $c = $map[$row][$col];
if (defined $c) {
$mirc_color = colorinfo2mirc($color_info);
# print out new color code if we have a new color
if (($mirc_color && ! $last_color) || ($last_color && $mirc_color && $mirc_color ne $last_color)){
$ret .= "$mirc_color";
$last_color = $mirc_color;
# output char
$ret .= $c;
} else {
if(defined $last_c){
$ret .= colorinfo2mirc({fgcolor => "white", bgcolor => "black"});
$last_color = colorinfo2mirc({fgcolor => "white", bgcolor => "black"});
$ret .= " ";
$ret .= " ";
$last_c = $c;
$ret .= "\n";
# new line, keep last color
$ret .= "$last_color" if $last_color;
# dont output utf8 to irssi/whatever, it won't be happy
my @lines = split("\n", $ret);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if(length($line)+45 > 450){
$line = substr $line,1,400;
if($line =~ s/ //){
print $output_fh "$line\n";
select undef, undef, undef, 0.05;
# takes strref
sub cp437_to_unicode {
my $strref = shift;
from_to($$strref, "IBM437", "utf8");
my $mapped = Encode::encode_utf8($$strref);
$strref = \$mapped;
# fix perl's gay mapping
$$strref =~ s/\x{004}/\x{2666}/g;
# returns the high-intensity version of this color, if available
sub color2mirc_fg {
my $color = shift;
return $color2mircmap{$color};
sub colorinfo2mirc {
my $color = shift;
my $fgcolor = $color->{fgcolor};
my $bgcolor = $color->{bgcolor};
# return '' if $termout;
return '' unless $fgcolor || $bgcolor;
my $fg = $fgcolor ? color2mirc_fg($fgcolor) : '';
my $bg = $bgcolor ? color2mirc_bg($bgcolor) : '';
#print "ansi fg: $fgcolor irc: $fg";
#print "ansi bg: $bgcolor irc: $bg";
#$fg = color2mirc_fg($fgcolor) if $fgcolor && $color->{bold};
return "\033[1m$fgcolor;$bgcolor;m" if $termout;
if ($bg) {
$fg ||= 0;
if ($fgcolor && defined $color->{bold}){
return "\002\003$fg,$bg";
return "\003$fg,$bg";
return "\003$fg";
sub ans2color {
my $ans = shift;
return '' unless $ans;
my $mirc_color = $ans2mircmap{$ans};
return '' unless defined $mirc_color;
return $mirc2colormap{$mirc_color};
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Depends heavily on the length of the channel's name + nick name + host + ident + real name.

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